
Best DPS Weapons in Destiny 2

The landscape of Destiny 2’s boss damage potential is ever-shifting, influenced by the dynamic game meta and continuous updates from Bungie. This evolution keeps D2 Lightfall engaging, introducing fresh content, balance tweaks, and weapon alterations that make each season unique. Consequently, the prime weapons for boss defeat can change from one season to the next.

icon In this ever-changing Destiny 2, players must be adaptable and informed about the latest modifications to maximize their boss’s damage output. Guardians continuously experiment with various weapon types, armor combinations, and subclass abilities to uncover the most efficient strategies for tackling raids, strikes, or formidable bosses.

icon Ultimately, the best boss damage-dealing weapons in Destiny 2 will harmonize seamlessly with the prevailing strategies and tactics of the moment. Guardians who remain vigilant, adaptable, and engaged with the Destiny 2 community will be well-prepared to complete the game’s evolving challenges, no matter how they transform.

icon The meta in Destiny 2 Episode 3 Heresy favors Rocket Launchers and Linear Fusion Rifles for most boss encounters, with Swords and Grenade Launchers being situational. Exotics like Gjallarhorn and Ergo Sum remain top-tier choices for team-based and close-range DPS, respectively.

Cold Comfort: Top-10

Cold Comfort

Weapon Name Cold Comfort
Weapon Type Rocket Launcher Rocket Launcher
Tier Rank PvE: Tier-S S-Tier
PvP: Tier-B B-Tier
Slot Stasis Stasis
Ammo Heavy Heavy
Archetype Aggressive Frame
Rarity Legendary
Is this weapon worth farming? Yes, Cold Comfort is one of the best Stasis Rocket Launchers this season. Its unique perk pool, especially in PvE, makes it a top-tier choice for damage dealing in endgame activities.
How to get it? Drops from any encounter in the Ghosts of the Deep dungeon. It can also drop from the secret chests within the dungeon. The dungeon is farmable, so repeat runs can increase your chances of getting it.
PvE God Roll Barrel: Volatile Launch
Magazine: Alloy Casing
Trait 1: Envious Assassin
Trait 2: Bait and Switch
Masterwork: Handling
Mod: Boss Spec
Explanation: This roll maximizes damage and sustainability with Bait and Switch for a 35% damage boost and Envious Assassin for additional rockets in the magazine, allowing for a high DPS output.
In PvE, Cold Comfort shines with Bait and Switch for increased damage and Envious Assassin for more rockets in the magazine, making it highly effective for boss damage phases.
PvP God Roll Barrel: Volatile Launch
Magazine: Black Powder
Trait 1: Tracking Module
Trait 2: Cluster Bomb
Masterwork: Blast Radius
Mod: Targeting Adjuster
Explanation: For PvP, increasing blast radius is key. Tracking Module ensures accuracy, and Cluster Bomb spreads damage to multiple enemies, making it effective in heavy ammo fights.
In PvP, Tracking Module and Cluster Bomb help secure kills with accurate shots and spread damage, making it a solid heavy weapon option.

Succession: Top-9


Weapon Name Succession
Weapon Type Sniper Rifle Sniper Rifle
Tier Rank PvE: Tier-S S-Tier
PvP: Tier-S S-Tier
Slot Kinetic Kinetic
Ammo Special Special
Archetype Aggressive
Rarity Legendary
Is this weapon worth farming? High Damage: Succession has a high damage output per shot, making it effective for taking down both champions and bosses in PvE.

Versatile Perks: It can roll with perks like Reconstruction and Recombination, which are highly valued for their ability to increase damage and utility.

PvP Viability: In PvP, Succession can be a best choice with perks like Moving Target and Snapshot Sights, making it competitive in the Crucible

How to Get it It can be obtained from Deep Stone Crypt raid.
PvE God Roll Barrel: Fluted Barrel – Increases handling, range, and stability.
Magazine: Extended Mag – Adds an extra bullet to the magazine, which is beneficial for the perks.
Perk 1: Reconstruction – Reloads the weapon every 4 seconds and can overfill it up to double the magazine’s capacity.
Perk 2: Recombination – Buffs the next shot after a precision kill, making it more powerful.
Masterwork: Handling – Further increases the weapon’s handling.
PvP God Roll Barrel: Fluted Barrel – Increases handling, range, and stability.
Magazine: Accurized Rounds – Improves range and stability.
Perk 1: Moving Target – Increases stability while moving and hip-firing.
Perk 2: Snapshot Sights – Reduces the time it takes to go from aiming down sights to firing.
Masterwork: Handling – Further increases the weapon’s handling.

