Vault of the Incarnates Carry

Vault of the Incarnates carry is a range of services in the first WoW Dragonflight raid, allowing you to complete it or its parts with our PvE guilds with self-play. You will play your character during the runs. Buy Vault of the Incarnates carries at Gamingcy and get new Awakened gear, achievements, and mounts hassle-free. Forget about the annoying LFG waiting and wipes: book your slot in our online schedule now, and join a fast raid run tonight
In WoW Dragonflight Season 4, you can buy Awakened Vault of the Incarnates Boost. It’s an amazing opportunity to get up to 515 from Heroic and up to 528 ilvl gear from Mythic difficulty, while VoTI is a weekly-featured raid. Check out Vault of the Incarnates boosting offers below, configure your run, and explore this ancient Titan fortress with Gamingcy!

- Express Group Loot Runs
- Bundle deal: 20% cheaper then buying separately!

- Pick which Heroic/Mythic bosses you want to kill
- Cheap boost: save your money!

- Dragonriding Customization
- 2% Drop Chance
- Get it with a guarantee
Vault of the Incarnates Boosting Services Overview
Vault of the Incarnates Boost implies fast professional runs through this Dragonflight raid, allowing you to kill its 8 bosses with one of our PvE guilds in Normal, Heroic, or Mythic mode. Let’s explore the variety of Gamingcy’s offers within this category.
- Vault of the Incarnates Normal: we’re selling super-fast runs starting almost every hour, allowing you to get 493-502 item-level gear and Awakened Storms achievement.
- Vault of the Incarnates Heroic: the most popular option, a true golden middle, where you can receive the most prestigious achievements, like Ahead of the Curve: Raszageth the Storm-Eater, 493-502 ilvl drops, and many other amazing rewards, including the Heroic: Awakened Storms in Season 4.
- VoTI Normal + Heroic Bundle: completing this Awakened raid on both NM and HC difficulties grants you an amazing opportunity to get more weekly loot (super-useful when you’re gathering pieces for the set bonus), so we made this advantageous offer. Buying this package, you get a Normal boost with a 50% discount!
- Vault of the Incarnates Mythic: the most hardcore mode within this PvE instance, where you can get 519-528 ilvl drops in the Awakened mode, BIS items like Seal of Diurna's Chosen or Conjured Chillglobe. You can also still get the Gleaming Incarnate Thunderstone appearance rewarded for the Mythic: Raszageth the Storm-Eater. It’s also one of the requirements for getting Mythic: Awakening the Dragonflight Raids to unlock raid Teleports: Path of the Primal Prison, Path of the Bitter Legacy, and Path of the Scorching Dream.
- Raszageth, the Storm Eater: defeat the last boss in VoTI with our PRO-gamers. You can choose from Normal and Heroic options. Get a fast summon, and try your luck to get the most powerful raid drops for your class (including the Awakened Tempostone), via Group loot.
- Specific Vault of the Incarnates Bosses: if you need to complete just particular encounters (may be useful when you’re hunting specific items from the raid), this service is for you. It’s an amazing way to save your money and try your luck in a group loot mode.
- VoTI Achievements runs: get the Glory of the Vault Raider meta and the Raging Magmammoth mount.
- Full Gear boost: this option allows you to get the full set for your class with a guarantee. We’ll farm the Vault of the Incarnates on the required difficulty (Normal or HC) until you get all the parts required for a complete set.
- We offer 2 boosting methods in Vault of the Incarnates:
- Selfplay (carry): you will play your character during the VoTI boost. We’ll explain how it works in more detail below.
- Account Sharing (piloted): if you don’t have time to participate in a raid run, chat with our support team, and request our expert gamer to play your character during the order execution.
Awakened Vault of the Incarnates Carries Explained
Awakened Vault of the Incarnates Carry is a self-played service that allows you to complete the VoTI raid with our expert gamers while it’s a weekly-featured raid with improved rewards in WoW Dragonflight Season 4. This is the best way to explore this content and farm its powerful drops, and it implies 100% security for your account. We offer our WoW VoTI carry on Normal, Heroic, and Mythic modes.
99% of the runs that we sell are done with self-play. Honestly, we’re big fans of this boosting method, as it is a truly top-tier service allowing our customers to:
- Get Much Fun: You’ll actively participate in defeating bosses alongside our team.
- Be 100% Safe: No account sharing is needed, eliminating risks associated with the piloted services.
