
Ny’alotha Raid Guide: Entrance, Rewards, Bosses

Ny’alotha, the final raid of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth, was released on January 21 (NA) / January 22 (EU), 2020. It remains a popular source of transmogs, mounts, and collectibles for players. This ancient city, home to the Old God N’Zoth, features 12 bosses, including N’Zoth himself, with unique armor sets, weapons, and achievements to earn.

icon In this guide, we’ll cover:

icon This guide will help you get the best out of Ny’alotha in WoW Retail (The War Within), whether you’re collecting cosmetics or practicing solo play.

Ny’alotha Entrance and Subregions

Entrance and Subregions

Ny’alotha, the Waking City is located in the Uldum and Vale of Eternal Blossoms zones in World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth. To reach it, you need to check which zone is currently under attack by N’Zoth’s forces. The raid entrance changes weekly, depending on whether Uldum or Vale of Eternal Blossoms is being assaulted.

If Uldum is under attack, the entrance is at the upper level of the Vir’naal Dam in the central part of the zone. If Vale of Eternal Blossoms is under attack, the entrance is near Whitepetal Lake in the central area. Look for the obelisk icon on your map to find the exact location.

Once you reach the entrance, simply interact with it to enter Ny’alotha and begin your journey through the raid.

Inside, you’ll move through different sections as you fight your way to N’Zoth, the Corruptor.

icon Ny’alotha has the following subregions:

  • Vision of Destiny,
  • Annex of Prophecy,
  • Ny’alotha,
  • The Hive,
  • Terrace of Desolation,
  • The Ritual Chamber,
  • Twilight Landing,
  • Maw of Gor’ma,
  • Warren of Decay,
  • Chamber of Rebirth,
  • Locus of Infinite Truths.

Each section has its own challenges and bosses, which we’ll briefly overview below.

Ny’alotha Bosses Overview

Bosses Overview

Ny’alotha, the Waking City is a dark, ancient city in World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth. Players face N’Zoth, the Corruptor, and his minions in a raid with 12 bosses. Each fight is themed around corruption and madness.

Some battles are strategic, like The Prophet Skitra, who uses illusions to confuse players. Others, like Ra-den, a corrupted titan keeper, are tests of raw damage. The final fight against N’Zoth happens in his throne room, where players must handle tricky mechanics and stop him from destroying Azeroth.

icon Here’s a breakdown of the raid bosses and the loot they drop.

Can You Solo Ny’alotha in The War Within?

Can You Solo in The War Within

Farming Ny’alotha solo in The War Within is a good way to get cool gear, mounts, pets, and achievements from the Battle for Azeroth expansion. Older raids are easier now because of better stats and gear, but some bosses in Ny’alotha still have tricky mechanics. This guide shows how to beat each boss, which classes work best, helpful strategies, and when to use Bloodlust or Drums of the Maelstrom.



Wrathion, the Black Emperor is a two-phase boss in Ny’alotha. In Phase 1, tanks face him side-on to avoid Tail Swipe and Searing Breath, while players spread for Incineration and Gale Blast. During Burning Cataclysm, find the safe zone opposite Wrathion. In Phase 2, destroy Crackling Shards quickly, with 3 players soaking Scales of Wrathion to clear shards efficiently. Use Bloodlust/Drums in Phase 1 or Phase 2 for optimal DPS, and in Heroic, reveal and kill Ashwalker Assassins with AoE abilities.

icon Preferred Classes:
  • Tanks: Classes with strong mitigation and mobility (e.g., Paladin Protection Protection Paladin, Death Knight Blood Blood DK).
  • Healers: Classes with strong raid-wide healing and dispels (e.g., Druid Restoration Restoration Druid, Priest Holy Holy Priest).
  • DPS: High-mobility classes for soaking Scales of Wrathion and destroying Crackling Shards (e.g., Hunter Hunters, Rogue Rogues, Mage Mages).
  • Utility: Classes with AoE stealth detection (e.g., Hunter Hunters with Flare) are valuable in Heroic difficulty.
  • Phase 1:
  • Phase 2:
    • Assign 3 mobile players to soak Scales of Wrathion and destroy Crackling Shards.
    • Focus on killing all Crackling Shards before the phase ends to avoid Lava Pools.
    • Use AoE abilities to reveal and kill Ashwalker Assassins in Heroic difficulty.
icon Strategy:
  • Phase 1:
  • Phase 2:
    • Assign specific players to soak Scales of Wrathion and destroy Crackling Shards.
    • Use AoE abilities to reveal and kill Ashwalker Assassins in Heroic difficulty.
    • Focus on clearing Crackling Shards quickly to avoid stacking Rising Heat.
icon Bloodlust/Drums:

during the first Burning Cataclysm.

