
The Emerald Nightmare Raid Guide: Entrance, Rewards, Bosses

The Emerald Nightmare, the first raid in World of Warcraft: Legion, launched on September 20th 2016. This raid takes place in the corrupted Emerald Dream, a once-perfect version of Azeroth now invaded by the Legion. The Emerald Nightmare offers unique rewards like transmogs, mounts, and collectibles.

icon Here’s what we’ll cover:

icon This guide will help you get the most out of the Emerald Nightmare in WoW Retail (The War Within), whether you’re collecting cosmetics or challenging yourself solo.

Emerald Nightmare Entrance and Subregions

Entrance and Subregions

The Emerald Nightmare is located in the Val’sharah zone in World of Warcraft: Legion. To reach it, travel to Val’sharah, which can be accessed via Dalaran (Broken Isles) or through the flight paths in the Broken Isles. Once in Val’sharah, head to the coordinates 57, 37 near Shaladrassil.

The entrance to the Emerald Nightmare is at 57, 37, near Shaladrassil. Follow the path, be cautious of enemies, and you’ll reach the main gates. Once at the entrance, simply walk through the doors to enter the raid and start your adventure.

Inside, you’ll move through different subregions as you fight your way to Xavius, the final boss.

icon The Emerald Nightmare has the following subregions:

  • The Dreamgrove: The starting area where you face Nythendra.
  • The Core of the Nightmare: A central hub with portals to other areas.
  • The Tormented Guardians: Home to Ursoc and Elerethe Renferal.
  • The Heart of Corruption: Where you confront Il’gynoth.
  • The Dragons’ Lair: The domain of the corrupted Dragons of Nightmare.
  • The Cenarius Encounter: A serene yet corrupted glade where you battle Cenarius.
  • The Rift of Aln: The final area where you face Xavius.

Each section has its own challenges and bosses, which we’ll briefly overview below.

Emerald Nightmare Bosses Overview

Bosses Overview

The Emerald Nightmare is a raid in World of Warcraft: Legion where players fight Xavius and his minions in a corrupted dream world. From Nythendra, a huge dragon taken over by the Nightmare, to Cenarius, the corrupted forest guardian, every fight is different. Battles range from strategic ones like Il’gynoth, where players must destroy the Heart of Corruption, to chaotic fights with the Dragons of Nightmare, who use powerful breath attacks. The final fight against Xavius in the Rift of Aln is intense, as players must overcome his illusions and corruption to defeat him.

icon Below, we’ll look at the Emerald Nightmare raid bosses and their rewards.

Can You Solo Emerald Nightmare in The War Within?

Can You Solo in The War Within

Farming the Emerald Nightmare in World of Warcraft: Legion is an excellent way to collect transmog sets, mounts, pets, and achievements. Although soloing older raids is simpler with improved gear and stats, some bosses in the Emerald Nightmare still present challenges. This guide provides strategies for soloing each boss, including recommended classes, tips, and optimal times to use Bloodlust or Drums of the Mountain.



Nythendra is the first boss in the Emerald Nightmare, featuring two phases: Plagued Dreamer (direct attacks) and Heart of the Swarm (environmental hazards). Key mechanics include Rot (drop Infested Ground away from the group), Volatile Rot (tanks move to minimize raid damage), and Infested Breath (dodge the cone attack). Use Bloodlust/Time Warp at the start for maximum DPS. On Heroic and Mythic, manage Infested stacks and Infested Mind (mind control) carefully. Divide the room into quadrants, rotate after Infested Breath, and keep one half clear for Heart of the Swarm.

icon Preferred Classes:
  • Tanks: Classes with strong mitigation cooldowns (e.g., Paladin Protection Protection Paladin, Death Knight Blood Blood Death Knight) to handle Volatile Rot.
  • Healers: Classes with strong AoE healing and dispels (e.g., Druid Restoration Restoration Druid, Priest Holy Holy Priest) to manage raid-wide damage and dispel Unstable Decay.
  • DPS: High-mobility classes (e.g., Demon Hunter Demon Hunter, Rogue Rogue) to avoid mechanics and burst down Corrupted Vermin.
  • General:
  • Tanks:
    • Communicate taunt swaps for Volatile Rot.
    • Use cooldowns to survive Volatile Rot explosions.
  • DPS:
    • Focus on dodging mechanics while maintaining high damage output.
    • Use cooldowns during Bloodlust/Time Warp at the start.
  • Healers:
    • Prioritize healing Rot targets and tanks.
    • Save major cooldowns for the third Volatile Rot explosion and Heart of the Swarm phase.
icon Strategy:
  • Phase 1 (Plagued Dreamer):
    • Rot: Affected players run to the walls to drop Infested Ground.
    • Volatile Rot: Tanks run to a designated area to minimize raid damage.
    • Infested Breath: Move out of the cone and reposition the raid to a clean quadrant.
  • Phase 2 (Heart of the Swarm):
    • Avoid Corrupted Vermin explosions.
    • Stay in a clean area of the room to avoid Infested Ground.
  • Room Management:
icon Bloodlust/Drums:

