
Vault of the Incarnates Raid Guide: Entrance, Rewards, Bosses

Vault of the Incarnates is the first raid in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. It came out on December 12, 2023, and is still a great place to get cool items like transmogs, mounts, and collectibles. The raid is located in eastern Thaldraszus and has eight bosses, including Raszageth. Each boss drops unique armor, weapons, and achievements.

icon In this guide, we’ll explain:

icon Whether you’re after farming cosmetics or want to try soloing, this guide will help you get the most out of Vault of the Incarnates in WoW Retail.

Vault of the Incarnates Entrance and Subregions

Entrance and Subregions

Vault of the Incarnates is found in the eastern region of Thaldraszus in Dragonflight. To get there, fly to Thaldraszus and use the flight path to the raid entrance, located at coordinates 73.14, 55.60, close to a flight point.

When you arrive, go to the large fortress and walk through the main gates. Inside, you’ll explore different zones as you battle your way to the last boss, Raszageth.

icon Here are the key areas inside Vault of the Incarnates:

  • The Primal Bulwark,
  • The Elemental Conclave,
  • Galewind Crag,
  • The Vault Approach,
  • Iceskitter Hollow,
  • The Clutchwarren,
  • The Primal Convergence,
  • Vault of the Incarnates.

Each zone has its own challenges and bosses, which we’ll summarize next.

Vault of the Incarnates Bosses Overview

Bosses Overview

Vault of the Incarnates is a primal-focused raid in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. Players take on Raszageth and her army in Thaldraszus. The raid features eight bosses, each connected to elemental themes. You’ll start with Eranog, a fierce commander, and end with Raszageth, who controls storms and lightning. The fights vary from teamwork-heavy battles like The Primal Council to high-damage challenges against Terros, a massive earth elemental. The final fight with Raszageth is a fast-paced clash where players must survive her storm powers and stop her ritual to prevent disaster for Azeroth.

icon Next, we’ll break down the boss fights and the loot they drop.

Can You Solo Vault of the Incarnates in The War Within?

Can You Solo in The War Within

Farming Vault of the Incarnates solo in The War Within is a solid way to collect transmog gear, mounts, pets, and achievements. While older raids are simpler to solo thanks to better gear and scaling, some bosses in Vault of the Incarnates have tricky mechanics that can make things tough. This guide breaks down how to solo each boss, including the best classes to use, key strategies, and when to pop Bloodlust or Thunderous Drums for an edge.



Eranog is the first boss in Vault of the Incarnates, featuring a repeating Phase 1 and Intermission every 90 seconds. In Phase 1, tanks must manage Burning Wound stacks, while the raid handles Flamerift and Molten Spikes. During Intermission, focus on killing a Primal Flame to create a safe gap in the Army of Flame. Use Bloodlust/Drums during Intermission or the final burn phase for optimal damage. Heroic is mechanically identical but with higher damage and health.

icon Preferred Classes:

  • Tanks: Classes with strong mitigation and self-healing (e.g., Death Knight Blood Blood DK, Paladin Protection Protection Paladin).
  • Healers: Classes with strong raid-wide healing and dispels (e.g., Priest Holy Holy Priest, Shaman Restoration Restoration Shaman).
  • DPS: Classes with strong cleave/AOE damage (e.g., Demon Hunter Havoc Havoc DH, Death Knight Frost Frost DK, Mage Fire Fire Mage).


icon Strategy:

  • Phase 1:
  • Intermission:
    • Focus on killing a single Primal Flame to create a safe path.
    • Healers should prioritize raid-wide healing during Pulsing Flames.
  • Heroic Difficulty: Mechanically identical to Normal, but with increased damage and health pools.

icon Bloodlust/Drums: during the Intermission to quickly kill Primal Flames and create a safe gap.

