
Amirdrassil Raid Guide: Entrance, Rewards, Bosses

Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope is the third raid in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, released on November 14, 2023. It features 9 bosses and continues the storyline of Dragonflight. This raid is a valuable source of transmogs, mounts, and collectibles. Amirdrassil, nurtured within the Emerald Dream, is set to bloom and cross into Azeroth. However, its fate depends on Azeroth’s champions facing Fyrakk and his allies to prevent the world from being bathed in flame.

icon In this guide, we’ll cover:

icon Whether you’re farming cosmetics or challenging yourself solo, this guide helps you get the most out of Amirdrassil in WoW Retail (The War Within).

Amirdrassil Entrance and Subregions

Entrance and Subregions

Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope, is located in the northwestern part of the Emerald Dream in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. To get there, travel to the Emerald Dream and head to the coordinates 48.46, 10.35. The closest flight point is near the Wellspring Overlook, just east of the raid entrance.

The entrance to Amirdrassil is marked by a distinctive path leading into the heart of the Emerald Dream. Follow this path, be cautious of any enemies along the way, and you’ll reach the main gates of the raid. Once at the entrance, walk through the doors to begin your adventure.

Inside Amirdrassil, you’ll explore various subregions as you fight your way to the final boss, Fyrakk.

icon  Amirdrassil has the following subregions:

  • Wellspring Atrium,
  • The Scorched Hall,
  • Verdant Terrace,
  • Throne of the Firelord,
  • Amirdrassil,
  • The Southern Boughs,
  • The Eastern Boughs,
  • The Northern Boughs,
  • Heart of Amirdrassil.

Bosses Overview

Each section presents unique challenges and boss encounters, which we’ll briefly overview below.

Amirdrassil Bosses Overview

Bosses Overview

Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope is a nature-themed raid in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, set in the Emerald Dream. Players battle nine bosses, including the fiery Fyrakk, who threatens to destroy the world tree. The fights are varied and challenging, like the Council of Dreams, where you face three bosses at once, and Tindral Sageswift, who uses powerful fire and nature spells. The final showdown with Fyrakk is a thrilling fight to save Amirdrassil from destruction.

icon Below, we’ll break down the Amirdrassil boss fights and the loot they drop.

Can You Solo Amirdrassil in The War Within?

Can You Solo in The War Within

Farming Amirdrassil solo in The War Within is a great way to get transmog sets, mounts, pets, and achievements from Dragonflight. While soloing older raids is easier now due to better gear and stat scaling, some bosses in Amirdrassil still have challenging mechanics. This guide will show you how to solo each boss, suggesting the best classes, strategies, and when to use Bloodlust or Thunderous Drums.



Gnarlroot is the first boss encounter in the Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope raid. This single-phased encounter includes a short intermission each time Gnarlroot reaches 100 energy, followed by a burn phase where the boss takes extra damage. The fight involves handling several key abilities and positioning the raid effectively to manage mechanics.

icon Preferred Classes:


  1. Positioning:
    • Keep the boss centered, with the raid loosely spread to avoid cleave damage.
    • During intermission, divide the raid equally across quadrants to handle Doom Roots.
  2. Add Control:
    • Prioritize killing Tainted Lashers quickly to avoid stacking bleeds and damage buffs.
    • On Heroic, activate Tainted Flora with Shadow-Scorched Earth to prevent them from overwhelming the raid.
  3. Debuff Management:
    • Players targeted by Controlled Burn should drop puddles on the edges of the room, leaving space for subsequent debuffs.
    • During intermission, use Ember-Charred to set Doom Roots on fire and clear debuffs.
  4. Cooldowns:

icon Strategy:

icon Bloodlust/Drums: During the first burn phase (Uprooted Agony), around 2 minutes into the fight.

icon Gnarlroot loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Anguished Restraints Wrist
Requiem Rootmantle Shoulder
Leather Twisted Blossom Stompers Head
Silent Tormentor’s Hood Feet
Mail Ancient Haubark Chest
Forlorn Leaf Clasp Waist
Plate Seared Ironwood Greaves Legs
Any Inflammable Drapeleaf Cloak
Design: Dreamtender’s Charm Jewelcrafting Design
Defender of the Ancient Shield
Staff of Incandescent Torment Staff
Branch of the Tormented Ancient Trinket
Gnarlroot’s Bonecrusher 2H Mace

Igira the Cruel

Igira the Cruel

Igira the Cruel is the second boss encounter in the Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope raid. This encounter is notable for its unique mechanics and the choices it offers players in dealing with Igira’s special abilities. The boss drops valuable loot, including profession recipes and Season 3 Tier Hand tokens.

icon Preferred Classes:

  • Tanks: Classes with strong mitigation and taunt swaps (e.g., Paladin Protection Protection Paladin, Death Knight Blood Blood DK).
  • Healers: Classes with strong AoE healing and dispels (e.g., Druid Restoration Restoration Druid, Priest Holy Holy Priest).
  • DPS: High burst damage for killing Blistering Spears quickly and consistent damage for boss DPS.