icon Wrathion loot table:
Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Emberscale Gloves Hands
Leather Onyx-Imbued Breeches Legs
Mail Ebony Scaled Gauntlets Hands
Plate Dragonbone Vambraces Wrist
Any Destroyer’s Shadowblade Dagger
Mish’un, Blade of Tyrants 1H Sword
Faralos, Empire’s Dream 1H Sword
Humming Black Dragonscale Trinket



Maut is a two-phase boss in Ny’alotha, the Waking City, focusing on managing his mana. In Phase 1, players must handle mechanics like Devour Magic, Stygian Annihilation, and Dark Manifestation to slow his mana gain. Phase 2 requires burning through his mana shield while intercepting mana orbs to prevent him from regaining mana. Use Bloodlust/Drums at the start of Phase 2 for maximum DPS. Heroic adds Black Wings and Drain Essence, while Mythic introduces Ancient Curse, requiring players to stand in Devoured Abyss zones to remove it.

icon Preferred Classes:
  • Tanks: Tanks with strong mitigation and taunt-swapping capabilities (e.g., Paladin Protection Protection Paladin, Death Knight Blood Blood Death Knight).
  • Healers: Healers with strong raid-wide healing and mana management (e.g., Druid Restoration Restoration Druid, Priest Holy Holy Priest).
  • DPS: Mobile ranged DPS (e.g., Hunter Hunters, Mage Mages) are ideal for intercepting mana orbs in Phase 2. Burst DPS is also valuable for breaking the mana shield quickly.
icon Strategy:
icon Bloodlust/Drums:

at the start of Phase 2.

icon Maut loot table:</summary
Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Mana-Infused Sash Waist
Leather Boots of Manifest Shadow Feet
Stygian Guise Head
Mail Greaves of Forbidden Magics Legs
Pauldrons of Ill Portent Shoulder
Plate Living Obsidian Legguards Legs
Any Fractured Obsidian Claw Battle Pet
An’zig Vra Staff
Sigil of Warding Trinket
Forbidden Obsidian Claw Trinket
Sk’shuul Vaz 2H Axe


The Prophet Skitra

Prophet Skitra

Prophet Skitra is a two-phase boss in Ny’alotha, the Waking City. In Phase One, manage tank swaps for Shadow Shock, stack to handle Shred Psycle adds, and avoid transitioning to Phase Two with active adds. In Phase Two, communicate to identify the correct illusion among clones, kill it quickly to minimize Dark Ritual stacks, and avoid triggering Mindquake by killing the wrong illusion. Use Bloodlust/Drums at the start or final phase for maximum DPS. Heroic adds Image of Absolution requiring crowd control, while Mythic introduces permanent debuffs demanding constant coordination.