icon Eranog loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Flametender’s Legwraps Legs
Leather Valdrakken Protector’s Turncoat Chest
Mail Eranog’s Adorned Sallet Head
Plate Scaldrons of Molten Might Shoulder
Any Recipe: Potion Absorption Inhibitor Alchemy Recipe
Elemental Codex of Ultimate Power Alchemy Recipe
Plans: Allied Chestplate of Generosity Blacksmithing Plans
Plans: Allied Wristguard of Companionship Blacksmithing Plans
Decorated Commander’s Cindercloak Cloak
Searing Blazecaster Crossbow
Schematic: Ol’ Smoky Engineering Schematic
Design: Choker of Shielding Jewelcrafting Design
Pattern: Wind Spirit’s Lasso Leatherworking Pattern
Pattern: Old Spirit’s Wristwraps Leatherworking Pattern
Pattern: Scale Rein Grips Leatherworking Pattern
Pattern: String of Spiritual Knick-Knacks Leatherworking Pattern
Seal of Diurna’s Chosen Ring
Flame Marshal’s Bulwark Shield
Pattern: Allied Wristguards of Time Dilation Tailoring Pattern
Pattern: Blue Dragon Soles Tailoring Pattern
Pattern: Bronzed Grip Wrappings Tailoring Pattern
Decoration of Flame Trinket



Terros is the second boss in Vault of the Incarnates, a stationary encounter with mechanics like Rock Blast (requires raid soaking), Awakened Earth (pillars to destroy), and Resonating Annihilation (limits room space over time). The raid must move clockwise/counterclockwise after each Resonating Annihilation cast to avoid being cut off. Use Bloodlust/Drums early or during the final phase for maximum damage. Heroic adds Fractured Rubble, further restricting space, but the core strategy remains the same.

icon Preferred Classes:

  • Tanks: Classes with strong mitigation and mobility (e.g., Paladin Protection Protection Paladin, Druid Guardian Guardian Druid).
  • Healers: Classes with strong AoE healing and cooldowns (e.g., Shaman Restoration Restoration Shaman, Priest Holy Holy Priest).
  • DPS: Classes with strong Burst damage and mobility (e.g., Demon Hunter Havoc Havoc Demon Hunter, Mage Fire Fire Mage).


  • Positioning:
    • Stay stacked as a raid to make soaking Rock Blast easier.
    • Move clockwise or counterclockwise after each Resonating Annihilation cast.
    • Avoid moving into a new quadrant too early, as it can cause Terros to skip a quadrant.
  • Rock Blast:
    • At least half the raid should help soak the damage.
    • Players targeted by Awakened Earth should still help soak but avoid cleaving others.
  • Awakened Earth:
    • Group pillars together for efficient destruction with Concussive Slam.
    • Use healing cooldowns when pillars are shattered.
  • Resonating Annihilation:
    • Use movement abilities (e.g., Demonic Gateway, Stampeding Roar) to avoid the cast.
    • Ensure the raid moves to the next quadrant immediately after the cast.

icon Strategy:

icon Bloodlust/Drums: On pull.

icon Terros loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Compressed Cultist’s Frock Chest
Leather Fused Shale Waistband Waist
Mail Faultline Mantle Shoulder
Plate Gaze of the Living Quarry Head
Any Terros’s Captive Core Amulet
Enduring Shard of Terros Dagger
Awakened Planar Pillar Staff
Quake-Detecting Seismostaff Staff
Rumbling Ruby Trinket

The Primal Council

The Primal Council

The Primal Council in Vault of the Incarnates is a four-boss encounter where each boss represents an element (Earth, Fire, Ice, Electricity). Key mechanics involve using boss abilities to counter each other, such as clearing Conductive Mark with Earthen Pillars or dousing Scorched Ground with Primal Blizzard. Tanks must stack bosses for cleave damage, while the raid spreads to handle mechanics like Meteor Axes and Primal Blizzard. Use Bloodlust/Drums at the start or during the final phase when bosses begin dying and Convocation ramps up damage.

