
WoW PvP Tier List: The War Within Season 2

PvP in World of Warcraft, like in many other MMORPGs, is one of the most appealing aspects of gameplay for many players. Choosing the best class and composition for the current season can make a huge difference for PvPers. That’s why we’ve created this guide — it’s simple for us to write and update, but it will save you months of time and a lot of frustration.

icon From this article, you’ll find the most up-to-date information about:

icon While creating this guide, we have been consulting with our Gladiator and Rank-1 teams to create really useful and relevant tier lists that will give you the edge you need to succeed in PvP in World of Warcraft The War Within Season 2.

The War Within PvP Tier List: Melee DPS

The War Within PvP Tier List: Melee DPS

icon Melee DPS classes in World of Warcraft are those that excel in close combat, dealing damage to enemies within a short range. In PvP, they rely on mobility, positioning, and timing to defeat their opponents. Most melee DPS classes must stay close to their target, making positioning and movement key in PvP.

It’s also crucial (generally speaking, same as for all other character types) to use your crowd control abilities right to stun, slow down, blind, disarm, etc. your opponent at the right moment.

And, of course, giving high DPS (which on 70% depends, on if you’re in melee range from your opponent or not), good burst, and knowing the strong and weak points of your character are the cornerstones of success.

icon Below is our melee DPS classes tier list for Arenas and RBGs in WoW TWW Season 2.

Melee DPS Tier List: Arena

Class Spec Hero Talents Tier
Monk Monk Monk Windwalker Windwalker Conduit of the Celestials Conduit of the Celestials Tier-S S
Druid Druid Druid Feral Feral Wildstalker Wildstalker
Warrior Warrior Warrior Fury Fury Mountain Thane Mountain Thane
Demon Hunter Demon Hunter Demon Hunter Havoc Havoc Aldrachi Reaver Aldrachi Reaver
Rogue Rogue Rogue Assassination Assassination Deathstalker Deathstalker
Death Knight Death Knight Death Knight Unholy Unholy Rider of the Apocalypse Rider of the Apocalypse
Warrior Warrior Warrior Arms Arms Slayer Slayer Tier-A A
Paladin Paladin Paladin Retribution Retribution Herald of the Sun Herald of the Sun
Rogue Rogue Rogue Outlaw Outlaw Trickster Trickster
Death Knight Death Knight Death Knight Frost Frost Rider of the Apocalypse Rider of the Apocalypse
Shaman Shaman Shaman Enhancement Enhancement Totemic Totemic Tier-B B
Rogue Rogue Rogue Subtlety Subtlety Deathstalker Deathstalker
Hunter Hunter Hunter Survival Survival Sentinel Sentinel

Melee DPS Tier List: RBG

Class Spec Hero Talents Tier
Rogue Rogue Rogue Assassination Assassination Deathstalker Deathstalker Tier-S S
Warrior Warrior Warrior Arms Arms Slayer Slayer
Demon Hunter Demon Hunter Demon Hunter Havoc Havoc Fel-scarred Fel-scarred
Rogue Rogue Rogue Subtlety Subtlety Trickster Trickster
Paladin Paladin Paladin Retribution Retribution Herald of the Sun Herald of the Sun Tier-A A
Warrior Warrior Warrior Fury Fury Mountain Thane Mountain Thane
Death Knight Death Knight Death Knight Unholy Unholy Rider of the Apocalypse Rider of the Apocalypse
Druid Druid Druid Feral Feral Wildstalker Wildstalker
Rogue Rogue Rogue Outlaw Outlaw Trickster Trickster
Death Knight Death Knight Death Knight Frost Frost Rider of the Apocalypse Rider of the Apocalypse
Shaman Shaman Shaman Enhancement Enhancement Stormbringer Stormbringer Tier-B B
Monk Monk Monk Windwalker Windwalker Conduit of the Celestials Conduit of the Celestials
Hunter Hunter Hunter Survival Survival Sentinel Sentinel

The War Within PvP Tier List: Ranged DPS

The War Within PvP Tier List: Ranged DPS

icon Ranged DPS classes in World of Warcraft The War Within focus on dealing damage from a distance, using spells or ranged weapons to keep themselves out of melee combat. In PvP, they rely on positioning and maintaining distance from opponents while dealing consistent damage. Most ranged DPS classes use crowd control abilities like roots, silences, and slows to keep enemies at bay and prevent them from closing the gap. High DPS and good burst potential are key to success, as well as knowing when to kite or reposition to avoid being caught in melee range. As usual, understanding your class’s strengths and weaknesses is essential for dominating PvP matches.

icon Below is our Ranged DPS classes tier list for Arenas and RBGs in WoW TWW Season 2.