icon Preferred Classes:
  • Tanks: Classes with strong defensive cooldowns and mobility (e.g., Paladin Protection Protection Paladin, Death Knight Blood Blood DK).
  • Healers: Classes with strong AoE healing and raid cooldowns (e.g., Druid Restoration Restoration Druid, Priest Holy Holy Priest).
  • DPS: Classes with strong single-target and cleave damage (e.g., Mage Fire Fire Mage, Warlock Affliction Affliction Warlock, Demon Hunter Havoc Havoc Demon Hunter).
  • Utility: Classes with crowd control abilities (e.g., Hunter Hunter for freezing traps, Mage Mage for roots) are valuable for handling adds in Heroic and Mythic difficulties.
  • Phase One:
    • Stack on one side of the boss to manage Shred Psycle adds.
    • Tanks should taunt swap at 4-6 stacks of Shadow Shock.
    • Kill Shredded Psycle adds immediately after their Psychic Outburst cast.
    • Avoid transitioning to Phase Two with active adds.
  • Phase Two:
    • Communicate with players who have the opposite debuff (Clouded Mind or Twisted Mind) to identify the correct illusion.
    • Stack near the correct illusion for efficient healing.
    • Kill the correct illusion quickly to minimize Dark Ritual stacks.
    • Avoid killing the wrong illusion to prevent Mindquake damage.
icon Strategy:
  • Phase One:
    • Shadow Shock: Tanks must taunt swap to manage debuff stacks. Healers should spot-heal random players affected by the debuff.
    • Shred Psycle: The debuffed player should move 20 yards away from the raid stack. After the add spawns, the raid should stack again to mitigate Psychic Outburst damage. DPS should focus on killing the add quickly.
    • Image of Absolution (Heroic/Mythic): Use crowd control (e.g., Mass Entangling Roots) to immobilize adds until their immunity expires.
  • Phase Two:
    • Illusionary Projection: Use raid markers to identify the correct illusion. Players with opposite debuffs should communicate to find the shared illusion.
    • Dark Ritual: Minimize time in Phase Two to avoid stacking too many debuffs.
    • Illusionary Bolt: Stack for efficient AoE healing.
    • Mindquake: Avoid killing the wrong illusion to prevent raid-wiping damage.
icon Bloodlust/Drums:

On pull.

icon The Prophet Skitra loot table:
Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Psychic’s Subtle Slippers Feet
Robes of Unreality Chest
Leather Bracers of Dark Prophecy Wrist
Macabre Ritual Pants Legs
Mail Talons of Grim Revelations Feet
Plate Boots of Hallucinatory Reality Feet
Writhing Spaulders of Madness Shoulder
Any Whispering Eldritch Bow Bow
Bloodstained Ritual Athame Dagger
Psyche Shredder Trinket

Dark Inquisitor Xanesh

Dark Inquisitor Xanesh

Dark Inquisitor Xanesh is a single-phase fight in Ny’alotha, focusing on Void Orb management. Three players must bounce the orb into a goal portal while the raid dodges Torment zones and Soul Flay shadows. Tanks must handle Abyssal Strike knockbacks and taunt swap to manage debuffs. On Heroic/Mythic, Ritual Obelisks and Imminent Doom add complexity to orb handling. Use Bloodlust/Drums early for maximum DPS, and assign roles (tanks, healers, orb handlers) in advance for a smooth kill.

icon Preferred Classes:
  • Tanks: Any tank class with good mobility and cooldowns to handle Abyssal Strike knockbacks.
  • Healers: Classes with strong AoE healing and mobility to handle raid-wide damage from Torment and Soul Flay.
  • DPS: Ranged DPS are preferred for better mobility and positioning during Torment and Void Orb mechanics. Melee DPS can work but must be cautious of Soul Flay and Torment zones.
  • Void Orb Handlers: Classes with high mobility (e.g., Hunter Hunters, Mage Mages, Rogue Rogues) are ideal for redirecting the Void Orb.
  • Torment Zones: Always move to safe zones between Torment explosions as a group.
  • Soul Flay: Move away from your shadow to reduce explosion damage. Use personal defensives if needed.
  • Void Orb: Avoid letting the orb touch walls, Queen Azshara, or Ritual Obelisks (Heroic/Mythic).
  • Tanks: Position carefully to avoid being knocked off the platform or into Azshara’s void barrier.
  • Void Ritual: Assign 3-player teams in advance to handle the Void Orb. Rotate teams due to the Void-Touched debuff.
  • Heroic/Mythic: Watch for Ritual Obelisks and avoid their Ritual Field aura. Limit Void Orb touches to avoid Imminent Doom stacks.
icon Strategy:
  • Tank Management:
    • Tanks must taunt swap after each Abyssal Strike to manage the stacking debuff.
    • Position the boss away from edges and Azshara’s void barrier.
  • Soul Flay:
    • Affected players must move away from their shadow to minimize damage.
    • Healers should prioritize players with Soul Flay.
  • Torment:
    • The raid must move as a group to safe zones between Torment explosions.
    • Use raid markers to designate safe spots.
  • Void Ritual:
    • Assign 3 players to soak the Void Ritual zones and become Voidwoken.
    • Voidwoken players must redirect the Void Orb into the goal portal:
      • Player 1: Intercepts the orb as it spawns.
      • Player 2: Redirects the orb toward the portal.
      • Player 3: Makes final adjustments to ensure the orb enters the portal.
    • Avoid letting the orb touch walls, Azshara, or Ritual Obelisks (Heroic/Mythic).
  • Heroic/Mythic Adjustments:
icon Bloodlust/Drums:

On pull.

icon Dark Inquisitor Xanesh loot table:
Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Binding of Dark Heresies Waist
Trousers of Peculiar Potency Legs
Leather Cord of Anguished Cries Waist
Mail Chainlink Belt of Ill Omens Waist
Plate Gauntlets of Foul Inquisition Hands
Any Uhnish Vwah Off-hand
Vorzz Yoq’al 1H Mace
Torment in a Jar Trinket

The Hivemind


The Hivemind is a two-boss encounter in Ny’alotha where Tek’ris and Ka’zir alternate control of the Hivemind, requiring bosses to be positioned close (within 20 yards) or far apart (20+ yards) to avoid Shadow Veil. Adds like Lesser Aqir and Aqir Darters spawn frequently and must be prioritized, especially when empowered by Void Infusion or Regeneration. Key mechanics include interrupting Mind-Numbing Nova, spreading for Echoing Void, and dodging Acidic Aqir rolls. Both bosses must die within 10 seconds to prevent Dark Reconstitution. Use Bloodlust/Drums during the final burn phase for optimal DPS.

icon Preferred Classes:
  • Tanks: Classes with strong mobility and survivability (e.g., Demon Hunter Vengeance Demon Hunter, Paladin Protection Paladin).
  • Healers: Classes with strong AoE healing and cooldowns (e.g., Shaman Restoration Restoration Shaman, Paladin Holy Holy Paladin).
  • DPS: Classes with strong AoE/Cleave damage and interrupts (e.g., Demon Hunter Demon Hunter, Warlock Warlock, Mage Mage, Rogue Rogue).
  • Utility: Classes with crowd control (e.g., Druid Druid roots, Monk Monk paralysis) and mass grips (e.g., Death Knight  Death Knight).
icon Strategy:
icon Bloodlust/Drums:

during the final burn phase.

icon The Hivemind loot table:
Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Void-Drenched Wristwraps Wrist
Leather Chitinspine Gloves Hands
Mail Nightmarish Chain Shackles Wrist
Plate Dark Crystalline Girdle Waist
Any Aqir Hivespawn Battle Pet
Ra’kim Battle Pet
Qwor N’lyeth Polearm
Ring of Collective Consciousness Ring
The All-Seeing Eye Warglaive

Shad’har the Insatiable

Shad'har the Insatiable

Shad’har the Insatiable is a three-phase boss in Ny’alotha, the Waking City, requiring strong single-target DPS and careful handling of mechanics like Crush/Dissolve for tanks, Debilitating Spit for healers, and Living Miasma for DPS. In Phase 1, dodge Umbral Eruption and Breath; in Phase 2, soak Entropic Buildup orbs and stack for Entropic Mantle; in Phase 3, avoid Bubbling Overflow and burn the boss quickly. Use Bloodlust/Drums in Phase 3 to maximize DPS. On Heroic, Living Miasma damages the whole raid, and on Mythic, manage the Hungry mechanic by feeding Tasty Morsels to the boss.

icon Preferred Classes:
  • Tanks: Classes with strong defensive cooldowns (e.g., Paladin Protection Protection Paladin, Death Knight Blood Blood Death Knight) to handle Crush and Dissolve debuffs.
  • Healers: Classes with strong spot healing and raid-wide healing capabilities (e.g., Paladin Holy Holy Paladin, Shaman Restoration Restoration Shaman) to manage Debilitating Spit and Entropic Mantle.
  • DPS: High single-target DPS classes (e.g., Mage Fire Fire Mage, Warlock Affliction Affliction Warlock) to burn the boss quickly, especially in Phase 3.
  • General:
    • Avoid standing in the water around the edge of the room.
    • Tanks must coordinate taunts to handle Crush and Dissolve debuffs.
    • Players fixated by Living Miasma should move 15+ yards away from others.
    • Healers must prioritize spot healing for Debilitating Spit.
  • Phase 1:
  • Phase 2:
  • Phase 3:
    • Stack behind the boss at the edge of the room to avoid Bubbling Overflow.
    • Move the boss along the edge as new Bubbling Overflow patches spawn.
    • Use Bloodlust and DPS cooldowns to burn the boss before the platform is overrun.
icon Strategy:
icon Bloodlust/Drums:

at the start of Phase 3 (33% health).