icon Preferred Classes:

  • Tanks: Two tanks are required. One tank should handle Opalfang (Earth) and Embar Firepath (Fire), while the other takes Kadros Icewrath (Ice) and Dathea Stormlash (Electricity).
  • DPS: Classes with strong cleave/AoE damage are ideal due to the need to damage multiple bosses simultaneously.
  • Healers: Healers must manage high raid-wide damage, especially during overlapping mechanics like Meteor Axes and Primal Blizzard.


icon Strategy:

icon Bloodlust/Drums: On pull.

icon The Primal Council loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Councilor’s Terrormask Head
Leather Twisted Loam Spaulders Shoulder
Mail Embar’s Ashen Hauberk Chest
Plate Opalfang’s Earthbound Legguards Legs
Any Icewrath’s Channeling Conduit Off-hand
Maul of the Earthshaper 1H Mace
Conjured Chillglobe Trinket
Whispering Incarnate Icon Trinket
Imbued Qalashi Crusher 2H Mace

Sennarth, the Cold Breath


Sennarth, the Cold Breath is the 4th boss in Vault of the Incarnates, focusing on surviving her ledge-pulling and web-encasing mechanics while ascending platforms. Key mechanics include spreading for Chilling Blast, using Sticky Webbing to counter Gossamer Burst, and managing adds like the Frostbreath Arachnid. In Phase 2, interrupt Apex of Ice, drop Glacial Plumes at the edges, and use Caustic Spiderlings to free webbed players.

icon Preferred Classes:

  • Tanks: Classes with strong mobility and survivability (e.g., Paladin Protection Protection Paladin, Druid Guardian Guardian Druid).
  • Healers: Classes with strong AoE healing and dispels (e.g., Druid Restoration Restoration Druid, Priest Holy Holy Priest).
  • DPS: Ranged DPS are preferred due to mechanics like Chilling Blast and Gossamer Burst, but melee DPS can also perform well with proper positioning.


  • Positioning:
  • Add Management:
    • Keep the Frostbreath Arachnid (add) on the right side of the boss, facing away from the raid.
  • Phase Transition:
  • Heroic Difficulty:
    • Wrapped in Webs stuns players for 30 seconds instead of slowing them. Ensure Caustic Spiderlings are killed on top of webbed players to free them.

icon Strategy:

  • Phase 1: Platform Ascension
  • Phase 2: Final Platform
    • Apex of Ice: Interrupt Sennarth once the raid is on the final platform.
    • Glacial Plume: Drop debuffs near the edges to create a safe lane in the center.
    • Suffocating Webs: Targeted players should stand near the tank to avoid being knocked off.
    • Caustic Spiderlings: Use them to free webbed players.

icon Bloodlust/Drums: at the start of Phase 2 (final platform).

icon Sennarth loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Chilled Silken Restraints Back
Leather Ice-Climber’s Cleats Wrist
Mail Unnatural Dripstone Cinch Waist
Plate Diamond-Etched Gauntlets Hands
Any Elemental Codex of Ultimate Power Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Potion Absorption Inhibitor Alchemy Recipe
Plans: Allied Wristguard of Companionship Blacksmithing Plans
Acid-Proof Webbing Cloak
Schematic: Ol’ Smoky Engineering Schematic
Design: Choker of Shielding Jewelcrafting Design
Pattern: String of Spiritual Knick-Knacks Leatherworking Pattern
Pattern: Wind Spirit’s Lasso Leatherworking Pattern
Pattern: Old Spirit’s Wristwraps Leatherworking Pattern
Frostbreath Thumper 1H Mace
Caustic Coldsteel Slicer 1H Sword
Pattern: Allied Wristguards of Time Dilation Tailoring Pattern
Pattern: Blue Dragon Soles Tailoring Pattern
Pattern: Bronzed Grip Wrappings Tailoring Pattern
Iceblood Deathsnare Trinket