  1. Positioning:
  2. Special Abilities:
    • Choose the order of soaking weapons strategically: Hacking Torment (left) → Flaying Torment (right) → Slicing Torment (entrance).
    • Skip Flaying Torment if the boss can be killed in two cycles.
  3. Heroic Changes:

icon Strategy:

icon Bloodlust/Drums: On pull.

icon Igira the Cruel loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Elder’s Volcanic Wrap Legs
Leather Bloody Dragonhide Belt Waist
Mail Drakestalker’s Trophy Pauldrons Shoulder
Plate Agonizing Manacles Wrist
Any Recipe: Potion Absorption Inhibitor Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Draconic Phial Cauldron Alchemy Recipe
Elemental Codex of Ultimate Power Alchemy Recipe
Plans: Shadowed Impact Buckler Blacksmithing Plans
Plans: Shadowed Razing Annihilator Blacksmithing Plans
Plans: Allied Chestplate of Generosity Blacksmithing Plans
Plans: Allied Wristguard of Companionship Blacksmithing Plans
Cruel Dreamcarver Dagger
Formula: Enchant Weapon – Shadowflame Wreathe Enchanting Formula
Schematic: Tinker: Shadowflame Rockets Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Ol’ Smoky Engineering Schematic
Design: Choker of Shielding Jewelcrafting Design
Pattern: Shadowflame-Tempered Armor Patch Leatherworking Pattern
Pattern: Old Spirit’s Wristwraps Leatherworking Pattern
Pattern: Scale Rein Grips Leatherworking Pattern
Pattern: String of Spiritual Knick-Knacks Leatherworking Pattern
Pattern: Wind Spirit’s Lasso Leatherworking Pattern
Igira’s Flaying Hatchet 1H Axe
Signet of the Last Elder Ring
Pattern: Bronzed Grip Wrappings Tailoring Pattern
Pattern: Undulating Sporecloak Tailoring Pattern
Pattern: Allied Wristguards of Time Dilation Tailoring Pattern
Pattern: Blue Dragon Soles Tailoring Pattern
Overflowing Satchel of Pilfered Recipes Tailoring Pattern
Bandolier of Twisted Blades Trinket



Volcoross is the third boss encounter in the Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope raid. This fight is unique because it requires the raid to split in half for most of the encounter before reuniting towards the end. The primary objective is to defeat the boss before the platform is completely engulfed in fire. Volcoross notably drops the very rare Ouroboreal Necklet, which is 6 item levels higher than the rest of the loot and has a unique equip effect.

icon Preferred Classes:

  • Tanks: Classes with strong mitigation and taunt-swapping capabilities (e.g., Paladin Protection Protection Paladin, Death Knight Blood Blood Death Knight).
  • Healers: Classes with strong AoE healing and raid cooldowns (e.g., Druid Restoration Restoration Druid, Priest Holy Holy Priest).
  • DPS: Classes with strong single-target damage and mobility to handle mechanics (e.g., Mage Fire Fire Mage, Demon Hunter Havoc Havoc Demon Hunter, Rogue Subtley Assassination Rogue).


  1. Positioning:
    • Split the raid into two groups to handle Flood of the Firelands soaks.
    • Always position yourself on the edge of soak circles to avoid being knocked into Hellboil.
    • Stay mobile to avoid Scorchtail Crash and Volcanic Disgorge puddles.
  2. Debuff Management:
    • Coiling Flames debuffs cleave damage to nearby players. Spread out when debuffed to minimize raid damage.
    • Tanks must manage Molten Venom stacks and taunt swap before Cataclysm Jaws to reduce damage intake.
  3. Environmental Awareness:
    • The platform gradually fills with fire, so keep moving to clean areas.
    • Watch for Scorchtail Crash telegraphs (shadows) and avoid standing in the affected area.

icon Strategy:

  • Flood of the Firelands:
    • Two large soaks spawn on opposite sides of the platform. Split the raid into two groups to handle each soak.
    • Stand on the edge of the soak circle to avoid being knocked into Hellboil.
    • After soaking, the raid remains split to handle subsequent mechanics.
  • Serpent’s Fury:
    • Deals raid-wide damage and applies Coiling Flames debuffs.
    • Spread out to avoid cleaving nearby players. The debuff jumps to another player after 10 seconds.
  • Scorchtail Crash:
    • Avoid the shadow telegraph to prevent instant death.
    • On Heroic, Tidal Blaze creates waves of lava after the crash. Dodge these waves by moving to safe spots.
  • Volcanic Disgorge:
    • Avoid the small Hellboil puddles left on the platform. These despawn before the next soak.
  • Tank Mechanics:

icon Bloodlust/Drums: On pull.

icon Volcoross loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Vesture of the Smoldering Serpent Feet
Lost Scholar’s Belted Treads Chest
Leather Flamewaker’s Grips Hands
Primordial Serpent’s Bindings Wrist
Mail Jeweled Sash of the Viper Waist
Snake Eater’s Cowl Head
Plate Lavaforged Sollerets Feet
Volcanic Spelunker’s Vents Shoulder
Any Ouroboreal Necklet Amulet
Magmatic Volcannon Gun
Volcoross’s Barbed Fang 1H Sword
Coiled Serpent Idol Trinket

Council of Dreams

Council of Dreams

The Council of Dreams is a boss fight in the Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope raid in World of Warcraft. It includes three bosses: Urctos (a werebear), Aerwynn (a dryad), and Pip (a faerie dragon). Each boss has special abilities that work together, making the fight tough. To win, you must handle their abilities well and defeat all three bosses at the same time to stop them from using Rebirth, which heals them.

icon Preferred Classes:

  • Tanks: Classes with strong physical mitigation (e.g., Paladin Protection Protection Paladin, Death Knight Blood Blood Death Knight).
  • Healers: Healers with strong AoE healing and poison dispels (e.g., Druid Restoration Restoration Druid, Paladin Holy Holy Paladin).
  • DPS: Classes with strong cleave/AoE damage and interrupts (e.g., Warrior Fury Fury Warrior, Demon Hunter Havoc Demon Hunter, Mage Mage).


  • Positioning: Stay loosely spread to avoid overlapping mechanics. Stack bosses for cleave damage when possible.
  • Interrupts: Assign players to interrupt Blind Rage (Urctos) and Constricting Thicket (Aerwynn).
  • Polymorph Management: Use Preen to remove Polymorph effects and interrupt Blind Rage.
  • Noxious Blossoms: Polymorphed players should destroy these to reduce raid damage.
  • Barreling Charge: Assign players to soak the charge to reduce Thundering Impact damage.
  • Heroic Mode: Alternate players to soak Barreling Charge due to the vulnerability debuff.

icon Strategy:

  • Urctos:
    • Blind Rage: Interrupt by casting Preen near him while Polymorphed. Failure increases his damage by 500%.
    • Agonizing Claws: Tank swap after each cast.
    • Position Urctos near other bosses for cleave damage.
  • Aerwynn:
  • Pip:
    • Song of the Dragon: Removes Corrosive Pollen by standing on Noxious Blossoms. Failure stuns and deals fatal damage.
    • Emerald Winds: Avoid being pushed into Noxious Blossoms.
  • General Mechanics:

icon Bloodlust/Drums: during the execute phase (when all bosses are below 30% health).

icon Council of Dreams loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Urctos’s Hibernal Dial Waist
Leather Strigine Epaulets Wrist
Mail Verdant Sanctuary Bands Legs
Aerwynn’s Ritual Sarong Feet
Plate Cleats of the Savage Claw Head
Vigilant Protector’s Bracers Wrist
Any Sickle of the White Stag Dagger
Thorncaller Claw Fist Weapon
Pattern: Verdant Conduit Leatherworking Pattern
Trickster’s Captivating Chime Off-hand
Gift of Ursine Vengeance Trinket
Pip’s Emerald Friendship Badge Trinket

Larodar, Keeper of the Flame

Larodar Keeper of the Flame

Larodar, Keeper of the Flame, is the fifth boss encounter in the Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope raid. This encounter is divided into two phases, with the primary challenge being the management of growing fire and a shrinking encounter space. The boss drops notable items such as the Formula: Enchant Weapon – Dreaming Devotion, the Hearthstone of the Flame, and Season 3 Tier Leg tokens. The loot item levels range from 447 (LFR) to 486 (Mythic).

icon Preferred Classes:

  • Tanks: Classes with strong mobility and survivability to handle Furious Charge and positioning.
  • Healers: High-throughput healers to manage Raging Inferno, Flash Fire, and raid-wide damage.
  • DPS: Classes with strong AoE for adds (Fiery Treants, Scorching Roots) and burst damage for Phase 2.
  • Utility: Classes with grips, knockbacks, and interrupts (e.g., Death Knight Death Knights, Shaman Shamans) to control adds and mechanics.


icon Strategy:

Phase 1


  • Consuming Flame: Stay more than 3 yards away from Larodar to reduce damage.