icon Shad’har loot table:
Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Grips of Occult Reminiscence Hands
Leather Wristwraps of Volatile Power Wrist
Mail Ego-Annihilating Grips Hands
Plate Bracers of Phantom Pains Wrist
Any Insidious Writhing Longbow Bow
Warmace of Waking Nightmares 1H Mace
Void-Etched Band Ring



Drest’agath is a single-phase boss fight in Ny’alotha where players battle waves of tentacle adds while managing Aberrant Regeneration, a healing mechanic countered by collecting Void Infused Ichor orbs from dead adds. Key mechanics include Volatile Seed (tank swap and add damage boost), Void Glare (dodgeable beam), and Throes of Agony (raid-wide damage triggered by killing adds). Tanks must handle taunt swaps and position adds for Volatile Seed explosions, while DPS prioritize killing adds and collecting orbs. Healers focus on raid-wide healing and dispelling Mutterings of Insanity. Use Bloodlust early during orb uptime for maximum boss damage.

icon Preferred Classes:
  • Tanks: Classes with strong defensive cooldowns and mobility (e.g., Paladin Protection Protection Paladin, Death Knight Blood Blood Death Knight) to handle Volatile Seed and Void Grip.
  • Healers: Classes with strong raid-wide healing and dispels (e.g., Druid Restoration Restoration Druid, Priest Holy Holy Priest) to manage Throes of Agony and Mutterings of Insanity.
  • DPS:
    • Melee: High burst damage classes (e.g., Rogue Rogue, Warrior Warrior) to focus on Tentacle of Drest’agath.
    • Ranged: Classes with strong AoE and mobility (e.g., Mage Mage, Hunter Hunter) to handle Maw of Drest’agath and Eye of Drest’agath.
icon Strategy:
icon Bloodlust/Drums:

during the first wave of adds when the raid has multiple Void Infused Ichor debuffs.

icon Drest’agath loot table:
Type of Armor Item Loot type
Leather Gloves of Abyssal Authority Hands
Mail Spinebarb Legplates Legs
Plate Belt of Muttering Truths Waist
Any Mar’kowa, the Mindpiercer 1H Axe
Halsheth, Slumberer’s Spear Polearm
Ichorspine Loop Ring
Writhing Segment of Drest’agath Trinket



Il’gynoth, Corruption Reborn is a two-phase boss in Ny’alotha. In Phase One, tanks avoid Eye of N’Zoth beams while DPS/healers kite Corruptor’s Gaze to the edges. Phase Two involves killing one of three Organs of Corruption while interrupting Pumping Blood and managing Cursed Blood debuffs and Blood of Ny’alotha adds. Repeat phases until all organs are dead, then burn Il’gynoth in the final phase using Bloodlust/Drums. On Heroic/Mythic, handle additional mechanics like Touch of the Corruptor and Clotted Corruption adds.