Ranged DPS Tier List: Arena

Class Spec Hero Talents Tier
Priest Priest Priest Shadow Shadow Voidweaver Voidweaver Tier-S S
Mage Mage Mage Frost Frost Frostfire Frostfire
Hunter Hunter Hunter Beast Mastery Beast Mastery Pack Leader Pack Leader
Warlock Warlock Warlock Affliction Affliction Soul Harvester Soul Harvester
Druid Druid Druid Balance Balance Keeper of the Grove Keeper of the Grove
Warlock Warlock Warlock Destruction Destruction Hellcaller Hellcaller
Hunter Hunter Hunter Marksmanship Marksmanship Sentinel Sentinel Tier-A A
Evoker Evoker Evoker Devastation Devastation Scalecommander Scalecommander
Warlock Warlock Warlock Demonology Demonology Soul Harvester Soul Harvester
Shaman Shaman Shaman Elemental Elemental Farseer Farseer
Mage Mage Mage Arcane Arcane Spellslinger Spellslinger
Mage Mage Mage Fire Fire Frostfire Frostfire Tier-B B
Evoker Evoker Evoker Augmentation Augmentation Scalecommander Scalecommander

Ranged DPS Tier List: RBG

Class Spec Hero Talents Tier
Druid Druid Druid Balance Balance Keeper of the Grove Keeper of the Grove Tier-S S
Hunter Hunter Hunter Marksmanship Marksmanship Sentinel Sentinel
Mage Mage Mage Fire Fire Frostfire Frostfire
Warlock Warlock Warlock Affliction Affliction Soul Harvester Soul Harvester
Mage Mage Mage Frost Frost Frostfire Frostfire
Evoker Evoker Evoker Devastation Devastation Scalecommander Scalecommander
Priest Priest Priest Shadow Shadow Voidweaver Voidweaver Tier-A A
Shaman Shaman Shaman Elemental Elemental Farseer Farseer
Warlock Warlock Warlock Destruction Destruction Hellcaller Hellcaller
Mage Mage Mage Arcane Arcane Spellslinger Spellslinger
Hunter Hunter Hunter Beast Mastery Beast Mastery Dark Ranger Dark Ranged
Warlock Warlock Warlock Demonology Demonology Diabolist Diabolist Tier-B B
Evoker Evoker Evoker Augmentation Augmentation Scalecommander Scalecommander

WoW TWW PvP Tier List: Healers

WoW TWW PvP Tier List: Healers

icon Healers in World of Warcraft’s The War Within PvP play a crucial role by keeping themselves and their teammates alive during combat. In my opinion, the expression “Good healer is 50% of the 3v3 team in PvP” is 100% right.

You will need to rely on positioning, strategic vision of what’s happening during the match (keeping your teammates in your sight and doing your best to avoid crowd control from the enemy team), and timing to ensure you can heal effectively. Most healers use abilities to dispel harmful effects, provide shields, and restore health, while also managing crowd control to keep themselves and their team safe. Knowing when to move, when to heal, and when to use cooldowns can make or break a PvP match.

icon Below is our Healer classes tier list in WoW TWW Season 2.

