Trial of Valor, the second raid of World of Warcraft: Legion, was released on the 8th of November, 2016. It remains a valuable source of transmogs, mounts, and collectibles in The War Within. This raid in Stormheim features three bosses, including Helya, with unique armor sets, weapons, and achievements to earn.
Whether you’re farming cosmetics or challenging yourself solo, this guide will help you get the most out of Trial of Valor in WoW Retail (The War Within).
Trial of Valor Entrance and Subregions
Trial of Valor is located in the Stormheim zone in World of Warcraft: Legion. To reach it, travel to Stormheim, which can be accessed via Dalaran in the Broken Isles. From there, head to the northern part of the zone, where you’ll find the entrance to the Halls of Valor.
The entrance to Trial of Valor is at 71.5, 48.5, inside the Halls of Valor dungeon. Walk through the main doors and continue until you reach the raid area. Once inside, you’ll move through different subregions as you fight your way to Helya.
Trial of Valor has the following subregions:
Halls of Valor: The starting area where you face Odyn.
The Bridge: A transitional area where you battle Guarm.
Each section has its challenges and bosses, which we’ll briefly overview below.
Trial of Valor Bosses Overview
Trial of Valor is a Norse-mythology-inspired raid in World of Warcraft: Legion, where players face Odyn, Guarm, and Helya in the Halls of Valor and Helheim. The raid has three bosses, each tied to the epic themes of the zone, from Odyn, the titan keeper who tests your strength, to Guarm, a three-headed hound with devastating breath attacks. Encounters range from strategic fights like Odyn, where you battle waves of Valarjar champions, to intense damage checks against Helya, the ruler of Helheim, who summons tentacles and corrupts the battlefield. The final battle against Helya is a dramatic showdown in the depths of Helheim, where players must overcome her dark magic and prevent her from unleashing chaos.
Below, we’ll overview the Trial of Valor boss fights and the loot you can get from each.
Can You Solo Trial of Valor in The War Within?
Farming Trial of Valor solo in The War Within is a good way to get transmog sets, mounts, and achievements from Legion. Older raids are easier to solo now because of better gear and scaling, but some bosses in Trial of Valor still have tricky mechanics. This guide will help you solo each boss, with tips on classes, strategies, and when to use Bloodlust or Drums of the Mountain.
Guarm is a single-phase boss in Trial of Valor with a 5-minute enrage timer. Key mechanics include Guardian’s Breath (three elemental breaths requiring consistent soaking to avoid Frothing Rage stacks), Roaring Leap (knockback and leap onto the largest clump), and Headlong Charge (lethal charges across the room). Assign players to one breath type, spread out to manage debuffs (Flame Lick, Frost Lick, Shadow Lick), and use Bloodlust at the start for maximum DPS. Tanks must stack to split Multi-Headed damage, and healers must dispel Frost Lick while spot-healing Shadow Lick. On Mythic, manage Volatile Foam debuffs by dispelling near players with matching breath types.
Preferred Classes:
Damage Dealers: High single-target DPS classes (e.g., Warriors, Shadow Priests, Hunters) are ideal due to the tight enrage timer.
Healers: Strong AoE healers (e.g., Holy Paladins, Restoration Druids) to handle raid-wide damage from breaths and charges.
Tanks: Tanks with strong mitigation and cooldowns to handle Multi-Headed attacks.
Breath Management: Assign players to one of the three breath types (Fire, Nature, Shadow) and ensure they stick to it for the entire fight.
Ranged DPS should stay 25+ yards away to avoid Flashing Fangs.
Melee DPS should stack behind Guarm to minimize movement.
Helya, the final boss in Trial of Valor, is a three-phase fight requiring strong single-target and AoE damage, precise positioning, and quick reactions. In Phase 1, manage Orbs of Corruption, Taint of the Sea, and Bilewater Slimes while keeping a tank in melee range. Phase 2 involves destroying Gripping Tentacles, handling adds like Night Watch Mariners, and avoiding Fury of the Maw waves. Phase 3 combines mechanics from earlier phases, with a focus on kiting Orbs of Corrosion, clearing adds, and using Bloodlust to burn Helya down. Key tips include dispelling debuffs quickly, soaking Tentacle Strikes, and coordinating tank swaps for Bilewater and Corrupted Breath.
Preferred Classes:
Tanks: Classes with strong active mitigation and mobility (e.g., Protection Paladin, Blood Death Knight) to handle Bilewater Breath and Corrupted Breath.
Healers: Classes with strong dispels and AoE healing (e.g., Restoration Druid, Holy Priest) to manage Taint of the Sea, Fetid Rot, and raid-wide damage.
DPS: Classes with strong cleave and burst damage (e.g., Frost Death Knight, Destruction Warlock) to handle adds like Bilewater Slimes, Gripping Tentacles, and Night Watch Mariners.
Phase 1:
Always keep a tank in melee range to avoid Corrosive Nova.
Phase 1: Focus on managing Orbs of Corruption, Taint of the Sea, and Bilewater Slimes while keeping a tank in melee range.
Phase 2: Destroy Gripping Tentacles while handling adds like Night Watch Mariners and Grimelords. Avoid Fury of the Maw waves by moving to elevated platforms.
Phase 3: Combine mechanics from Phases 1 and 2. Use Bloodlust and focus on clearing adds and managing Decay patches.