At the start of the fight.

icon Nythendra loot table:
Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Ancient Dreamwoven Mantle Shoulder
Leather Lifeless Buckled Girdle Feet
Stained Maggot Squishers Waist
Mail Greyed Dragonscale Coif Waist
Creeping String of Larva Head
Plate Insect-Etched Chestplate Chest
Wristclamps of Mad Dreams Wrist
Any Grubby Silver Ring Ring
Ravaged Seed Pod Trinket
Swarming Plaguehive Trinket

Il’gynoth, Heart of Corruption


Il’gynoth is a two-phase boss in The Emerald Nightmare. In Phase 1, players defeat adds to spawn Nightmare Ichors, which must be killed near the Eye of Il’gynoth to damage it. Key mechanics include interrupting Mind Flay, tank-swapping on Eye of Fate, and kiting Spew Corruption pools to the edges. In Phase 2, players burn Il’gynoth in the heart chamber, spreading out for Cursed Blood and exiting before Dark Reconstitution kills them. Use Bloodlust in the first burn phase for maximum DPS, and on Mythic, manage Death Blossom soaks and limit Nightmare Explosion stacks.

icon Preferred Classes:
  • Tanks: Classes with strong active mitigation (e.g., Paladin Protection Protection Paladin, Death Knight Blood Blood Death Knight) to handle Nightmarish Fury and Eye of Fate.
  • Healers: Classes with strong AoE healing and dispels (e.g., Druid Restoration Restoration Druid, Priest Holy Holy Priest) to manage Touch of Corruption and Cursed Blood.
  • Damage Dealers: Classes with strong AoE and single-target burst (e.g., Mage Fire Fire Mage, Demon Hunter Havoc Demon Hunter) to handle adds and burn Il’gynoth in Phase 2.
  • Phase 1:
    • Kill adds to spawn Nightmare Ichors, then kite them to the Eye of Il’gynoth and kill them within 15 yards to damage the Eye.
    • Interrupt Mind Flay from Deathglare Tentacles.
    • Tanks must swap on 3 stacks of Eye of Fate from the Nightmare Horror.
    • Players targeted by Spew Corruption should drop Nightmare Corruption pools at the edges of the room.
  • Phase 2:
icon Strategy:

Phase 1: The Ruined Ground

  • Add Priority:
    • Nightmare Ichors (when in position) > Corruptor Tentacles > Deathglare Tentacles > Dominator Tentacles > Nightmare Horror.
  • Key Mechanics:
    • Dominator Tentacles: Tank these and dodge Ground Slam.
    • Deathglare Tentacles: Interrupt Mind Flay.
    • Nightmare Horror: Tank swap on 3 stacks of Eye of Fate and avoid dropping Nightmare Corruption on melee DPS.
    • Corruptor Tentacles: Drop Spew Corruption pools at the edges.
  • Nightmare Ichors:
    • Kite them to the Eye of Il’gynoth and kill them within 15 yards to damage the Eye.
    • Use slows, stuns, and knockbacks to control their movement.

Phase 2: The Heart of Corruption

  • Burn Il’gynoth:
  • Cursed Blood:
    • Spread out to avoid damaging other players when the debuff detonates.
  • Exit Before Dark Reconstitution:
    • Leave the heart chamber with 5 seconds remaining on the cast to avoid instant death.
icon Bloodlust/Drums:

At the start of the first burn phase.

icon Il’gynoth loot table:
Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Celestially Aligned Hood Head
Clasp of Cosmic Insignificance Wrist
Leather Otherworldy Leather Mantle Shoulder
Dreamsculptor’s Gloves Hands
Mail Singular Chain Leggings Legs
Gauntlets of Malevolent Intent Hands
Plate Waistplate of Nameless Horror Waist
Pauldrons of Shifting Runes Shoulder
Any Dreadful Cyclopean Signet Ring
Spontaneous Appendages Trinket
Wriggling Sinew Trinket
Goblet of Nightmarish Ichor Trinket