The Best Arena Healers (Tier List)

Class Spec Hero Talents Tier
Priest Priest Priest Discipline Discipline Oracle Oracle Tier-S S
Shaman Shaman Shaman Restoration Restoration Farseer Farseer
Paladin Paladin Paladin Holy Holy Herald of The Sun Herald of The Sun
Lightsmith Lightsmith
Tier-A A
Evoker Evoker Evoker Preservation Preservation Chronowarden Chronowarden
Monk Monk Monk Mistweaver Mistweaver Master of Harmony Master of Harmony Tier-B B
Druid Druid Druid Restoration Restoration Keeper of the Grove Keeper of the Grove
Priest Priest Priest Holy Holy Oracle Oracle
Archon Archon
Tier-C C

The Best RBG Healers (Tier List)

Class Spec Hero Talents Tier
Monk Monk Monk Mistweaver Mistweaver Master of Harmony Master of Harmony Tier-S S
Priest Priest Priest Discipline Discipline Oracle Oracle
Evoker Evoker Evoker Preservation Preservation Chronowarden Chronowarden Tier-A A
Priest Priest Priest Holy Holy Oracle Oracle
Shaman Shaman Shaman Restoration Restoration Totemic Totemic Tier-B B
Druid Druid Druid Restoration Restoration Keeper of the Grove Keeper of the Grove
Paladin Paladin Paladin Holy Holy Herald of The Sun Herald of The Sun Tier-C C

WoW TWW PvP Tier List: Tanks

WoW TWW PvP Tier List: Tanks

icon Tanks in World of Warcraft PvP play a unique role by absorbing damage, protecting teammates, and controlling the battlefield. While not as common in Arena as DPS or healers (thus there are many interesting comps with them), tanks can be must-have teammates in Rated Battlegrounds (for example, to carry a flag in Arathi Basin or to keep an orb in the Temple of Kotmogu).

Their main responsibilities include soaking up damage, disrupting enemy players, and using crowd control to support their team. Positioning and knowing when to use defensive cooldowns are critical for a tank’s success in PvP.

icon Below is our Tank classes tier list in TWW Season 2 for Arenas and RBGs.

The Best Arena Tanks (Tier List)

Class Spec Hero Talents Tier
Paladin Paladin Paladin Protection Protection Templar Templar Tier-S S
Warrior Warrior Warrior Protection Protection Colossus Colossus
Mountain Thane Mountain Thane
Tier-A A
Druid Druid Druid Guardian Guardian Elune's Chosen Elune’s Chosen
Demon Hunter Demon Hunter Demon Hunter Vengeance Vengeance Fel-Scarred Fel-Scarred Tier-B B
Death Knight Death Knight Death Knight Blood Blood Deathbringer Deathbringer
Monk Monk Monk Brewmaster Brewmaster Master of Harmony Master of Harmony Tier-C C

The Best RBG Tanks (Tier List)

Class Spec Hero Talents Tier
Druid Druid Druid Guardian Guardian Elune's Chosen Elune’s Chosen
Druid of the Claw Druid of the Claw
Tier-S S
Demon Hunter Demon Hunter Demon Hunter Vengeance Vengeance Fel-Scarred Fel-Scarred Tier-A A
Paladin Paladin Paladin Protection Protection Templar Templar
Warrior Warrior Warrior Protection Protection Colossus Colossus
Mountain Thane Mountain Thane
Tier-B B
Monk Monk Monk Brewmaster Brewmaster Master of Harmony Master of Harmony
Death Knight Death Knight Death Knight Blood Blood Deathbringer Deathbringer Tier-C C

3v3 Arena Comps Tier List (TWW Season 2)

3v3 Arena Comps Tier List (TWW Season 1)

icon One of the reasons, why WoW PvP is still so popular is because it’s decently balanced (in most seasons), it’s easy to learn but hard to master. It usually takes from several months to several years to understand all nuances of your character, his class, and your opponent’s classes, and grow your skill to the level, when arenas and battlegrounds become a place, where you enjoy and dominate instead of a place where you suffer and never win.