- Learn from the best: Get hands-on experience with raid mechanics and farm new gear, which we’ll explore below.
Awakened Vault of the Incarnates, which is on a rotation in Dragonflight Season 4, offers the following drops:
Difficulty: | Bosses 1-7 | Last Boss |
Normal ilvl: | 493 | 502 |
Heroic ilvl: | 506 | 515 |
Mythic ilvl: | 519 | 528 |
Our reviews
Awakened Vault of the Incarnates Raid Overview
Dragonflight Season 4 doesn’t offer a new raid: instead, it offers to re-experience VoTI, AtSC, and AtDH raids with increased difficulty (because of the newly added affix) and improved rewards.
Vault of the Incarnates’ Awakened version appears once in 3 weeks: to simplify the process of checking which instance is on a rotation now, we’ve added a banner to our WoW carries page. Keep abreast, and never miss super-powerful rewards for your class with Gamingcy!
VoTI Raid Location: since Dragonflight Season 1, nothing has changed, and you can still find the entrance to the Vault of the Incarnates raid right east of Tyrhold in Thaldraszus. There's a flight master close by, so don't forget to talk to him once you discover the entrance for easy future access. However, during our boosts, we always summon our customers.
There are 8 bosses in Vault of the Incarnates:
- Eranog;
- Terros;
- The Primal Council;
- Sennarth;
- Dathea, Ascended;
- Kurog Grimtotem;
- Broodkeeper Diurna;
- Raszageth.
Exclusive Vault of the Incarnates Awakened Rewards: in Dragonflight Season 4, VoTI raid is one of the requirements for unlocking the Awakening the Dragonflight Raids meta-achievement, and the Voyaging Wilderling's Harness. You will also have a chance to receive Scale of Awakening allowing you to upgrade your Nasz'uro, the Unbound Legacy and Fyr'alath the Dreamrender.
Of course, Vault of the Incarnates’ unique drops are also still obtainable but with an increased item level:
Type: | Item: | Source: |
Ring | Seal of Diurna's Chosen | Eranog |
Bow | Neltharax, Enemy of the Sky | Raszageth the Storm-Eater |
Trinket | Whispering Incarnate Icon | The Primal Council |
Ring | Seal of Filial Duty | Broodkeeper Diurna |
If I buy Vault of the Incarnates carry, do I have to know raid tactics?
No, when you purchase a VotI carry from our site, you don't need to be an expert on boss mechanics or worry about meeting specific item-level requirements. Our Vault of the Incarnates raiding team will lead you through the challenges, guaranteeing a seamless and victorious run. This service is ideal for players aiming to gain insight into high-end Season 4 gameplay and get top-tier rewards.
How long does Awakened Vault of the Incarnates boost take?
The time it takes to complete your Vault of the Incarnates boost varies depending on the difficulty level you select and the point in the content phase at which you purchase. At the beginning of Season 4, it might take a bit longer to carry out the VoTI run as our teams are still optimizing their gear. On average, Normal and Heroic runs are completed within 1-2 hours, while Mythic raids could extend up to 3 hours.
How does the Group Loot work during the Awakened VoTI raid runs?
In every Vault of the Incarnates run, participants have the option to roll on loot, choosing from three preferences: Need, Greed, or Pass. A Need roll will always win over Greed or Pass. Our raiders never roll Need on loot, ensuring that you will only compete with other customers for drops.
Why choose Gamingcy?
Because we are an experienced and reputable company committed to offering the best boosting available in the market. We can begin any order with incredible speed (providing Vault of the Incarnates runs almost every hour), and we work with premier PvE guilds across both EU and US regions. With our 24/7 human support, we are dedicated to exceeding your expectations and ensuring 100% satisfaction with your carry!
WoW VoTI Raid Boost: How it works
- Configure Your Carry: Check out the Vault of the Incarnates raid boosting services, choose the difficulty, configure you in our store, pick the run time through the online scheduling module.
- Make an Order: press the "Add to Cart" button, proceed through the intuitive steps, and pay via ApplePay, GooglePay, Visa, MasterCard, or Crypto.
- Contact us: We'll get in touch (via Discord, Email, or Skype) to confirm your order and give further instructions.
- Be Ready: Stay reachable for your scheduled boost time. We'll invite you and summon you to WoW VoTI instance.
- Enjoy the Raid: Just follow our team and make sure to attach each boss at least once. We'll take care of the tough parts.
- Trustpilot Review: Liked the carry? Feedback would be great. It helps us and guides others.