Dathea, Ascended

Dathea, Ascended

Dathea, the fifth boss in Vault of the Incarnates, is a master of storms, utilizing winds, tornadoes, and knockbacks. This boss drops Tier Set tokens for hands and the Eye of the Vengeful Hurricane. The fight involves managing Conductive Mark spread damage, avoiding Raging Tempests, and handling Cyclone knockbacks, with specific strategies for Heroic difficulty, such as splitting the raid to deal with Thunder Callers on a separate platform.

icon Preferred Classes:

  • Tanks: Demon Hunter Demon Hunters and Warrior Warriors excel due to mobility for handling Zephyr Slam knockbacks.
  • Healers: Classes with strong AoE healing (e.g., Druid Restoration Restoration Druid, Priest Holy Holy Priest) to manage Conductive Mark spread damage.
  • DPS: Ranged DPS preferred for easier positioning; melee must be cautious of Raging Tempests and Cyclone.


  1. Spread Positioning: Stay loosely spread to avoid chaining Conductive Mark.
  2. Raging Tempests: Watch for their paths and avoid standing in their way to prevent knockbacks.
  3. Cyclone: Stay out of melee range during this ability to avoid being knocked into the air.
  4. Volatile Infusers: Kill one quickly, position near it for Blowback, then repeat for the second.
  5. Heroic Difficulty: Split the raid to handle Thunder Callers on a separate platform.

icon Strategy:

  • Phase 1 (First 80 Seconds):
  • Phase 2 (Volatile Infusers):
  • Heroic Changes:
    • Split raid to handle Thunder Callers on a side platform.
    • Use Blowback to move between platforms.

icon Bloodlust/Drums: during the Volatile Infuser phase.

icon Dathea loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Ascended Squallspires Shoulder
Leather Windborne Hatsuburi Head
Mail Daring Chasm-Leapers Feet
Plate Dathea’s Cyclonic Cage Chest
Any Elemental Codex of Ultimate Power Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Potion Absorption Inhibitor Alchemy Recipe
Eye of the Vengeful Hurricane Amulet
Plans: Allied Wristguard of Companionship Blacksmithing Plans
Schematic: Ol’ Smoky Engineering Schematic
Design: Choker of Shielding Jewelcrafting Design
Pattern: Old Spirit’s Wristwraps Leatherworking Pattern
Pattern: Wind Spirit’s Lasso Leatherworking Pattern
Pattern: String of Spiritual Knick-Knacks Leatherworking Pattern
Pattern: Scale Rein Grips Leatherworking Pattern
Scepter of Drastic Measures 1H Mace
Pattern: Allied Wristguards of Time Dilation Tailoring Pattern
Pattern: Blue Dragon Soles Tailoring Pattern
Pattern: Bronzed Grip Wrappings Tailoring Pattern
Storm-Eater’s Boon Trinket
Infused Stormglaives Warglaive

Kurog Grimtotem

Kurog Grimtotem

Kurog Grimtotem is a boss encounter in the Vault of the Incarnates raid in World of Warcraft. This fight is unique because the boss’s abilities change depending on which part of the encounter area he is in. The room is split into five sections, with the outside four sections being split equally into Flame, Frost, Earth, and Storm. The center section is an elemental convergence where the boss will jump to during the intermission, but he cannot be tanked in the center during the regular phases due to quickly ramping raid damage.

icon Preferred Classes:

  • Tanks: Classes with strong mitigation and mobility to handle tank busters like Sundering Strike.
  • Healers: Classes with strong AoE healing and cooldowns to manage raid-wide damage from elemental mechanics.
  • DPS: Classes with high Burst damage for add phases and consistent DPS for boss damage. Ranged DPS are particularly useful for handling spread mechanics like Lightning Crash.


