Tomb of Sargeras, the fourth raid of World of Warcraft: Legion, opened in June 20, 2017 with Patch 7.2.5. It remains a valuable source of transmogs, mounts, and collectibles. This raid in the Broken Shore features nine bosses, including Kil’jaeden, with unique armor sets, weapons, and achievements to earn.
Whether you’re farming cosmetics or pushing your solo abilities, this guide will help you get the most out of the Tomb of Sargeras in WoW Retail.
Tomb of Sargeras Entrance and Subregions
The Tomb of Sargeras is located on the Broken Shore in World of Warcraft: Legion. To get there, head to the northern part of the Broken Shore. If you have flying, simply fly to the green circle on your map near Wrynnfall. Without flying, take the flight path to Vengeance Point, head south, and follow the road. Watch out for demons along the way, but friendly NPCs will help you fight them.
The entrance to the Tomb of Sargeras is marked by a large green portal at coordinates 63.6 21.8 in Broken Shore. The summoning stone is slightly to the left of the entrance. Walk through the portal to start your journey into the raid.
Inside, you’ll progress through different sections as you face the raid’s nine bosses.
The Tomb of Sargeras has the following subregions:
Each section has its own challenges and bosses, which we’ll briefly overview below.
Tomb of Sargeras Bosses Overview
The Tomb of Sargeras is a demonic-themed raid in World of Warcraft: Legion, where players confront Kil’jaeden and the Burning Legion’s forces on the Broken Shore. The raid features nine bosses, each tied to the dark, fel-infused atmosphere of the Tomb. From Goroth, a massive infernal that rains destruction, to Mistress Sassz’ine, a cunning sea witch commanding abyssal creatures, the encounters are varied and challenging. Players will face strategic fights like the Demonic Inquisition, where two demons must be managed simultaneously, and intense battles like Fallen Avatar, a massive construct of Sargeras’ power. The final showdown against Kil’jaeden is an epic, multi-phase fight in the depths of the Tomb, where players must stop him from unleashing the Legion’s full might.
Below, we’ll review the Tomb of Sargeras boss fights and the loot they drop.
Can You Solo Tomb of Sargeras in The War Within?
Farming Tomb of Sargeras solo in The War Within is a great method to gather transmog sets, mounts, pets, and achievements from the Legion expansion.
Gear and Level Requirements: As of the War Within expansion, it is possible to solo Legion raids, including the Tomb of Sargeras, on Mythic mode with most classes and specs. An item level around 450 or higher is recommended for a smoother experience.
General Tips:
Use Cooldowns: Don’t hesitate to use defensive and offensive cooldowns to survive or burst down bosses.
Movement: Many mechanics require constant movement. Stay mobile to avoid damage.
Adds: Prioritize killing adds if they become a problem.
Practice: Some bosses may take a few attempts to learn the mechanics.
Tomb of Sargeras drops Tier 20 sets, which can be useful for transmog or vendoring.
Goroth is the first boss in Tomb of Sargeras, focusing on positioning and managing Infernal Spikes to survive mechanics like Infernal Burning and Shattering Star. Ranged players should stack loosely in the center to keep pillars close, while tanks position Goroth 15-20 yards away to avoid destroying pillars. Key mechanics include hiding behind pillars for Infernal Burning, directing Shattering Star through pillars to reduce damage, and avoiding pillar destruction from Crashing Comet or Burning Armor. On Mythic, Rain of Brimstone requires meteors to be soaked to prevent adds. Use Bloodlust/Drums at the start for maximum DPS.
Preferred Classes:
Tanks: Classes with strong mobility (e.g., Demon Hunters, Monks) to handle Burning Armor and Melted Armor mechanics.
Healers: Classes with strong raid-wide healing (e.g., Holy Priests, Restoration Shamans) to manage Shattering Star and Infernal Burning damage.
The Demonic Inquisition fight features two bosses, Atrigan and Belac, sharing a health pool. Players gain Torment from boss abilities, and at 100 Torment, they must use Confess to enter a Soul Cage, defeat a Tormented Soul, and collect Remnants of Hope to reduce Torment. Key mechanics include separating bosses during Bone Saw and Fel Squall, interrupting Belac’s Pangs of Guilt, and carefully dispelling Echoing Anguish. On Heroic and Mythic, additional mechanics like Calcified Quills, Suffocating Dark, and Tormented Fragment adds increase difficulty. Use Bloodlust/Drums at the start for maximum cleave damage or during Mythic add spawns for quick kills.
Preferred Classes:
Tanks: Classes with strong mobility and survivability (e.g., Demon Hunter, Warrior) to handle Atrigan’s Bone Saw and Scythe Sweep.
Healers: Classes with strong AoE healing and dispels (e.g., Holy Priest, Restoration Shaman) to manage Echoing Anguish and raid-wide damage.
DPS: Classes with strong cleave and interrupt capabilities (e.g., Mage, Rogue) to handle Belac’s Pangs of Guilt and swap between bosses efficiently.
Harjatan is a single-phase boss fight focusing on add control, debuff management, and positioning. Key mechanics include managing Drenched stacks, handling Razorjaw Murlocs (prioritize Wavemenders), and avoiding Drenching Waters during Draw In. Tanks must swap at 4-5 stacks of Jagged Abrasion and face Harjatan toward the raid for Unchecked Rage. Use Bloodlust/Drums early for add clear or during high-damage phases. On Mythic, prioritize destroying blue aura Incubated Eggs to minimize Drenching Waters spawns.
Preferred Classes:
Tanks: Classes with strong defensive cooldowns and taunt management (e.g., Protection Paladin, Blood Death Knight).
