Glory of the Dominant Raider Boost

On this page of Gamingcy, you can buy Glory of the Dominant Raider boost in World of Warcraft. We provide this service on all EU and US WoW Retail servers.
Purchasing the Glory of the Dominant Raider Boosting from Gamingcy is the fastest and easiest way for you to unlock the Bracer of Hrestimorak Shadowlands mount. We offer Sanctum of Domination raid runs provided by our experienced World of Warcraft PvE statics. We guarantee that you will unlock all necessary achievements. Any WoW gold or additional rewards from SoD (you can use them for your transmog ideas) that you receive during the carry will also be yours to keep.
Quick Summary:
This service is customizable.
Account Sharing (piloted) option:
- Our skilled player will log in to your character and finish all necessary tasks.
- For maximum safety, we'll either use a premium VPN or implement our unique Hide My Boost feature to match your IP address.
Self-played option:
- Our experienced raiders will carry you through the encounters and help you unlock various Sanctum of Domination achievements, explaining the strategies when necessary.
ETA: 2-3 hours
WoW Glory of the Dominant Raider Achievement Overview
Glory of the Dominant Raider requires the completion of 10 achievements in Sanctum of Domination. This PvE instance was released in Patch 9.1: Chains of Domination on July 6, 2021. It allows you to unlock the Bracer of Hrestimorak account-wide ground mount and grants you 125 achievement points.
Here's a list of requirements:
- Name A Better Duo, I'll Wait: Defeat The Tarragrue after entering the mists and reuniting Moriaz with Buttons.
- Eye Wish You Were Here: Kill the Eye of the Jailer after using the Scavenged S.E.L.F.I.E. Camera to take a picture of the Eye of the Jailer and the entire raid after it has cast Immediate Extermination.
- To the Nines: Defeat The Nine after forming a Shard of Destiny from 9 or more Fragments of Destiny.
- Tormentor's Tango: Kill Soulrender Dormazain after /taunting Garrosh Hellscream before combat begins and avoiding all Torment impacts.
- I Used to Bullseye Deeprun Rats Back Home: Defeat the Remnant of Ner'zhul after scoring three goals.
- Whack-A-Soul: Defeat Painsmith Raznal after activating the Burning Gibbets.
- Knowledge is Power: Kill the Guardian of the First Ones after enlightening and defeating Vazzaren the Seeker.
- Flawless Fate: Defeat Fatescribe Roh-Kalo without taking damage from Fate Fragments, Fated Conjunction, or the explosions from Call of Eternity and Echo of Eternity.
- Together Forever: Kill Kel'Thuzad after thawing the Remnant's heart.
- This World is a Prism: Defeat Sylvanas Windrunner after activating the Focusing Prism.
Glory of the Dominant Raider Boosting: How it works
- Make an order: Add the Glory of the Dominant Raider boost to your cart and complete the purchase using Visa, Mastercard, or Crypto.
- Chat with us: Contact our support through Discord (our tag is Gamingcy), Skype, or Email right after your purchase.
- Schedule: Discuss the most convenient time for your boost or start with the next available group.
- The Process:
- Piloted option: Our experienced gamer will securely complete the Glory of the Dominant Raider and get the Bracer of Hrestimorak playing your character.
- Selfplayed (carry) option: You'll team up with our pros in-game. They'll summon you to the Sanctum of Domination and guide you through the bosses and unlock the necessary achievements for the SoD Glory mount.
- Congratulations: Once the order is completed, our 24/7 support will promptly notify you.
- Review: We appreciate your feedback! Please take a moment to rate us on Trustpilot based on your experience.
Average starting time: 1-3 days
Average execution time: 2-3 hours
Rewards you will get:
- Glory of the Dominant Raider meta-achievement and all SoD raid achievements required for its unlocking;
- Hand of Hrestimorak account-wide mount;
- Sanctum of Domination raid completed in Normal Mode.
Options available:
- Selfplay: you will play your character yourself with a group of our professional player(s).
- Account sharing: an experienced player will securely log into your account and do all the work for you.
Requirements + Important notes:
- 70 level character in EU or US server
Bosses will be killed in the following order:
- The Tarragrue
- Eye of the Jailer
- The Nine
- Remnant of Ner'zhul
- Soulrender Dormazain
- Painsmith Raznal
- Guardian of the First Ones
- Fatescribe Roh-Kalo
- Kel'Thuzad
- Sylvanas Windrunner