Elerethe Renferal

Elerethe Renferal

Elerethe Renferal is a two-phase boss in The Emerald Nightmare, alternating between Spider and Roc forms. In Spider form, manage Web of Pain, drop Venomous Pools from Necrotic Venom, and avoid Vile Ambush. In Roc form, handle Twisting Shadows, use Shimmering Feathers to cross platforms, and taunt-swap during Raking Talons. On Mythic, watch for Tangled Webs, Violent Winds, and Nightmare Spawn mechanics. Use Bloodlust at the start for maximum DPS, and prioritize clearing Venomous Pools and avoiding Pulsing Egg Sacs throughout the fight.

icon Preferred Classes:
  • Tanks: Classes with strong active mitigation and cooldowns (e.g., Paladin Protection Protection Paladin, Death Knight Blood Blood DK).
  • Healers: Classes with strong raid-wide healing and cooldowns (e.g., Druid Restoration Restoration Druid, Priest Holy Holy Priest).
  • DPS: Classes with high mobility and strong AoE/cleave (e.g., Demon Hunter Demon Hunter, Mage Mage, Hunter Hunter).
icon Strategy:
  • Spider Form:
    • Web of Pain: Linked players (tanks and random DPS/healers) must stay within 20 yards to avoid extra damage.
    • Necrotic Venom: Targeted players should move to the edge of the platform to drop Venomous Pools.
    • Vile Ambush: The raid should move to the opposite side of the platform to avoid heavy damage.
  • Roc Form:
  • Platform Transitions:
    • Avoid Venomous Pools and Twisting Shadows while crossing web bridges.
    • Use movement speed boosts carefully to avoid falling or triggering Pulsing Egg Sacs.
icon Bloodlust/Drums:

At the start of the fight during Spider form.

icon Elerethe Renferal loot table:
Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Pliable Spider Silk Cinch Waist
Ragged Horrorweave Leggings Legs
Leather Mask of Multitudinous Eyes Head
Wristwraps of Broken Trust Wrist
Mail Patient Ambusher’s Hauberk Chest
Black Venom Sabatons Feet
Plate Venom-Fanged Barbute Head
Storm-Battered Legplates Legs
Any Gossamer-Spun Greatcloak Cloak
Twisting Wind Trinket
Cocoon of Enforced Solitude Trinket



Ursoc is a single-target boss in the Emerald Nightmare raid with moderate movement requirements. Key mechanics include Focused Gaze, where players must soak Momentum charges to reduce raid damage, and tank debuffs (Overwhelm and Rend Flesh) that require frequent taunt swaps. Save Bloodlust/Heroism for the Blood Frenzy phase (below 30% health), where Ursoc deals significantly increased damage. In Heroic and Mythic, Nightmare Images spawn during Roaring Cacophony, creating Miasma zones and requiring additional tanking and DPS focus. Proper positioning, soaking, and cooldown management are essential for success.

icon Preferred Classes:
  • Tanks: Classes with strong active mitigation (e.g., Paladin Protection Protection Paladin, Death Knight Blood Blood Death Knight) to handle Overwhelm and Rend Flesh debuffs.
  • Healers: Classes with strong AoE healing (e.g., Druid Restoration Restoration Druid, Priest Holy Holy Priest) to manage raid-wide damage from Roaring Cacophony and Barreling Impact.
  • DPS: High single-target damage dealers (e.g., Mage Fire Fire Mage, Warlock Affliction Affliction Warlock) to burn Ursoc quickly, especially in Mythic where Nightmare Images must be killed.
icon Strategy:
icon Bloodlust/Drums:

When Ursoc reaches 30% health and enters Blood Frenzy.

icon Ursoc loot table:
Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Crimson Wool-Lined Slippers Feet
Ragged Fur Wristwraps Wrist
Leather Scarred Ragefang Chestpiece Chest
Splotched Bloodfur Leggings Legs
Mail Matted Fur Pauldrons Shoulder
Scored Ironclaw Sabatons Feet
Plate Primal Gauntlets of Rage Hands
Trampling Warboots Feet
Any Cursed Beartooth Necklace Amulet
Unbridled Fury Trinket
Bloodthirsty Instinct Trinket
Ursoc’s Rending Paw Trinket

Dragons of Nightmare

Dragons of Nightmare

The Dragons of Nightmare encounter in the Emerald Nightmare raid features Ysondre and two randomly selected dragons (or all four on Mythic). Players must manage Mark of the Dragon debuffs by splitting into two groups and swapping tanks at 6-8 stacks. Key mechanics include soaking Nightmare Blooms, dispelling Defiled Vines, and prioritizing adds like Essence of Corruption and Spirit Shades. Use Bloodlust at the start for maximum DPS. On Heroic and Mythic, flying dragons gain additional abilities, and Mythic introduces Lumbering Mindgorgers that require a portal team to prevent a raid wipe.