  • Positioning:
    • Tanks should position the boss near walls to minimize knockback from Sundering Strike.
    • Ranged and melee should adjust positioning based on the active altar (e.g., stack for Frost, spread for Storm).
  • Elemental Dominance:
    • Rotate through altars to manage Dominance stacks and minimize raid damage.
    • Ideal rotation: Frost → Flame → Storm → Earth → Flame (final phase).
  • Intermissions:
    • Focus priority adds: Frozen Destroyer (Intermission 1) and Thundering Ravager (Intermission 2).
    • Use raid cooldowns during high-damage phases like Freezing Tempest and Lethal Current.

icon Strategy:

Phase 1:


Phase 3:

  • Return to Altar of Flame (lowest damage altar).
  • Repeat mechanics from Phase 1.

icon Bloodlust/Drums: during Phase 3 (final phase).

icon Kurog loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Magatha’s Spiritual Sash Waist
Leather Treacherous Totem Wraps Hands
Mail Surging-Song Conductors Wrist
Plate Kurog’s Thunderhooves Feet
Any Fist of the Grand Summoner Fist Weapon
Scripture of Primal Devotion Off-hand
Awak’mani, Grimtotem’s Legacy Polearm
All-Totem of the Master Trinket
Controlled Current Technique Trinket

Broodkeeper Diurna

Broodkeeper Diurna

Broodkeeper Diurna is the 7th boss in Vault of the Incarnates, focusing on egg destruction and add management. In Phase 1, use Greatstaff’s Wrath to shatter eggs and keep adds away from the boss to avoid buffs. In Phase 2, tank the boss in the center, shatter remaining eggs, and handle increased damage from Empowered Greatstaff’s Wrath. Use Bloodlust/Drums in Phase 2 for maximum DPS, especially on Heroic and Mythic difficulty where mechanics and damage are intensified.

icon Preferred Classes:

  • Tanks: Classes with strong survivability and mobility to handle tank swaps and add management.
  • Healers: Classes with strong AoE healing and dispels (e.g., Druid Restoration Restoration Druid, Priest Holy Holy Priest).
  • DPS: Classes with strong AoE and cleave damage (e.g., Mage Frost Frost Mage, Demon Hunter Havoc Havoc Demon Hunter, Death Knight Unholy Unholy Death Knight).
  • Utility: Classes with interrupts, dispels, and mobility are highly valuable.


icon Strategy:

  • Phase 1:
    • Boss Positioning: Move the boss along a predetermined path to avoid overlapping with adds.
    • Egg Destruction: Use Greatstaff’s Wrath to shatter eggs marked by Rapid Incubation.
    • Add Management: Assign a tank, healers, and DPS to handle adds. Keep adds away from the boss to avoid Broodkeeper’s Bond.
    • Key Mechanics:
    • Icy Shroud: Use dispels or healing cooldowns to mitigate damage.
    • Wildfire: Spread out to avoid cleaving nearby players.
  • Phase 2:
    • Boss Positioning: Tank the boss in the center of the room.
    • Eggs: Ensure all eggs are shattered before focusing on the boss.
    • Empowered Greatstaff’s Wrath: Random players will be targeted by beams; spread out to minimize damage.
    • Damage Increase: The boss gains a stacking 15% damage increase every 30 seconds, so burn her down quickly.

icon Bloodlust/Drums: at the start of Phase 2.

