
Uldir Raid Guide: Entrance, Loot Table, Bosses

Uldir, the first raid of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth, opened on September 4th. In WoW Retail this PvE instance remains a valuable source of transmogs, mounts, and collectibles that many players are farming weekly. This underground facility in Nazmir features 8 bosses, including G’huun, with unique armor sets, weapons, and achievements to earn.

icon In this guide, we’ll cover:

icon Whether you’re farming cosmetics, or want to check if it’s possible to solo this raid in Mythic difficulty, this guide will help you make the most of Uldir in WoW Retail.

Uldir Entrance and Subregions

Uldir is located in the Nazmir zone in World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth. To reach it, travel to Nazmir in Zandalar. If you’re Alliance, use the Grimwatt’s Crash flight point and upgrade the outpost to unlock a fast Crawg named Spud, which will take you to Uldir’s entrance. If you’re Horde, fly to Nesingwary’s Gameland and use a glider to reach Uldir directly. Alternatively, fly to Zul’jan Ruins and walk to the entrance.

The entrance to Uldir is at the center of Nazmir, near the coordinates 62, 38. Once you arrive, simply walk through the massive titan doors to enter the raid and begin your exploration.

Inside, you’ll move through different sections as you fight your way to G’huun, the final boss.

icon Uldir has the following subregions (check the gallery below):

Each section has its own challenges and bosses, which we’ll briefly overview below.

Uldir Bosses Overview

Uldir is a titan-built underground facility in World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth, where players face the horrors unleashed by failed experiments on the Old Gods in Nazmir. The raid has eight bosses, each showcasing the dark and twisted results of the titans’ research.

From Taloc, the corrupted titan construct guarding the entrance, to G’huun, the monstrous embodiment of decay and corruption, each boss presents unique challenges. Encounters range from strategic fights like MOTHER, who summons various titan defenses, to intense survival tests against Fetid Devourer‘s relentless hunger. The final battle against G’huun is a climactic struggle to purge the source of corruption and save Azeroth.

icon Below, we’ll overview the Uldir raid boss fights and their loot tables.

Can You Solo Uldir in The War Within?

Yes, Uldir is soloable in World of Warcraft: The War Within, especially on LFR, Normal, and Heroic difficulties. Most bosses can be brute-forced with high item level gear, but a few fights still have mechanics that make soloing more difficult.

icon Factors That Affect Soloing:

  • Item Level: The higher your gear, the faster you’ll clear the raid. Around ilvl 450+ makes it much easier.
  • Class & Spec: Tanky classes and self-healing specs (Blood DK, Guardian Druid, Vengeance DH) perform best.
  • Mechanics: Some fights require specific strategies to avoid instant deaths or soft enrage mechanics.

Here’s a brief look at how each encounter plays out when soloing.

icon Easy Uldir Bosses (Soloable Without Issues):

  • Taloc – Simple fight. Dodge pools on the floor, keep attacking.
  • MOTHER – Move through the rooms one at a time while killing adds.
  • Fetid Devourer – High health pool, but nothing too complex.
  • Zek’voz – Avoid lasers and kill adds quickly.

icon Challenging Uldir Bosses (Requires Awareness):

  • Vectis – The infection debuff stacks over time, so use self-healing or strong defensives to survive.
  • Zul – Kill adds quickly or they will heal the boss. Some classes with poor AoE may struggle.

icon Harder Uldir Bosses (May Require Specific Tactics):

  • Mythrax the UnravelerCan be annoying due to energy drain mechanics. You need strong burst damage to avoid being overwhelmed by adds.
  • G’huun – The final boss is soloable, but handling the orb mechanic can be tricky. Some classes with pets or movement abilities can handle it better.

icon Conclusion: Is Uldir Soloable in WoW TWW?

  • LFR/Normal/Heroic: Completely soloable with good gear.
  • Mythic: Requires high DPS to avoid certain mechanics, but possible for some classes.
  • Future Potential: As gear improves, soloing will become even easier.

If you’re farming Uldir for transmog or the Crawg mount from the Glory of the Uldir Raider achievement, it is very doable solo in WoW TWW. The video below perfectly shows how you can clear this BFA raid solo on Mythic difficulty. In addition, this guide briefly explains how to kill each boss, with recommended classes, strategy tips, and the best time to use Bloodlust or Drums of the Maelstrom.