icon Preferred Classes:
  • Tanks: Classes with strong cooldowns for mitigating Corrupted Breath and handling multiple adds (e.g., Paladin Protection Paladins, Death Knight Blood Death Knights).
  • Healers: Classes with strong dispels and AoE healing (e.g., Druid Restoration Restoration Druids, Paladin Holy Holy Paladins)
  • DPS: Classes with strong single-target burst for adds and interrupts (e.g., Rogue Rogues, Mage Mages, Hunter Hunters).
  • Mark of the Dragon:
    • Players within 45 yards of a dragon gain a stacking debuff. At 10 stacks, they are stunned for 30 seconds.
    • Split the raid into two groups, each handling one dragon. Tanks should swap dragons at 6-8 stacks to avoid Slumbering Nightmare.
  • Nightmare Blooms:
    • Soak Nightmare Blooms to prevent Dread Horrors from spawning.
    • Use defensive cooldowns if soaking while taking other damage.
  • Adds:
    • Prioritize killing adds like Essence of Corruption, Spirit Shades, and Shades of Taerar.
    • Use crowd control (CC) and interrupts to manage adds effectively.
  • Ground Effects:
  • Dispels:
icon Strategy:
  • Raid Composition:
    • Split the raid into two groups, each with a tank, healers, and DPS.
    • Assign each group to one side of the room.
  • Tank Responsibilities:
    • Face dragons away from the raid to avoid Corrupted Breath.
    • Swap dragons at 6-8 stacks of the debuff.
    • Pick up adds like Shades of Taerar and Dread Horrors.
  • DPS Responsibilities:
    • Focus on adds and interrupts.
    • Soak Nightmare Blooms and avoid ground effects.
  • Healer Responsibilities:
icon Bloodlust/Drums:

At the start of the encounter to burn down the dragons quickly and reduce the number of mechanics in the first phase.

icon Dragons of Nightmare loot table:
Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Handwraps of Delusional Power Hands
Dreamscale Inlaid Vestments Chest
Prideful Gladiator’s Mooncloth Robe Chest
Leather Dragonspur Wristguards Wrist
Cowl of Fright Head
Mail Malignant Sabatons Feet
Gauntlets of the Demented Mind Hands
Plate Dragonbone Wristclamps Wrist
Horror Inscribed Chestguard Chest
Any Nightmare Whelpling Ring
Mindrend Band Trinket
Unstable Horrorslime Trinket
Vial of Nightmare Fog Trinket
Phantasmal Echo Trinket



Cenarius is the sixth boss in The Emerald Nightmare raid, located in the Tormented Guardians wing. Players must defeat Nythendra and all four Core of the Nightmare bosses to access him. The encounter takes place in a Nightmare-corrupted Moonglade.

icon Preferred Classes:
  • Tanks: Classes with strong cooldowns for Spear of Nightmares and Nightmare Blast (e.g., Paladin Protection Protection Paladin, Death Knight Blood Blood Death Knight).
  • Damage Dealers: Classes with strong AoE for Corrupted Wisps and Twisted Sisters (e.g., Mage Fire Fire Mage, Demon Hunter Havoc Demon Hunter, Warlock Affliction Affliction Warlock).
  • Healers: Classes with strong raid-wide healing and cooldowns for Creeping Nightmares and Desiccating Stomp (e.g., Priest Holy Holy Priest, Druid Restoration Restoration Druid).
icon Strategy:

Phase 1: Forces of Nightmare

Phase 2: Your Nightmare Ends

icon Bloodlust/Drums:

At the start of Phase 2 (35% health) to burn Cenarius before Nightmares covers the entire platform.

icon Cenarius loot table:
Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Mantle of Perpetual Bloom Shoulder
Cozy Dryad Hoof-Socks Feet
Leather Forest-Lord’s Waistwrap Chest
Grove Keeper’s Robe Waist
Mail Laughing Sister’s Pouch-Chain Shoulder
Thorny Bramblemail Pauldrons Waist
Plate Fitted Ironbark Gauntlets Head
Crown of Steely Brambles Hands
Any Evergreen Vinewrap Drape Cloak
Horn of Cenarius Trinket
Nature’s Call Trinket



Xavius is the final boss of The Emerald Nightmare raid in World of Warcraft. He is located in the Rift of Aln, a surreal chamber beneath the Nightmare-corrupted Shaladrassil world tree. Players access this area by speaking to Malfurion, who turns them into sprites and hurls them into the vortex at the heart of the Moonglade. Xavius is the sole boss in the Rift of Aln wing of the Emerald Nightmare Raid Finder.