icon Preferred Classes:
  • Tanks: Paladin Protection Protection Paladins (for strong interrupts and utility).
  • Healers: Shaman Restoration Shamans (for interrupts and dispels), Priest Priests (for mass dispels).
  • DPS: Classes with strong AoE and cleave (e.g., Warlock Warlocks, Mage Mages, Demon Hunter Demon Hunters) to handle Blood of Ny’alotha adds.
  • Interrupters: Classes with short cooldown interrupts (e.g., Rogue Rogues, Shaman Shamans, Monk Monks, Death Knight Death Knights).
  • Phase One
    • Tanks: Position Il’gynoth to avoid Eye of N’Zoth beams hitting the raid. Taunt swap after every 2 beams to manage debuff stacks.
    • DPS/Healers: Kite Corruptor’s Gaze beams to the edges of the room to avoid spawning Morass of Corruption patches in high-traffic areas.
    • Ranged DPS: Stay loosely spread to minimize beam overlap.
    • Melee DPS: Be aware of beam targets and kite in small circles to minimize patch spread.
  • Phase Two
    • Interrupt Teams: Assign small groups to interrupt Pumping Blood on non-target organs.
    • Main Group: Focus on killing one organ while interrupting its casts.
    • Cursed Blood: Spread out when debuffed to avoid AoE damage on allies.
    • Blood of Ny’alotha Adds: Kite, crowd control, and kill them quickly to prevent Recurring Nightmare debuffs.
  • Later Phases
    • Dead organs will spawn Blood adds continuously. Ignore the dead organ and focus on kiting and killing adds.
    • Use Bloodlust/Drums during the final phase to burn Il’gynoth before being overwhelmed by adds.
icon Strategy:
  • Phase One:
    • Tanks position Il’gynoth to the side, avoiding beams hitting the raid.
    • DPS and healers kite gaze beams to the edges.
    • Dodge frontal beams and manage Morass patches.
  • Phase Two:
    • Split into three groups: two small interrupt teams and one main DPS group.
    • Interrupt Pumping Blood on all organs while focusing on killing one.
    • Spread for Cursed Blood and stack otherwise.
    • Kill Blood of Ny’alotha adds quickly and avoid stacking debuffs.
  • Repeat Phases:
    • After each organ dies, Il’gynoth respawns, and the cycle repeats.
    • Dead organs will spawn adds continuously, so manage them carefully.
  • Final Phase:
    • Use Bloodlust/Drums and all cooldowns to burn Il’gynoth before adds overwhelm the raid.
icon Bloodlust/Drums:

during the last phase.

icon Il’gynoth loot table:
Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Cowl of Unspeakable Horrors Head
Cuffs of Grim Conjuration Wrist
Leather Belt of Braided Vessels Waist
Spaulders of Aberrant Allure Shoulder
Mail Scales of the Scheming Behemoth Chest
Bracers of Manifest Apathy Wrist
Plate Sabatons of Malevolent Intent Feet
Second Sight Helm Head
Any Precipice of Oblivion Shield
Oozing Coagulum Trinket
Eyestalk of Il’gynoth Wand



Vexiona is a three-phase boss in Ny’alotha, the Waking City. In Phase 1, tanks must face her away from the raid to avoid Twilight Breath, while DPS focus on killing Cultist adds from Dark Gateways. Phase 2 requires dodging her Twilight Decimator breath and managing adds. In Phase 3 (at 40% health), stay grouped to avoid Terrifying Presence and spread for Heart of Darkness to survive lethal damage. Use Bloodlust/Drums in Phase 3 to burn her down before Void Corruption stacks overwhelm the raid.

icon Preferred Classes:
  • Tanks: Classes with strong defensive cooldowns to handle Despair and Annihilation.
  • Healers: Classes with strong raid-wide healing and dispels to manage Void Corruption and Encroaching Shadows.
  • DPS: Classes with strong AoE and interrupt capabilities to handle Cultist adds and Ritualists.
  • Phase 1:
    • Tanks must face Vexiona away from the raid to avoid Twilight Breath hitting others.
    • Healers should keep the tank healthy during Despair to minimize raid damage.
    • Spread out to avoid splash damage from Encroaching Shadows.
    • Interrupt Ritualist adds and focus on killing Fanatical Cultists before they transform.
  • Phase 2:
    • Dodge Twilight Decimator by watching Vexiona’s breath lane.
    • Continue interrupting and killing Cultist adds.
  • Phase 3:
icon Strategy:
icon Bloodlust/Drums:

in Phase 3.

icon Vexiona loot table:
Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Void Ascendant’s Mantle Shoulder
Leather Darkheart Robe Chest
Mail Greaves of the Twilight Drake Feet
Helm of Deep Despair Head
Plate Breastplate of Twilight Decimation Chest
Any Gift of the Void 1H Axe