Taloc is the first boss in Uldir, the initial raid in Battle for Azeroth. The encounter is divided into three phases, each with its own set of mechanics that the raid must handle. Taloc starts the fight at 60% health and transitions to the next phase at 35% health. The fight challenges the raid with a combination of positioning, movement, and add management.

icon Preferred Classes:

  • Tanks: Classes with high mobility (e.g., Demon Hunter Vengeance Demon Hunter, Monk Brewmaster Monk) and strong magic damage mitigation are ideal for handling Cudgel of Gore and soaking Volatile Droplets.
  • Healers: Classes with strong spot-healing capabilities (e.g., Paladin Holy Holy Paladin, Priest Discipline Discipline Priest) are preferred to handle Plasma Discharge and Volatile Droplet soaking.
  • DPS: Classes with strong AoE and cleave abilities (e.g., Warlock Warlocks, Mage Mages, Warrior Warriors) are useful for dealing with Volatile Droplets and Coalesced Blood adds.


General Tips:

Healer Tips:

Tank Tips:

  • Keep Taloc centered in Phase 1 for easier raid movement.
  • Use mobility spells to mitigate Cudgel of Gore damage.
  • In Phase 2, intercept Volatile Droplets to prevent them from reaching the group.
  • In Phase 3, tank Coalesced Blood adds near the edges to keep the middle clear.

icon Strategy:

icon Bloodlust/Drums: at the start of Phase 3.

icon Taloc loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Volatile Walkers Feet
Leather Bloodstorm Buckle Waist
Gloves of Descending Madness Hands
Mail Legguards of Coalescing Plasma Legs
Rubywrought Sparkguards Wrist
Plate Crimson Colossus Armguards Wrist
Greaves of Unending Vigil Legs
Any Morass Prowler’s Cloak Cloak
Golden Fleet Dagger Dagger
Rivermarsh Claws Fist Weapon
Zem’lan Chopper 1H Axe
Bleached Bone Club 1H Mace
Etched Bone Ring Ring
Construct Overcharger Trinket
Vigilant’s Bloodshaper Trinket
Zem’lan Cleaver 2H Axe
Khor, Hammer of the Corrupted 2H Mace
Bleached Bone Skullcracker 2H mace
Titanspark Animator Wand
Rivermarsh Wand Wand



MOTHER is a single-phase encounter in Uldir, the first raid in Battle for Azeroth. The fight takes place across three chambers, and the group must move between these chambers before they fill with lethal Cleansing Purge fire. The difficulty lies in coordinating the group to pass through the Defense Grid at the right pace to avoid being overwhelmed. MOTHER is the second boss in Uldir, and after defeating her, players can progress to other encounters.

icon Preferred Classes:

  • Tanks: One tank can solo-tank MOTHER by dodging Sanitizing Strike, but a second tank is recommended for handling adds.
  • Healers: Strong AoE healers (e.g., Druid Restoration Restoration Druid, Priest Holy Holy Priest) to manage raid-wide damage from the Defense Grid and Purifying Flame.
  • DPS:
    • High-burst DPS with strong interrupts (e.g., Rogue Rogues, Mage Mages, Demon Hunter Demon Hunters) to quickly kill Remnants of Corruption.
    • Ranged DPS are preferred for better mobility during Wind Tunnel and Uldir Defensive Beam.


  • Positioning:
  • Defense Grid Transitions:
    • Pass through in small groups (3-5 players) to manage raid-wide damage.
    • Assign a tank and high-burst DPS to go first and handle adds.
    • Healers should chain cooldowns during transitions.
  • Add Management:
    • Interrupt Clinging Corruption casts from Remnants of Corruption.
    • Use stuns, silences, and displacements to control adds.
  • Third Chamber:
    • Save Bloodlust/Drums and major cooldowns for the final chamber, where MOTHER takes 100% increased damage.
  • Uldir Defensive Beam:
    • Watch for gaps in the beams and move quickly to avoid lethal damage.

icon Strategy:

  • First Chamber:
  • Second Chamber:
    • Continue dodging mechanics and manage adds.
    • Watch for Uldir Defensive Beam and move to safe spots.
    • Transition to the third chamber before the second chamber fills with fire.
  • Third Chamber:

icon Bloodlust/Drums: in the third chamber when MOTHER has the Depleted Energy debuff (100% increased damage).

icon MOTHER loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Leggings of Lingering Infestation Legs
Leather Pathogenic Legwraps Legs
Mail Flame-Sterilized Spaulders Shoulder
Gloves of Involuntary Amputation Hands
Plate Decontaminator’s Greatbelt Waist
Gridrunner Galea Head
Any Latticework Scalpel Dagger
Uldir Subject Manifest Off-hand
Mother’s Twin Gaze 1H Mace
Rot-Scour Ring Ring
Glaive of the Keepers Warglaive