However, it would be wrong to say that all depends exclusively on your and your teammate’s skill in World of Warcraft. There’s always a so-called PvP meta: a class, team comp, and tactics that allow one player to have a real advantage over others just because he’s playing the right character.

icon Here are the best WoW 3v3 Arena comps in The War Within Season 2:

Comp Tier Representation Above 1800 Description
Rogue Subtley Sub Rogue
Mage Fire Fire Mage
Priest Holy Holy Priest
Tier-S S 6% Known as “RMP,” this comp excels in burst damage and crowd control, but requires precise execution to reset fights and secure kills.
Paladin Retribution Retri Paladin
Warrior Fury Fury Warrior
Priest Discipline Disc Priest
8.9% High burst damage with strong utility and defensives from the Paladin. It is a predictable but potent comp with high kill pressure.
Hunter Survival Surv Hunter
Druid Feral Feral Druid
Priest Discipline Disc Priest
Tier-A A 3.6% A variant of “Jungle Cleave,” this comp has excellent crowd control and high cleave damage, making it versatile but not superior in any specific area.
Demon Hunter Havoc Havoc DH
Druid Balance Balance Druid
Shaman Restoration Resto Shaman
2.8% Known as “DH Boomkin,” this comp delivers strong AOE and single-target damage with significant crowd control, though coordination is required to manage diminishing returns.
Demon Hunter Havoc Havoc DH
Death Knight Unholy Unholy DK
Shaman Restoration Resto Shaman
2.5% “Hero Cleave” relies on relentless pressure with powerful cleave damage and crowd control, but its defenses are weak outside of cooldowns.

2v2 Arena Comps Tier List (TWW Season 2)

2v2 Arena Comps Tier List (TWW Season 1)

icon Knowing the current PvP tier list for both classes and comps (especially for 2v2, because there are way less combinations there than in 3s or RBGs) is essential for any player:

  • On one hand, it helps you choose the right character to play during the current Arena season.
  • On the other hand, it gives you insight into what to expect from your opponents.

Blizzard regularly updates WoW, striving to keep the game balanced and diverse. These updates often lead to new meta-classes, overpowered 3v3/2v2/RBG comps, and may even encourage you to reroll.

icon Here’s WoW 2v2 Arena comps tier list in The War Within Season 2:

Comp Tier Description
Warrior Arms Arms Warrior
Druid Restoration Resto Druid
Tier-S S Arms Warriors bring strong consistent pressure and survivability, complemented by Resto Druid’s potent healing and crowd control, excelling in drawn-out fights.
Warrior Fury Fury Warrior
Druid Restoration Resto Druid
Fury Warriors’ high burst damage pairs well with Resto Druid’s efficient healing, creating a comp that can quickly overwhelm opponents while staying resilient.
Rogue Assassination Assassin Rogue
Priest Discipline Disc Priest
Assassination Rogues provide lethal burst and bleed pressure, while Disc Priests offer utility, mitigation, and healing, making this comp a dynamic and deadly pair.
Death Knight Unholy Unholy DK
Priest Discipline Disc Priest
Unholy DKs provide relentless sustained damage, supported by Disc Priest’s versatile healing and offensive support, creating a comp that controls the battlefield.
Shaman Enhancement Enhan Shaman
Rogue Subtley Sub Rogue
Tier-A A Enhancement Shamans bring sustained damage while Sub Rogues offer burst potential and crowd control, making this comp capable of quick kills when timed properly.
Warlock Destruction Destr Warlock
Shaman Restoration Resto Shaman
Destruction Warlocks deal massive spell damage, while Resto Shamans offer strong healing and crowd control, creating a powerful combination of offense and defense.
Druid Feral Feral Druid
Shaman Restoration Resto Shaman
Feral Druids’ bleed damage and mobility work well with Resto Shaman’s healing and utility, creating a comp that can wear down opponents with sustained pressure.
Hunter Survival Survival Hunter
Priest Discipline Disc Priest
Survival Hunters provide steady damage and control with traps, supported by Disc Priests’ healing and offensive utility, resulting in a versatile and adaptive comp.
Mage Frost Frost Mage
Tier-B B Frost Mages offer strong crowd control and occasional burst damage, but recent nerfs make them less effective without consistent support from a healer.
Hunter Survival Survival Hunter
Steady damage and utility make this comp reliable, but it lacks the burst potential needed to quickly finish off opponents compared to other top-tier comps.
Druid Feral Feral Druid
Feral Druids bring strong bleed damage and crowd control, but struggle in the current burst-heavy meta, relying heavily on coordination to secure kills.


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