Watchful Eye: Meta Episode Heresy MG

Watchful Eye

Weapon Name: Watchful Eye
Weapon Type: Machine Gun Machine Gun
Tier Rank: PvE: Tier-S S-Tier
PvP: Tier-S S-Tier
Slot: Arc Arc
Ammo: Heavy Heavy
Archetype: Aggressive
Rarity: Legendary
What Makes it a Meta Weapon? PvE: Watchful Eye is excellent in PvE due to perks like Overflow or Field Prep for ammo management, and damage-enhancing perks like Jolting Feedback, Killing Tally, or Rolling Storm.
PvP: Watchful Eye is S-tier in PvP, with strong consistency perks like Dynamic Sway Reduction and damage perks like Sword Logic, making it a reliable heavy weapon.
How to Get it? Obtained as a reward from The Nether upon completion or from random chests in the area.
Use the Wombo Detector Ghost mod to efficiently find chests.
Can be focused at the Tome of Want using Scriptures for an additional cost.
PvE God Roll: Barrel: Fluted Barrel (boosts Handling)
Magazine: High-Caliber Rounds (stagger) or Ricochet Rounds (Stability)
Perk 1: Overflow or Field Prep (ammo management)
Perk 2: Jolting Feedback (damage) or Killing Tally/Rolling Storm
Masterwork: Range
Origin Trait: Willing Vessel
PvP God Roll: Barrel: Smallbore (boosts Stability)
Magazine: High-Caliber Rounds (flinch) or Ricochet Rounds (Stability)
Perk 1: Dynamic Sway Reduction (accuracy)
Perk 2: Sword Logic (20% damage bonus on kill)
Masterwork: Stability
Origin Trait: Willing Vessel

Izanagi’s Burden: Top-7

Izanagi’s Burden

Weapon Name: Izanagi’s Burden
Weapon Type: Sniper Rifle Sniper Rifle
Tier Rank: PvE: Tier-S S-Tier
PvP: Tier-S S-Tier
Slot: Kinetic Kinetic
Ammo: Special Special
Rarity: Exotic
What Makes it a Meta Weapon? Izanagi’s Burden is a powerful Exotic Sniper Rifle in Destiny 2 TFS Episode 3 Heresy, introduced in the Black Armory expansion. It is known for its unique ability, Honed Edge, which allows the weapon to fire all four bullets from a full magazine at once, making it very effective in both PvE and PvP.
How to Get it? To get Izanagi’s Burden, players can visit the Monument to Lost Lights in the Tower and enter the group called “Forsaken Exotics” with the required currencies and materials.
  • Barrel: Chambered Compensator
  • Magazine: Accurized Rounds
  • Trait: No Distractions
  • Stock: Composite Stock
  • Masterwork: Izanagi’s Burden Catalyst

Bequest: Top-6


Weapon Name Bequest
Weapon Type Sword Sword
Tier Rank PvE: Tier-S S-Tier
PvP: Tier-C  C-Tier
Slot Heavy Heavy
Ammo Arc Arc
Archetype Adaptive
Rarity Legendary
Is this weapon worth farming? Bequest is an Adaptive Frame Arc sword with an incredibly high Impact stat, making it one of the best swords for high-damage PvE encounters. It is particularly effective for one-phasing Crota in the Crota’s End raid, surpassing even Exotic swords like The Lament. However, it is not a top-tier choice for PvP due to the impracticality of swords in Crucible.
How to Get it Source: Deep Stone Crypt (DSC) Raid, specifically from the final encounter.
Farming Tip: Wait until DSC is the weekly featured raid for increased drop chances. You can also use checkpoint bots to target the final encounter.
Crafting: Bequest is craftable. Collect 5 Deepsight versions of the weapon to unlock its pattern, then shape it at the Enclave.
PvE God Roll Blade: Jagged Edge (increases damage at the cost of ammo)
Guard: Swordmaster’s Guard (improves charge rate for stunned targets)
Perk 1: Relentless Strikes (returns ammo after 3 light attacks)
Perk 2: Surrounded (increases damage when 3+ enemies are nearby)
Masterwork: Impact (maximizes damage output)
PvP God Roll Blade: Honed Edge (damage boost without penalties)
Guard: Burst Guard (increases resistance)
Perk 1: Tireless Blade (returns ammo on kills)
Perk 2: Assassin’s Blade (increases movement speed and damage after kills)
Masterwork: Impact