icon Broodkeeper Diurna loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Eggtender’s Safety Mitts Hands
Leather Loyal Flametender’s Bracers Wrist
Mail Tassets of the Tarasek Legion Legs
Plate Matriarch’s Opulent Girdle Waist
Any Elemental Codex of Ultimate Power Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Potion Absorption Inhibitor Alchemy Recipe
Plans: Allied Chestplate of Generosity Blacksmithing Plans
Plans: Allied Wristguard of Companionship Blacksmithing Plans
Ornamental Drakonid Claw Dagger
Schematic: Ol’ Smoky Engineering Schematic
Design: Choker of Shielding Jewelcrafting Design
Pattern: Scale Rein Grips Leatherworking Pattern
Pattern: Old Spirit’s Wristwraps Leatherworking Pattern
Pattern: Wind Spirit’s Lasso Leatherworking Pattern
Pattern: String of Spiritual Knick-Knacks Leatherworking Pattern
Seal of Filial Duty Ring
Broodsworn Legionnaire’s Pavise Shield
Kharnalex, The First Light Staff
Pattern: Allied Wristguards of Time Dilation Tailoring Pattern
Pattern: Blue Dragon Soles Tailoring Pattern
Pattern: Bronzed Grip Wrappings Tailoring Pattern
Broodkeeper’s Promise Trinket
Manic Grieftorch Trinket

Raszageth the Storm-Eater


Raszageth the Storm-Eater is the final boss of Vault of the Incarnates, featuring three phases and two intermissions with storm-themed mechanics like Static Charge, Hurricane Wing, and Stormsurge. Key strategies include proper positioning, handling adds during intermissions, and managing debuffs like Fulminating Charge and Volatile Current. Use Bloodlust/Drums in Phase 1 or Phase 3 for maximum DPS, and adapt to Heroic changes like Magnetic Charge and Surging Blast. Coordination, precise movement, and efficient add management are crucial for success.

icon Preferred Classes:

  • Tanks: Classes with strong mitigation for Electrified Jaws and Thunderous Blast (e.g., Paladin Protection Protection Paladin, Druid Guardian Guardian Druid).
  • Healers: Classes with strong raid-wide healing and dispels (e.g., Druid Restoration Restoration Druid, Priest Holy Holy Priest).
  • DPS: Classes with strong AoE for adds (e.g., Warlock Demonology Demonology Warlock, Mage Frost Frost Mage) and high single-target damage for the boss (e.g., Rogue Assassination Assassination Rogue, Mage Fire Fire Mage).


  • Phase 1:
  • Intermission 1:
    • Split the raid to handle Surging Ruiners and their adds.
    • Break Surge shields carefully to avoid raid-wide damage from Overload.
    • Kill adds quickly to avoid being overwhelmed.
  • Phase 2:
    • Manage Fulminating Charge by running away from other players.
    • Break Stormsurge shields quickly by grouping with players of the same charge (Positive/Negative).
    • Avoid standing near players with the opposite charge to prevent Scattered Charge damage.
  • Intermission 2:
    • Focus on killing Seeking Stormlings before they reach the Colossal Stormfiend.
    • Use CC on Seeking Stormlings before they become immune at 100 energy.
  • Phase 3:

icon Strategy:

icon Bloodlust/Drums:

  • Phase 1: Use Bloodlust/Drums at the start to maximize DPS and push the boss to 65% quickly.
  • Phase 3: Save Bloodlust/Drums for the final phase if your group struggles with the enrage timer or needs extra damage to finish the boss before the Raging Storm overwhelms the platform.

icon Raszageth loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Sandals of the Wild Sovereign Feet
Leather Loathsome Thunderhosen Legs
Mail Calamitous Shockguards Hands
Plate Shackles of Titanic Failure Wrist
Any Recipe: Potion Absorption Inhibitor Alchemy Recipe
Elemental Codex of Ultimate Power Alchemy Recipe
Plans: Allied Chestplate of Generosity Blacksmithing Plans
Plans: Allied Wristguard of Companionship Blacksmithing Plans
Neltharax, Enemy of the Sky Bow
Stormlash’s Last Resort Dagger
Schematic: Ol’ Smoky Engineering Schematic
Design: Choker of Shielding Jewelcrafting Design
Pattern: Wind Spirit’s Lasso Leatherworking Pattern
Pattern: Scale Rein Grips Leatherworking Pattern
Pattern: Old Spirit’s Wristwraps Leatherworking Pattern
Pattern: String of Spiritual Knick-Knacks Leatherworking Pattern
Pattern: Blue Dragon Soles Tailoring Pattern
Pattern: Allied Wristguards of Time Dilation Tailoring Pattern
Pattern: Bronzed Grip Wrappings Tailoring Pattern
Spiteful Storm Trinket
Desperate Invoker’s Codex Trinket
Incarnate Sky-Splitter 2H Axe