icon Preferred Classes:
  • Tanks: 2-3 tanks recommended. Classes with strong cooldowns and active mitigation (e.g., Paladin Protection Protection Paladin, Death Knight Blood Blood Death Knight) are ideal.
  • Healers: Healers with strong raid-wide healing and dispels (e.g., Priest Holy Holy Priest, Druid Restoration Restoration Druid) are preferred.
  • DPS: Classes with strong single-target and cleave/AoE damage (e.g., Mage Fire Fire Mage, Warlock Affliction Affliction Warlock, Warrior Fury Fury Warrior) are optimal for handling adds and burning Xavius.
  • Corruption Management:
  • Dream Simulacrum:
  • Add Control:
    • Prioritize killing Corruption Horrors (Phase 1) and Inconceivable Horrors (Phase 2) to prevent raid-wide damage and Corruption spikes.
    • Use slows, stuns, and CC to keep adds away from Xavius.
  • Phase Transitions:
    • Avoid pushing Xavius into the next phase with adds still alive.
    • Clear Tainted Discharge pools before Phase 3 to prevent add respawns.
icon Strategy:

Phase 1 (100%-65% Health)

Phase 2 (65%-30% Health)

  • Key Mechanics:
    • Inconceivable Horrors: Kill them quickly and soak Tainted Discharge pools to prevent respawns.
    • Corruption Meteor: Dreaming players help split the damage.
    • Bonds of Terror: Linked players must move close together to break the bond.
    • Blackening Soul: Tanks swap at 3-4 stacks and move away for dispels.
  • Strategy:
    • Ranged DPS and healers split into two groups to handle Corruption Meteor.
    • Dreaming players soak Tainted Discharge and help with dispels.
    • Use slows and CC to keep Inconceivable Horrors away from Xavius.

Phase 3 (30%-0% Health)

icon Bloodlust/Drums:

At the start of Phase 3 (30% health).

icon Xavius loot table:
Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Maddening Robe of Secrets Chest
Hood of Darkened Visions Head
Leather Repulsive Leathery Pants Legs
Boots of Endless Betrayal Feet
The First Satyr’s Spaulders Shoulder
Mail Disjointed Linkage Leggings Legs
Manacles of the Nightmare Colossus Wrist
Plate Midnight Herald’s Pauldrons Shoulder
Eon-Tempered Waistplate Waist
Any Twice-Warped Azsharan Signet Ring
Bough of Corruption Trinket
Grotesque Statuette Trinket

Emerald Nightmare Achievements List

Achievement Requirement
Tormented Guardians Defeat corrupted protectors.
Use the Force(s) Kill Cenarius without cleansing each of the following Forces of Nightmare on Normal difficulty or higher.
The Emerald Nightmare Guild Run Slay the bosses of The Emerald Nightmare on Normal difficulty or higher, while in a guild group.
Rift of Aln Defeat Xavius.
Ahead of the Curve: Xavius Kill Xavius on Heroic difficulty or higher, before the opening of the Nighthold.
Cutting Edge: Xavius Slay Xavius on Mythic difficulty, before the opening of the Nighthold.
Mythic: Xavius Defeat Xavius on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Xavius Guild Run Kill Xavius on Mythic difficulty, while in a guild group.
Realm First! Xavius First guild on the realm to defeat Xavius on Mythic difficulty while in a guild group.
Mythic: Cenarius Slay Cenarius on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Dragons of Nightmare Defeat the Dragons of Nightmare on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Elerethe Renferal Kill Elerethe Renferal on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Il’gynoth Slay Il’gynoth, the Heart of Corruption, on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Nythendra Defeat Nythendra on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Ursoc Kill Ursoc on Mythic difficulty.
Buggy Fight Slay Nythendra after squishing 15 Glow Bugs on Normal difficulty or higher.
Darkbough Defeat the following bosses within the clutches of The Emerald Nightmare.
I Attack the Darkness Kill a Creature in the Dark during each of phase of the encounter with Xavius on Normal difficulty or higher.
Imagined Dragons World Tour Slay Ysondre while all members of the raid have Dream Essences from all four gateway locations on Normal difficulty or higher.
Scare Bear Defeat Ursoc while keeping Tur Ragepaw alive on Normal difficulty or higher.
Took the Red Eye Down Kill Il’gynoth after inflicting 20 Nightmare Explosions on the Eye of Il’gynoth within 10 seconds on Normal difficulty or higher.
Webbing Crashers Slay Elerethe Renferal after destroying all her Pulsing Egg Sacs during the encounter on Normal difficulty or higher.


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