Fetid Devourer

Fetid Devourer

Fetid Devourer is a single-phase DPS race in Uldir with a 6-minute enrage timer. Tanks must stack to handle Terrible Thrash, while healers focus on players with Malodorous Miasma and Putrid Paroxysm. DPS must quickly kill Corruption Corpuscles and sidestep Rotting Regurgitation. Use Bloodlust/Drums at 50% health (Fetid Frenzy) to maximize damage during the boss’s vulnerable phase.

icon Preferred Classes:

  • Tanks: Classes with strong active mitigation (e.g., Paladin Protection Protection Paladin, Death Knight Blood Blood Death Knight).
  • Healers: Classes with strong spot healing and cooldowns (e.g., Paladin Holy Holy Paladin, Shaman Restoration Restoration Shaman).
  • DPS: High burst damage and cleave capabilities (e.g., Mage Fire Fire Mage, Warrior Fury Fury Warrior, Demon Hunter Havoc Demon Hunter).


icon Strategy:

  • Positioning:
    • Tanks keep the boss in the center.
    • DPS and healers stay close to the boss to avoid Rotting Regurgitation.
  • Add Management:
    • Assign DPS teams to focus on each Corruption Corpuscle.
    • Tank the boss near one add to allow cleave damage.
  • Cooldown Usage:

icon Bloodlust/Drums: when the boss reaches 50% health.

icon Fetid Devourer loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Horrific Amalgam’s Hood Head
Leather Jerkin of the Aberrant Chimera Chest
Mail Fused Monstrosity Stompers Feet
Plate Waste Disposal Crushers Hands
Any Fetid Horror’s Tanglecloak Cloak
Biomelding Cleaver 1H Axe
Regurgitated Purifier’s Flamestaff Staff
Frenetic Corpuscle Trinket

Zek’voz, Herald of N’Zoth


Zek’voz is a three-phase encounter in Uldir, the first raid in Battle for Azeroth. This boss challenges groups to manage multiple adds while avoiding dangerous area-of-effect abilities. Zek’voz is available on Normal and Heroic difficulties starting September 4th. After defeating Zek’voz, players can progress to the Zul encounter.

icon Preferred Classes:

  • Tanks: Classes with strong active mitigation and cooldowns (e.g., Paladin Protection Protection Paladin, Death Knight Blood Blood Death Knight) to handle Might of the Void.
  • Healers: Classes with strong raid-wide healing and damage reduction cooldowns (e.g., Shaman Restoration Restoration Shaman, Paladin Holy Holy Paladin) to manage Titan Spark and Surging Darkness.
  • DPS: Classes with strong cleave, interrupts, and crowd control (e.g., Demon Hunter Demon Hunter, Rogue Rogue, Mage Mage) to deal with adds like Silithid Warriors and Nerubian Voidweavers.


icon Strategy:

icon Bloodlust/Drums: at the start of Phase 3.

icon Zek’voz loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Void-Lashed Wristband Wrist
Mantle of Contained Corruption Shoulder
Leather Quarantine Protocol Treads Feet
Replicated Chitin Cord Waist
Mail Chainvest of Assured Quality Chest
Titanspark Energy Girdle Waist
Plate Warboots of Absolute Eradication Feet
Greaves of Creeping Darkness Legs
Any Zem’lan Dagger Dagger
Warport Hex Focus Off-hand
Golden Fleet Mojo Charm Off-hand
Zem’lan Chopper 1H Axe
Containment Analysis Baton 1H Mace
Bleached Bone Club 1H Mace
Bleached Bone Cutlass 1H Sword
Void-Binder Polearm
Ring of the Infinite Void Ring
Bleached Bone Shield Shield
Zem’lan Pummeler Staff
Disc of Systematic Regression Trinket
Zocali Warglaive Warglaive



Vectis is a boss encounter in the Uldir raid from the Battle for Azeroth expansion. The fight alternates between two phases on a set timer, requiring careful management of the Omega Vector debuff through precise player positioning. Vectis is the third, fourth, or fifth boss in Uldir. After defeating Vectis, players can progress towards the Zul encounter.

icon Preferred Classes:

  • Tanks: High-mobility tanks are preferred for soaking Plague Bombs in Phase 2.
  • Healers: Strong single-target and raid healers are crucial due to high damage from Contagion and Lingering Infection stacks.
  • DPS: Classes with strong cleave/AoE damage are ideal for dealing with Plague Amalgam adds and maintaining boss damage.