Phase 2

  • Burning Ground: Tank the boss at the edge to maximize space.
  • Falling Embers: Assign players to soak each ember to avoid raid-wide damage.
  • Flash Fire: Healers must remove the healing absorb within 8 seconds to prevent players from being stunned.
  • Fire Whirl: Dodge the spiraling fire tornadoes to avoid damage and knockbacks.

icon Bloodlust/Drums: during this burn phase.

icon Larodar loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Lost Scholar’s Timely Hat Head
Leather Robes of the Ashen Grove Chest
Mail Twisted Flamecuffs Wrist
Plate Phlegethic Girdle Waist
Any Formula: Enchant Weapon – Dreaming Devotion Enchanting Formula
Hearthstone of the Flame Toy
Larodar’s Moonblade 1H Sword
Scythe of the Fallen Keeper Polearm
Band of Burning Thorns Ring
Smoldering Seedling Trinket

Nymue, Weaver of the Cycle


Nymue, Weaver of the Cycle, is the sixth boss in the Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope raid. This fight is special because the battlefield itself can hurt players. Nymue switches between two phases when her energy reaches 100%. To win, players must move carefully and work together to handle the dangerous attacks.

icon Preferred Classes:

  • Tanks: Classes with strong mitigation for both Physical and Nature damage (e.g., Paladin Protection Protection Paladin, Druid Guardian Guardian Druid).
  • Healers: Classes with strong AoE healing and raid cooldowns (e.g., Druid Restoration Restoration Druid, Priest Holy Holy Priest).
  • DPS: Classes with strong single-target and cleave damage (e.g., Mage Fire Fire Mage, Warlock Affliction Affliction Warlock).


  1. Positioning: Spread the raid evenly across the room to handle Surging Growth and Weaver’s Burden.
  2. Verdant Matrix: Avoid crossing dividers unnecessarily; let the DoT reset before crossing again.
  3. Surging Growth: Always have players soak the growths to reduce raid-wide damage.
  4. Impending Loom: Prioritize avoiding these lines, even if it means crossing a Verdant Matrix.
  5. Phase 2: Split the raid into two groups, each led by a tank with Inflorescence, to handle the Cycle Wardens.

icon Strategy:

  • Phase 1
    • Verdant Matrix: Limit crossing to avoid stacking DoTs.
    • Surging Growth: Assign players to soak each growth to minimize raid damage.
    • Impending Loom: Dodge the lines at all costs.
    • Viridian Rain: Use raid cooldowns to mitigate the heavy damage.
    • Tanks: Swap after each Weaver’s Burden cast to avoid cleaving the raid.
  • Phase 2
    • Full Bloom: Tanks must stand in the AoE to gain Inflorescence, allowing them to lead players to the Cycle Wardens without taking damage from Verdant Matrix.
    • Cycle Wardens:
      • Avoid frontal cone attacks (Lumbering Slam).
      • Kill the adds quickly to end the phase, as Nymue takes 99% reduced damage while they are alive.
    • Unravel: Manage the stacking debuff by killing the adds as fast as possible.

icon Bloodlust/Drums: On pull.

icon Nymue loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Lifewoven Slippers Feet
Leather Eternal Sentinel’s Cord Waist
Mail Wellspring Wristlets Wrist
Plate Eldermoss Gauntlets Hands
Any Amulet of Eonar’s Chosen Amulet
Verdant Matrix Beacon Shield
Dreambinder, Loom of the Great Cycle Staff
Pattern: Verdant Tether Tailoring Pattern
Nymue’s Unraveling Spindle Trinket



Smolderon is the seventh boss in the Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope raid. The fight has two phases, with the first phase being longer. Players must manage space carefully because Smolderon’s abilities reduce the available area over time. This boss has a fire theme and needs precise positioning and teamwork to defeat.

icon Preferred Classes:

  • Tanks: Classes with strong mitigation and mobility to handle Brand of Damnation.
  • Healers: High-output healers to manage Blistering Heat and Cauterizing Wound debuffs.
  • DPS: Ranged DPS preferred for easier spread mechanics; melee DPS need to be mindful of positioning.


icon Strategy:

Phase 1:

  • Overheated:
    • Half the raid gets a debuff requiring them to spread out.
    • Explodes after expiration, dealing damage to nearby players.
  • Brand of Damnation:
    • Tank-targeted ability; non-debuffed players must stack to split damage.
    • Leaves Cauterizing Wound debuffs, reducing healing absorption.
  • Lava Geysers:
    • Bait and move as a group to avoid limiting space.
    • Keep the center clear for Phase 2.
  • Blistering Heat:
    • Passive ticking damage that increases over time.

Phase 2:

  • Devour Essence:
    • Clears debuffs, spawns Living Flames orbs.
    • Collect orbs for buffs; missed orbs buff Smolderon.
  • World In Flames:
    • Dance-like mechanic; move to safe circles to avoid damage.
  • Heating Up:
    • Boss gains 10% damage buff per Phase 2; after 6 stacks, raid wipes.

icon Bloodlust/Drums: during Phase 2.

icon Smolderon loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Fading Flame Wristbands Wrist
Plate Fused Obsidian Sabatons Feet
Any Mantle of Blazing Sacrifice Back
Cataclysmic Signet Brand Trinket
Ashes of the Embersoul Trinket
Incandescent Soulcleaver 2H Sword
Remnant Charglaive Warglaive

Tindral Sageswift, Seer of the Flame

Tindral Sageswift

Tindral Sageswift is the eighth boss in the Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope raid. The fight has three phases with two Dragonriding breaks. Tindral changes between three forms: Humanoid, Searing Moonkin, and Burning Treant. Each form has unique attacks that get harder as the fight goes on.

icon Preferred Classes:

  • Tanks: Tanks with strong defensive cooldowns and mobility (e.g., Paladin Protection Protection Paladin, Monk Brewmaster Brewmaster Monk) are ideal for handling Blazing Mushroom soaking and Searing Wrath stacks.
  • Healers: Healers with strong raid-wide healing and dispels (e.g., Druid Restoration Restoration Druid, Priest Holy Holy Priest) are crucial for managing Suppressive Ember and Fiery Growth.
  • DPS: Classes with strong burst damage (e.g., Mage Fire Fire Mage, Warlock Destruction Destruction Warlock) are helpful for breaking Tindral’s Supernova shield during intermissions. Additionally, DPS with root-breaking abilities (e.g., Hunter Hunter, Rogue Rogue) can assist with Mass Entanglement.


icon Strategy:

icon Bloodlust/Drums: during Phase 3.

icon Tindral Sageswift loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Leather Tasseted Emberwalkers Feet
Mail Flameseer’s Winged Grasps Hands
Plate Smoldering Chevalier’s Greatbelt Waist
Any Eye of the Rising Flame Amulet
Plans: Flourishing Dream Helm Blacksmithing Plans
Ashen Ranger’s Longbow Bow
Betrayer’s Cinderblade Dagger
Feather of the Smoke Red Moon Druid Form
Eternal Kindler’s Greatstaff Staff
Belor’relos, the Suncaller Trinket

Fyrakk the Blazing


Fyrakk the Blazing is the final boss encounter in the Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope raid. This encounter is divided into three phases with a short intermission after Phase 1. The primary objective is to keep the Heart of Amirdrassil alive by managing various abilities that attempt to damage it throughout the fight.

icon Preferred Classes:

  • Tanks: Classes with strong mitigation and taunt swaps (e.g., Paladin Protection Protection Paladin, Death Knight Blood Blood DK).
  • Healers: Classes with strong AoE healing and dispels (e.g., Druid Restoration Restoration Druid, Priest Holy Holy Priest).
  • DPS: Classes with strong single-target and cleave damage (e.g., Mage Fire Fire Mage, Warlock Affliction Affliction Warlock, Demon Hunter Havoc Havoc DH).
  • Utility: Classes with immunities or mobility to handle mechanics (e.g., Rogue Rogues, Hunter Hunters).