Scintillation: Top-5


Weapon Name: Scintillation
Weapon Type: Linear Fusion Rifle Linear Fusion Rifle
Tier Rank: PvE: Tier-S S-Tier
PvP: Tier-B B-Tier
Slot: Strand Strand
Ammo: Heavy Heavy
Archetype: Adaptive Burst
Rarity: Legendary
What Makes it a Meta Weapon? Scintillation is considered a meta weapon in PvE due to its exceptional damage output, ammo efficiency, and versatility in endgame content.

Its unique perk combination, particularly Rewind Rounds and Bait and Switch, allows it to sustain high DPS (damage per second) while conserving heavy ammo, a critical factor in boss encounters and high-level activities.

The Strand element also adds utility, enabling synergy with Strand-based builds and subclass fragments.

Additionally, its Adaptive Frame archetype provides a balanced mix of charge time and impact, making it reliable in various scenarios.

While heavy Linear Fusion Rifles (LFRs) face competition from rocket launchers and grenade launchers, Scintillation stands out as one of the best LFRs in the Destiny 2 TFS Episode 3, especially for players who prefer precision-based heavy weapons.

How to Get it? Scintillation is part of the Nightfall: The Ordeals loot pool. It follows the Nightfall loot rotation and only appears once every few weeks. After obtaining your first copy, you can purchase additional copies from Zavala in the Tower.
PvE God Roll:
  • Barrel: Fluted Barrel
  • Battery: Ionized Battery
  • Perk 1: Rewind Rounds (or Envious Assassin)
  • Perk 2: Bait and Switch (or Surrounded)
  • Masterwork: Handling
PvP God Roll:
  • Barrel: Arrowhead Brake
  • Battery: Accelerated Coils
  • Perk 1: Rapid Hit
  • Perk 2: Hatchling
  • Masterwork: Stability

Apex Predator: Top-4

Apex Predator

Weapon Name: Apex Predator
Weapon Type: Rocket Launcher Rocket Launcher
Tier Rank: PvE: Tier-S S-Tier
PvP: Tier-B B-Tier
Slot: Solar Solar
Ammo: Heavy Heavy
Archetype: Adaptive
Rarity: Legendary
What Makes it a Meta Weapon? Apex Predator is a highly sought-after weapon, particularly due to its perk pool. This legendary rocket launcher is praised for its effectiveness in PvE activities. The Apex Predator has the potential to roll with Reconstruction, a perk that quickly reloads the weapon from reserves after a kill, making it highly effective in boss fights. Additionally, its solar damage type can synergize well with certain subclasses and mods, further enhancing its utility.
How to Get it? To acquire the Apex Predator, you can farm any encounter within the Last Wish raid, with the first encounter being the easiest to farm. You can increase your chances by completing all encounters of the Last Wish raid, as the weapon drops from any encounter or secret chests in the raid.
PvE God Roll:
  • Barrel: Quick Launch
  • Magazine: Impact Casing
  • Perk 1: Reconstruction
  • Perk 2: Bait and Switch or Explosive Light
  • Masterwork: Handling
PvP God Roll:
  • Barrel: Smart Drift Control
  • Magazine: High-Velocity Rounds
  • Perk 1: Tracking Module or Reconstruction
  • Perk 2: Collective Action or Vorpal Weapon
  • Masterwork: Reload Speed or Velocity