General Tips

  • Phase 1:
    • Form three evenly sized groups to manage Omega Vector debuffs.
    • Keep groups 10-15 yards apart to prevent debuffs from jumping between groups.
    • Move 5 yards away from players affected by Gestate to avoid splash damage.
    • Use personal defensive cooldowns if you have high Lingering Infection stacks before Contagion.
  • Phase 2:

Tank-Specific Tips

Healer-Specific Tips

icon Strategy:

Phase 1 (1 minute 30 seconds)

Phase 2 (35 seconds)

  • Liquefy:
  • Blood Geyser:
    • Dodge the lines to avoid damage and debuffs.
  • Plague Bombs:
    • Assign one player per zone to soak the damage and prevent adds from spawning.
  • Omega Vector:
    • Two players per group should handle the debuff bouncing.

icon Bloodlust/Drums: at the start of the fight or during the execute phase (when the boss is below 30% health).

icon Vectis loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Mutagenic Protofluid Handwraps Hands
Cord of Animated Contagion Waist
Leather Hood of Pestilent Ichor Head
Wristwraps of Coursing Miasma Wrist
Mail Blighted Anima Greaves Legs
Plate Chestguard of Virulent Mutagens Chest
Any Bow of Virulent Infection Bow
Plasma-Spattered Greatcloak Cloak
Vector Deflector Shield
Inoculating Extract Trinket
Syringe of Bloodborne Infirmity Trinket

Zul, Reborn


Zul, Reborn is a two-phase encounter in the Uldir raid. The first phase involves managing waves of dangerous adds while dealing with the boss’s abilities. The second phase is a race against time as the raid runs out of room due to increasing area denial. The longer Phase One lasts, the more challenging Phase Two becomes. Zul is the sixth boss in Uldir, and after defeating him, players progress to the Mythrax the Unraveler encounter.

icon Preferred Classes:

  • Tanks: Classes with strong active mitigation and mobility (e.g., Paladin Protection Protection Paladin, Death Knight Blood Blood Death Knight).
  • Healers: Classes with strong raid-wide healing and dispels (e.g., Druid Restoration Restoration Druid, Priest Holy Holy Priest).
  • DPS: Classes with strong AoE, cleave, and interrupt capabilities (e.g., Demon Hunter Demon Hunter, Mage Mage, Hunter Hunter).


General Tips:

Tank-Specific Tips:

Healer-Specific Tips:

DPS-Specific Tips:

icon Strategy:

icon Bloodlust/Drums: Phase 2.

icon Zul loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Visage of the Ascended Prophet Head
Leather Usurper’s Bloodcaked Spaulders Shoulder
Armbands of Sacrosanct Acts Wrist
Mail Cincture of Profane Deeds Waist
Crest of the Undying Visionary Head
Plate Chestplate of Apocalyptic Machinations Chest
Imperious Vambraces Wrist
Any Cloak of Rippling Whispers Cloak
Tusk of the Reborn Prophet Dagger
Pursax, the Backborer Dagger
Rivermarsh Basher 1H Mace
Bleached Bone Cutlass 1H Sword
Zem’lan Buckler Shield
Loa-Blessed Warshield Shield
Zem’lan Pummeler Staff

Mythrax the Unraveler

Mythrax the Unraveler

Mythrax the Unraveler is the seventh boss in the Uldir raid, the first raid in Battle for Azeroth. The encounter consists of two phases: Phase One, where the raid engages Mythrax directly, and Phase Two, which triggers every 33% health lost, where the raid engages various adds while Mythrax is nearly immune to damage. After defeating Mythrax, players can progress to the G’huun encounter.

icon Preferred Classes:

  • Tanks: Classes with strong mobility and cooldowns for managing Essence Shear and Annihilation stacks (e.g., Death Knight Blood Death Knight, Paladin Protection Paladin).
  • Healers: Classes with strong raid-wide healing and mobility to handle Imminent Ruin and Oblivion Sphere damage (e.g., Priest Holy Holy Priest, Druid Restoration Restoration Druid).
  • DPS: Classes with strong cleave, interrupts, and mobility to handle adds and mechanics (e.g., Demon Hunter Demon Hunter, Mage Mage, Rogue Rogue).


icon Strategy:

icon Bloodlust/Drums: during the final phase (below 33% health).

icon Mythrax loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Robes of the Unraveler Chest
Leather Cowl of Dark Portents Head
Mail C’thraxxi General’s Hauberk Chest
Oblivion Crushers Hands
Plate Chitinspine Pauldrons Shoulder
Any Codex of Imminent Ruin Off-hand
Luminous Edge of Virtue 1H Sword
Band of Certain Annihilation Ring
Twitching Tentacle of Xalzaix Trinket
Xalzaix’s Veiled Eye Trinket
Voror, Gleaming Blade of the Stalwart 2H Sword