  1. Positioning:
  2. Dispels: Manage Aflame debuffs carefully to avoid high stacks.
  3. Add Control: Prioritize killing Burning Colossus and Screaming Souls in Phase 2.
  4. Seed Management: Avoid shadowflame damage while carrying Seed of Amirdrassil to prevent it from becoming a Blazing Seed.

icon Strategy:

Phase 1:


  • Goal: Break Fyrakk’s shield within 30 seconds.
  • Key Mechanics:

Phase 2:

Phase 3:

icon Bloodlust/Drums: On pull.

icon Fyrakk loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Blooming Redeemer’s Sash Waist
Twisting Shadow Claws Hands
Leather Frenzied Incarnate Legwraps Legs
Mail Boots of the Molten Hoard Feet
Plate Carapace of the Unbending Flame Chest
Any Renewed Proto-Drake: Embodiment of the Blazing Mount
Reins of Anu’relos, Flame’s Guidance Mount
Gholak, the Final Conflagration 1H Axe
Vakash, the Shadowed Inferno 1H Mace
Fyrakk’s Tainted Rageheart Trinket
Augury of the Primal Flame Trinket
Blossom of Amirdrassil Trinket
Fyr’alath the Dreamrender 2H Axe

Amirdrassil Achievements List

Achievement Requirement
Fate of Amirdrassil Defeat bosses that threaten Amirdrassil’s existence within Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope.
Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope Kill all bosses on any difficulty.
Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope Guild Run Slay all bosses on Normal difficulty or higher while in a guild group.
Heroic: Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope Defeat all bosses on Heroic difficulty.
Heroic: Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope Guild Run Kill all bosses on Heroic difficulty or higher while in a guild group.
Mythic: Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope Slay all bosses on Mythic difficulty.
Ahead of the Curve: Fyrakk the Blazing Defeat Fyrakk the Blazing on Heroic difficulty or higher, before the release of the next raid tier.
Cutting Edge: Fyrakk the Blazing Kill Fyrakk the Blazing on Mythic difficulty, before the release of the next raid tier.
Mythic: Fyrakk the Blazing Slay Fyrakk the Blazing on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Fyrakk the Blazing Guild Run Defeat Fyrakk the Blazing on Mythic difficulty while in a guild group.
Mythic: Council of Dreams Kill Council of Dreams on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Gnarlroot Slay Gnarlroot on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Igira the Cruel Defeat Igira the Cruel on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Larodar, Keeper of the Flame Kill Larodar, Keeper of the Flame on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Nymue, Weaver of the Cycle Slay Nymue, Weaver of the Cycle on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Smolderon Defeat Smolderon on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Tindral Sageswift, Seer of the Flame Kill Tindral Sageswift, Seer of the Flame on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Volcoross Slay Volcoross on Mythic difficulty.
Awakened Flames Defeat all bosses on Normal difficulty while Amirdrassil is an Awakened raid.
Heroic: Awakened Flames Defeat all bosses on Heroic difficulty while Amirdrassil is an Awakened raid.
Mythic: Awakened Flames Defeat all bosses on Mythic difficulty while Amirdrassil is an Awakened raid.
Fire Catwalk With Me Collect an armor set from Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope.
Glory of the Dream Raider Complete the Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope raid achievements.
A Dream Within a Dream Defeat Nymue, Weaver of the Cycle after successfully collecting 5 Dream Projections while asleep and defeating the Manifested Monarch on Normal Difficulty or Higher.
Cruelty Free Kill Igira after freeing the scorched critters on Normal difficulty or higher.
Don’t Let the Doe Hit You On The Way Out Slay Larodar, Keeper of the Flame with Ivy extinguished and alive on Normal difficulty or higher.
Ducks In A Row Defeat the Council of Dreams after recruiting Sergeant Quackers to join the cause on Normal difficulty or higher.
Haven’t We Done This Before? Kill Smolderon after dousing all 6 Runes of the Firelord on Normal difficulty or higher.
Incarnate’s Wake Slay all bosses that assault the Wellspring Temple within Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope.
Meaner Pastures Defeat Gnarlroot after igniting 8 Harmless Blossoms on Normal difficulty or higher.
Memories of Teldrassil Kill Fyrakk the Blazing after collecting six Memories of Teldrassil and returning their spirits to the Heart of Amirdrassil on Normal difficulty or higher.
Molten Incursion Slay the following bosses that burn the Wellspring Temple within Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope.
Swog Champion Defeat Volcoross after he has consumed at least 30 Sizzling Swoggers on Normal difficulty or higher.
The Viridian Weave Kill the following bosses that attack all interlopers within Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope.
Whelp, I’m Lost Slay Tindral Sageswift after rescuing 6 Lost Whelps on Normal Difficulty or higher.



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