Cataclysmic: Top-3


Weapon Name Cataclysmic
Weapon Type   Linear Fusion Rifle Linear Fusion Rifle
Tier Rank PvE: Tier-S S-Tier
PvP: Tier-C C-Tier
Slot Solar Solar
Ammo Heavy Heavy
Archetype Precision
Rarity Legendary
Is this weapon worth farming? Cataclysmic is one of the best Linear Fusion Rifles available, but Linear Fusion Rifles simply aren’t the meta pick for DPS, which, naturally, makes Cataclysmic weaker.
How to Get it Drops from the Acquisition and Caretaker encounters.
Purchase from the Raid Cache after defeating Rhulk for 20 Spoils of Conquest (first purchase each week is a guaranteed red border version).
Recommended to farm the Caretaker encounter for drops.
PvE God Roll Barrel: Fluted Barrel (Handling)
Battery: Enhanced Battery (increases magazine size)
Perk 1: Fourth Time’s the Charm (improves ammo economy)
Perk 2: Bait and Switch (35% damage bonus)
Masterwork: Handling (faster weapon swaps)
PvP God Roll Barrel: HitMark HCS (Range and Handling)
Battery: High-Caliber Rounds or Ricochet Rounds (Range and Stability)
Perk 1: Rangefinder or Perpetual Motion (Range and Handling)
Perk 2: Moving Target or Kill Clip (Aim assist or damage boost)
Masterwork: Range (improves consistency)

Ergo Sum: Top-2

Ergo Sum

Weapon Name: Ergo Sum
Weapon Type: Sword Sword
Tier Rank: PvE: Tier-S S-Tier
PvP: Tier-B B-Tier
Slot: Kinetic Energy
Ammo: Heavy Heavy
Rarity: Legendary
What Makes it a Meta Weapon? Ergo Sum is a unique weapon in Destiny 2 TFS Episode 3 as it is a Special Ammunition Sword sitting in the energy slot. This alone makes it quite strong, as having a Heavy weapon-style Exotic as a Special Weapon is incredibly powerful.

In PvE, Ergo Sum’s main use is boosting other Swords’ damage, and it can deal incredibly high damage with the right rolls.

In PvP, it is more of a ‘gimmick’ weapon, but it can still be fun and effective if used correctly.

How to Get it? To get Ergo Sum, you must complete The Final Shape campaign and then the ‘Destined Heroes’ questline. After unlocking it, random rolls for the weapon can be farmed by completing the Pale Heart Pathfinder (limited to two times per week) and farming the Grandmaster Excision quest.
PvE God Roll:
  • Blade: Jagged Edge
  • Guard: Swordmaster’s Guard
  • Frame: Lightweight
  • Exotic Trait: Wolfpack Rounds or The Perfect Fifth
PvP God Roll:
  • Blade: Hungry Edge
  • Guard: Swordmaster’s Guard
  • Frame: Wave Sword
  • Exotic Trait: Arc Conductor

Gjallarhorn: Top-1


Weapon Name: Gjallarhorn
Weapon Type: Rocket Launcher Rocket Launcher
Tier Rank: PvE: Tier-S S-Tier
PvP: Tier-S S-Tier
Slot: Solar Solar
Ammo: Heavy Heavy
Rarity: Legendary
What Makes it a Meta Weapon? It is a highly sought-after Exotic rocket launcher in Destiny 2 TFS Episode Heresy, known for its Wolfpack Round perk that causes rounds fired to split into tracking cluster missiles upon detonation. This makes it a great heavy weapon option in both PvE and PvP, as it can easily secure kills and deal damage to groups of enemies.
How to Get it? To get it, players need to complete the “And Out Fly the Wolves” quest, which can be started by speaking to Xur in the Treasure Hoard location. This quest involves completing the Grasp of Avarice dungeon and other tasks such as collecting Wolfpack Rounds and assembling the weapon parts.
  • Barrel: Volatile Launch
  • Magazine: Alloy Casing
  • Origin Trait: Pack Hunter
  • Trait: Short-Action Stock
  • Masterwork: Gjallarhorn Catalyst


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