Ra-den the Despoiled


Ra-den the Despoiled is a two-phase boss in Ny’alotha, alternating between Void Empowered and Vita Empowered states in Phase 1, requiring the raid to handle unique mechanics for each. In Phase 2 (at 40% health), the fight becomes a DPS race to defeat him before Lingering Energies stacks overwhelm the raid. Key mechanics include taunt swaps for tanks, alternating orb kills to prevent enrage, and managing debuffs like Unstable Void and Unstable Vita. Use Bloodlust/Drums in Phase 2 for maximum damage output. On Mythic, the fight becomes significantly harder with Nightmare Empowered, forcing the raid to handle both empowerments and two adds simultaneously.

icon Preferred Classes:
  • Tanks: Classes with strong mitigation and self-healing (e.g., Paladin Protection Protection Paladin, Death Knight Blood Blood Death Knight).
  • Healers: Classes with strong raid-wide healing and dispels (e.g., Paladin Holy Holy Paladin, Shaman Restoration Restoration Shaman).
  • DPS: Classes with strong single-target and cleave damage (e.g., Mage Fire Fire Mage, Warlock Affliction Affliction Warlock, Demon Hunter Havoc Havoc Demon Hunter).

Phase 1

Phase 2

icon Strategy:
  • Phase 1
    • Tanks: Taunt swap after Nullifying Strike.
    • DPS: Focus on assigned essence orbs and adds (Void Hunter or Crackling Stalker).
    • Healers: Prioritize healing absorbs during Void Empowered and keep the raid healthy during Vita Empowered.
  • Phase 2
    • DPS: Use cooldowns and Bloodlust early to burn the boss.
    • Tanks: Manage Decaying Strike by staying at low health when hit.
    • Healers: Focus on raid-wide healing and spot healing for Charged Bonds.
icon Bloodlust/Drums:

at the start of Phase 2.

icon Ra-den loot table:
Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Robe of the Fallen Keeper Chest
Boots of Wrought Shadow Feet
Leather Gibbering Maw Head
Mail Dreamer’s Unblinking Pauldrons Shoulder
Plate Carapace of Pulsing Vita Chest
Reality-Defying Greaves Legs
Any Void-Scarred Anubisath Battle Pet
Unguent Caress Fist Weapon
Shandai, Watcher of Cosmos Staff
Void-Twisted Titanshard Trinket
Vita-Charged Titanshard Trinket

Carapace of N’Zoth

Fury of N'Zoth

The Carapace of N’Zoth is a three-phase encounter in Ny’alotha, focusing on Sanity management to avoid being charmed into a Servant of N’Zoth. In Phase 1, fight tentacles and adds while using Wrathion to restore Sanity. Phase 2 involves clearing paths of Synthesis Growths and dodging Occipital Blast. Phase 3 is a final burn phase with Insanity Bombs, Thrashing Tentacles, and limited Sanity restoration. Use Bloodlust/Drums in Phase 3 for a quick kill, and prioritize breaking Adaptive Membranes for Sanity orbs.

icon Preferred Classes:
  • Tanks: High survivability and cooldown management (e.g., Paladin Protection Protection Paladin, Death Knight Blood Blood DK).
  • Healers: Strong raid-wide healing and dispels (e.g., Druid Restoration Restoration Druid, Priest Holy Holy Priest).
  • DPS: High burst damage for breaking Adaptive Membrane and cleave for adds (e.g., Mage Fire Fire Mage, Demon Hunter Demon Hunter, Priest Shadow Shadow Priest).
icon Strategy:
icon Bloodlust/Drums:

at the start of Phase 3.

icon Carapace of N’Zoth loot table:
Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Corporeal Supplicant’s Trousers Legs
Spaulders of Miasmic Mycelia Shoulder
Leather Corpuscular Leather Greaves Feet
Tortured Fleshbeast Cuirass Chest
Mail Watcher’s Scheming Girdle Waist
Helm of Actualized Visions Head
Plate Mirage-Weaver’s Gauntlets Hands
Pauldrons of Infinite Darkness Shoulder
Any Shard of the Black Empire Dagger
Lurker’s Piercing Gaze 1H Mace
Shgla’yos, Astral Malignity 1H Sword

