WoW Capital Cities Reputation Boost

On this page of our site, you can buy a reputation boost for WoW Horde and Alliance cities, delivered by our team of expert PvE players in EU and US official servers. Gain access to prestigious rewards, including city-specific mounts, tabards, and heritage armor sets. Getting Exalted with each World of Warcraft capital can be grindy, and in this category we offer a reliable solution. Choose a city rep boosting service from this category now, and let Gamingcy save you countless hours of reputation farming.

- Amazing Mount & Achievement
- Totally Customisable Boost
- Exalted Level Available

- Access to new Transmogs
- Rep Level Upgrade to Exalted
- Turn-key Boost by PRO Gamer
WoW Capital Cities Rep Boosting Overview
A WoW Capital Cities Reputation Boost is a service provided by Gamingcy's professional players to increase your standing with the major faction cities in World of Warcraft, such as Stormwind, Orgrimmar, Ironforge, and others. Account sharing is required.
This boosting allows our customers to quickly gain access to unique rewards, including special mounts and tabards, most of which require the Exalted rank. It's an effective way to bypass the lengthy grind, saving time and allowing you to enjoy the game.
You can buy a reputation boost for the following Capital Cities in World of Warcraft:
- Stormwind (Alliance): The human capital, offering the Steed mounts, Stormwind Tabard, and other human-themed xmogs.
- Orgrimmar (Horde): The orc capital, providing the Wolf mounts of different colors, Orgrimmar Tabard, and orc-themed transmogrification gear.
- Ironforge (Alliance): The dwarven capital, offering the Ram mounts, Ironforge Tabard, and dwarven xmogs.
- Darkspear Trolls (Horde): Offering several Raptor mounts at Exalted rank, Darkspear Tabard, and troll-themed items.
- Exodar (Alliance): The Draenei capital, providing the Exodar Elekks, Exodar Tabard, and Draenei-themed items.
- Silvermoon City (Horde): The Blood Elf capital, offering the Hawkstriders, Silvermoon City Tabard, and thematic transmogs.
- Tushui Pandaren (Alliance) / Huojin Pandaren (Horde): Representing the Alliance and Horde allegiances of the Pandaren, offering unique Pandaren-themed items and 12x Turtle mounts.
- Darnassus (Alliance): The Night Elf capital, offering 6x Nightsaber mounts, Darnassus Tabard, and Night Elf-themed gear.
- Undercity (Horde): The Undead capital, providing the Undercity 3x Warhorse and 4x Skeletal mounts, Undercity Tabard, and Forsaken-themed items.
- Gnomeregan (Alliance): Offering various Mechanostriders at Exalted standing, Gnomeregan Tabard, and gnome-themed gear.
- Thunder Bluff (Horde): The Tauren capital, offering 6 Kodo mounts of different colors, Thunder Bluff Tabard, and Tauren-themed items.
- Gilneas (Alliance): Represents the Worgen of Gilneas, offering Worgen-themed transmogs, 2x Mountain Horse mounts and possibly contributing to the Gilneas reputation through the Worgen racial storyline.
- Bilgewater Cartel (Horde): Represents the Goblins of the Bilgewater Cartel, offering Goblin-themed items and the Goblin Trike mount.
Why Choose Gamingcy
- Quick to Start: We begin your WoW Capital Cities rep boost fast, saving your time.
- Safe and Secure: With 'Hide-my-boost' tech or VPN, your account stays protected.
- Affordable: Tailor your WoW Vanilla rep boost to fit your goals and progress.
- Great Rewards: Avoid the grind and access new exclusive items.
Our reviews
How it works:
- Make an Order: Pick a Capital city faction, choose the desired reputation rank, and order.
- Contact us: Our team will get in touch with you via email, Skype, or Discord.
- Account Sharing: To complete the Horde/Alliance city rep boost, we need access to your account. Our expert gamer will do all the tasks required.
- Rewards Time: Once completed, we inform you. Now, get your city-specific items from vendors.
- Trustpilot Review: Tell us how it went. If there are any problems or questions, we're here to help 24/7.