Healers: Classes with strong raid-wide healing and cooldowns (e.g., Restoration Druid, Holy Priest).
DPS: Classes with strong AoE and interrupt capabilities (e.g., Frost Mage, Demon Hunter, Rogue).
The Desolate Host is a two-phase, two-realm encounter where players fight the Engine of Souls in the Corporeal Realm and Soul Queen Dejahna in the Spirit Realm. At 30% health, they merge into The Desolate Host, requiring players to split damage and avoid lethal abilities like Sundering Doom and Doomed Sundering. Key mechanics include managing Soulbind by meeting in a designated spot, controlling adds like Soul Residue, and interrupting Shattering Scream. Use Bloodlust at 30% to burn the boss before Torment stacks overwhelm the raid. Coordination, realm management, and add control are critical for success.
Preferred Classes:
Tanks: Classes with strong magic damage mitigation (e.g., Paladins, Death Knights) are preferred for the Spirit Realm due to Crush Mind. Tanks with strong physical mitigation (e.g., Warriors, Druids) are ideal for the Corporeal Realm.
Healers: Classes with strong raid-wide healing (e.g., Holy Priests, Restoration Shamans) are valuable for handling Wailing Souls and Tormented Cries. Dispel capabilities (e.g., Paladins, Monks) are also important for Spirit Chains.
DPS: Classes with strong AoE and cleave damage (e.g., Warlocks, Mages, Demon Hunters) are ideal for add control. Classes with interrupts (e.g., Rogues, Shamans) are crucial for Shattering Scream.
Realm Management:
Always have at least one player in each realm to avoid Quietus, which wipes the raid if one realm is empty.
Pre-assign groups to each realm before the fight begins.
Players in the Corporeal Realm must stand within 15 yards of The Desolate Host during Sundering Doom, while Spirit Realm players move away.
Players in the Spirit Realm must stand within 15 yards during Doomed Sundering, while Corporeal Realm players move away.
Healers should save cooldowns for high Torment stacks.
At the start of Phase Two (30% health) to burn down The Desolate Host before Torment stacks become unmanageable. This also helps kill the remaining adds and bosses quickly.
The Maiden of Vigilance is a two-phase boss in Tomb of Sargeras requiring precise raid coordination. In Phase 1, players are split into Light and Fel Infusion groups, avoiding mismatched damage types and jumping into a central hole to handle Unstable Soul. Tanks must manage Hammers of Creation/Obliteration, while the raid dodges Remanence pools. In Phase 2, players soak matching Essence Fragments for buffs, break Titanic Bulwark, and interrupt Wrath of the Creators to avoid a wipe. Use Bloodlust early or during Phase 2 for maximum DPS, and adapt strategies for Heroic/Mythic difficulties, where mechanics like Fragment Burst and Spontaneous Fragmentation increase complexity.
Preferred Classes:
Classes with strong damage reduction cooldowns (e.g., Protection Paladin, Blood Death Knight) to solo Hammers.
Classes with strong raid-wide healing (e.g., Holy Priest, Restoration Druid) to handle high raid damage in Phase 2.
High burst damage classes (e.g., Fire Mage, Destruction Warlock) to break Titanic Bulwark quickly.
Classes with strong mobility (e.g., Havoc Demon Hunter, Windwalker Monk) to handle Essence Fragments and Unstable Soul mechanics.
The Fallen Avatar is a two-phase boss in Tomb of Sargeras. In Phase 1, the raid must delay the boss’s energy gain by positioning the Maiden of Valor in Containment Pylon beams while managing mechanics like Rupture Realities, Unbound Chaos, and Shadowy Blades. Phase 2 is a race to kill the boss as he destroys the platform, with key mechanics like Dark Mark and Sear requiring careful positioning and healing. Use Bloodlust at the start to maximize Phase 1 damage. Difficulty changes include Touch of Sargeras (Heroic) and Tainted Matrix (Mythic), adding complexity to energy management and platform survival.
Preferred Classes:
Tanks: Classes with strong active mitigation and mobility (e.g., Protection Paladin, Blood Death Knight).
Healers: Classes with strong AoE healing and cooldowns (e.g., Restoration Druid, Holy Priest).
DPS: Classes with high single-target damage and mobility (e.g., Fire Mage, Affliction Warlock, Assassination Rogue).
Phase 1:
Position the Maiden of Valor in Containment Pylon beams to prevent the boss from gaining energy.
Kil’jaeden is the final boss of the Tomb of Sargeras raid, featuring three phases and two intermissions. Key mechanics include soaking Armageddon meteors, managing Felclaws stacks, avoiding knockbacks from Rupturing Singularity, and using Tear Rifts to survive Darkness of a Thousand Souls in Phase Three. Tanks must taunt swap, healers prioritize raid-wide damage, and DPS focus on cleaving adds and kiting Flaming Orb (Heroic+). Use Bloodlust/Drums in Phase Three for maximum DPS. Heroic and Mythic difficulties add mechanics like Shadow Reflection adds and Hopeless Reflections, requiring precise coordination and positioning.
Preferred Classes:
Tanks: Classes with strong damage mitigation and mobility (e.g., Protection Paladin, Blood DK).
Healers: Classes with strong raid-wide healing and cooldowns (e.g., Holy Priest, Restoration Shaman).
DPS: Classes with high burst damage, cleave, and mobility (e.g., Fire Mage, Demon Hunter, Rogue).
At the start of Phase Three to maximize DPS during the final burn phase. This is when Kil’jaeden is most vulnerable, and the raid needs to push through his high-damage mechanics quickly.