Vault of the Incarnates Achievements List

Achievement Requirement
Fury of the Storm Defeat bosses in the deepest reaches of the VotI.
The Primal Bulwark Kill bosses that bolster the defenses of the VotI.
Caverns of Infusion Defeat bosses in the cavernous depths of Vault of the Incarnates.
Heroic: Vault of the Incarnates Slay all bosses on Heroic difficulty.
Heroic: Vault of the Incarnates Guild Run Defeat all bosses in Vault of the Incarnates on Heroic difficulty or higher while in a guild group.
Ahead of the Curve: Raszageth the Storm-Eater Kill Raszageth the Storm-Eater on Heroic difficulty or higher, before the release of the next raid tier.
Cutting Edge: Raszageth the Storm-Eater Slay Raszageth the Storm-Eater on Mythic difficulty, before the release of the next raid tier.
Mythic: Raszageth the Storm-Eater Defeat Raszageth the Storm-Eater on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Raszageth the Storm-Eater Guild Run Kill Raszageth the Storm-Eater on Mythic Difficulty while in a guild group.
Vault of the Incarnates Slay all bosses on any difficulty.
Vault of the Incarnates Guild Run Defeat all bosses on Normal difficulty or higher while in a guild group.
Mythic: Vault of the Incarnates Kill all bosses on Mythic difficulty.
Awakened Storms Slay all bosses on Normal difficulty while Vault of the Incarnates is an Awakened raid.
Heroic: Awakened Storms Defeat all bosses on Heroic difficulty while Vault of the Incarnates is an Awakened raid.
Mythic: Awakened Storms Kill all bosses on Mythic difficulty while Vault of the Incarnates is an Awakened raid.
Mythic: Broodkeeper Diurna Slay Broodkeeper Diurna on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Dathea, Ascended Defeat Dathea, Ascended on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Eranog Kill Eranog on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Kurog Grimtotem Slay Kurog Grimtotem on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Sennarth, The Cold Breath Defeat Sennarth, The Cold Breath in Vault of the Incarnates on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Terros Kill Terros in Vault of the Incarnates on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: The Primal Council Slay The Primal Council on Mythic difficulty.
Vaulternative Fashion Collect an armor set from Vault of the Incarnates.
Glory of the Vault Raider Complete the Vault of the Incarnates raid achievements.
I Was Saving That For Later Kill Sennarth, The Cold Breath after finding and freeing 5 mysterious captives using Caustic Eruption, then witnessing their demise on Normal difficulty or higher.
Incubation Extermination Slay Broodkeeper Diurna after successfully hatching and defeating lieutenants from each Primal element’s eggs within 10 seconds of each other on Normal difficulty or higher.
Little Friends Defeat Terros after hitting the three Dormant Earth nodes in his chamber with Awakened Earth and then defeating the resultant Energized Earth creatures on Normal difficulty or higher.
Nothing But Air Kill Dathea, Ascended after collecting 8 Condensed Gales on Normal difficulty or higher.
The Lunker Below Use fishing to lure the Lurking Lunker living in the lava out, then engage and defeat the Primal Council on Normal difficulty or higher.
The Ol Raszle Daszle Slay Raszageth the Storm-Eater after successfully gathering two Concentrated Storm Essences and defeating the Concentrated Storm on Normal difficulty or higher.
The Power is MINE! Kill Kurog Grimtotem after destroying the Primal Avatar on Normal difficulty or higher.
What Frozen Things Do Defeat Eranog after finding a Frozen Portal Stone and defeating a Burning Behemoth on Normal difficulty or higher.



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