G’huun is a three-phase boss in Uldir requiring strong coordination, especially for Power Matrix mechanics. In Phase One, focus on adds and trigger Reorigination Blast; in Phase Two, tank G’huun, manage Putrid Blood, and trigger a second blast; in Phase Three, burn G’huun while avoiding Collapse and Gaze of G’huun. Use Bloodlust during Phase Two after the second blast for maximum damage. Key mechanics include Explosive Corruption, Wave of Corruption, and Blood Feast.

icon Preferred Classes:

  •  Power Matrix Runners: Classes with strong mobility and movement abilities are ideal for carrying the Power Matrix orbs. Recommended classes include:
    • Demon Hunter Demon Hunters (Fel Rush, Vengeful Retreat)
    • Warrior Warriors (Charge, Heroic Leap)
    • Monk Monks (Roll, Tiger’s Lust)
    • Mage Mages (Blink, Shimmer)
    • Rogue Rogues (Sprint, Shadowstep)
  • Healers: Any healer can work, but Priest Discipline Discipline Priests are particularly useful for their Atonement healing during Reorigination Blast.
  • Tanks: Tanks with strong active mitigation and mobility are preferred to handle Dark Young and G’huun‘s mechanics.


icon Strategy:

icon Bloodlust/Drums: Phase 2.

icon G’huun loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Amice of Corrupting Horror Shoulder
Cord of Septic Envelopment Waist
Leather Striders of the Putrescent Path Feet
Tunic of the Sanguine Deity Chest
Mail Spaulders of Coagulated Viscera Shoulder
Plate Helm of the Defiled Laboratorium Head
Hematocyst Stompers Feet
Any Lancet of the Deft Hand Fist Weapon
Re-Origination Pulse Rifle Gun
Barricade of Purifying Resolve Shield
Heptavium, Staff of Torturous Knowledge Staff
Vanquished Tendril of G’huun Trinket

Uldir Achievements List

Achievement Requirement
Crimson Descent Defeat bosses in the depths of Uldir.
Halls of Containment Kill bosses in the first section of Uldir.
Heart of Corruption Slay bosses and extinguish the corruption in the lowest reaches of Uldir.
Uldir Defeat all bosses of Uldir on Normal difficulty or higher.
Uldir Guild Run Kill all bosses of Uldir on Normal difficulty or higher, while in a guild group.
Ahead of the Curve: G’huun Slay G’huun in Uldir on Heroic difficulty or higher, before the beginning of the Battle of Dazar’alor.
Cutting Edge: G’huun Defeat G’huun in Uldir on Mythic difficulty, before the beginning of the Battle of Dazar’alor.
Hall of Fame: G’huun (Alliance) Among the first one hundred Alliance guilds worldwide to defeat G’huun on Mythic difficulty.
Hall of Fame: G’huun (Horde) Among the first one hundred Horde guilds worldwide to defeat G’huun on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: G’huun Kill G’huun on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: G’huun Guild Run Slay G’huun on Mythic difficulty while in a guild group.
Mythic: Fetid Devourer Defeat the Fetid Devourer on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: MOTHER Kill MOTHER on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Mythrax the Unraveler Slay Mythrax the Unraveler on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Taloc Defeat Taloc on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Vectis Kill Vectis on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Zek’voz Slay Zek’voz on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Zul Defeat Zul on Mythic difficulty.
Glory of the Uldir Raider Complete the Uldir raid achievements.
Double Dribble Kill G’huun after having no player move while holding a Power Matrix on Normal difficulty or higher.
Edgelords Slay Zul, Reborn without any player stepping onto the inner ring of the Oblivion Door on Normal difficulty or higher.
Elevator Music Defeat Taloc after activating all Orbs of Harmony on Normal Difficulty or higher.
Existential Crisis Kill Mythrax the Unraveler with no player touching an Existence Fragment spawned by another player on Normal difficulty or higher.
New Mog, G’huun This? Collect an armor set from Uldir.
Now We Got Bad Blood Slay Vectis after infecting Warmother Rakkali with Plague Bomb then defeating her on Normal difficulty or higher.
Parental Controls Defeat MOTHER after entering her secret passcode on Normal difficulty or higher.
Thrash Mouth – All Stars Kill the Fetid Devourer after having all players hit by Terrible Thrash at least once on Normal difficulty or higher.
What’s in the Box? Slay Zek’voz after exposing the Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron to the Projection of Yogg-Saron on Normal difficulty or higher.



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