N’Zoth the Corruptor

N'Zoth the Corruptor

N’Zoth, the Corruptor is a three-phase fight where players must manage Sanity to avoid becoming a Servant of N’Zoth. In Phase 1, defeat Psychus in the Mind Realm by stacking Synaptic Shock debuffs. Phase 2 involves fighting tentacles while alternating raid groups into the Mind Realm. Phase 3 is a race to kill N’Zoth while managing Evoke Anguish pools, Stupefying Glare beams, and Thought Harvesters. Use Bloodlust/Drums in Phase 3 for maximum damage, and prioritize Sanity management and mechanics like Paranoia and Harvest Thoughts throughout the fight.

icon Preferred Classes:
  • Tanks: Classes with strong defensive cooldowns to handle Mindwrack and Void Lash.
  • Healers: Strong AoE healers to manage raid-wide damage and Sanity loss.
  • DPS: Classes with strong single-target and cleave damage for Psychus, Basher Tentacles, and Thought Harvesters.
  • Utility: Classes with immunities (e.g., Rogue Rogues, Mage Mages) are valuable for soaking Harvest Thoughts.
icon Strategy:

Phase 1: Mind Realm

  • Psychus:
    • Tank near Exposed Synapses to apply Synaptic Shock (50% increased damage per stack).
    • Aim for 5-6 stacks before focusing damage on Psychus.
  • Creeping Anguish:
    • Move Psychus along the edge of the room to place Anguish zones in safe locations.
  • Manifest Madness:
    • Kill Psychus before he casts this ability, or it will wipe the raid.

Phase 2: Tentacles and Mind Realm

  • Tentacles:
    • Tank Basher Tentacles and interrupt Corrupted Minds.
    • Kill Spike Tentacles last using multi-dotting and cleave.
  • Mindgate:
    • Send half the raid into the Mind Realm to repeat Phase 1 mechanics.
    • Alternate groups for each Mindgate on Heroic difficulty.

Phase 3: N’Zoth

  • Evoke Anguish: Stack all pools in one location and rotate around the room as they grow.
  • Stupefying Glare: Dodge rotating beams from Eyes of N’Zoth.
  • Thought Harvesters: Soak Harvest Thoughts with high-Sanity players and kill adds quickly.
icon Bloodlust/Drums:

at the start of Phase 3.

icon N’Zoth loot table:
Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Visage of Nightmarish Machinations Head
Leather Pauldrons of the Great Convergence Shoulder
Mail Last Vestige of Neltharion Chest
Plate Greathelm of Phantasmic Reality Head
Any Ny’alotha Allseer Mount
Dominion, Lurker Beyond Dreams Gun
Ring of Cosmic Potential Ring
Lingering Psychic Shell Trinket
Manifesto of Madness Trinket
Devastation’s Hour 2H Sword

Ny’alotha Achievements List

Achievement Requirement
Gift of Flesh Defeat the bosses in Ny’alotha, the Waking City.
Halls of Devotion Kill the bosses in Ny’alotha.
The Waking Dream Slay the bosses in NtWC.
Vision of Destiny Defeat the bosses in Ny’alotha.
Ny’alotha, the Waking City Kill the bosses on Normal difficulty or higher.
Ny’alotha, the Waking City Guild Run Slay the bosses on Normal difficulty or higher, while in a guild group.
Ahead of the Curve: N’Zoth the Corruptor Defeat N’Zoth, the Corruptor on Heroic difficulty or higher, before the release of the next raid tier.
Cutting Edge: N’Zoth the Corruptor Kill N’Zoth on Mythic difficulty, before the release of the next raid tier.
Mythic: N’Zoth the Corruptor Slay N’Zoth, the Corruptor on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: N’Zoth the Corruptor Guild Run Defeat N’Zoth on Mythic Difficutly while in a guild group.
Hall of Fame: N’Zoth the Corruptor (Alliance) Among the first one hundred Alliance guilds worldwide to defeat N’Zoth, the Corruptor on Mythic difficulty.
Hall of Fame: N’Zoth the Corruptor (Horde) Among the first one hundred Horde guilds worldwide to defeat N’Zoth on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Carapace of N’Zoth Kill Carapace of N’Zoth on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Dark Inquisitor Xanesh Slay the Dark Inquisitor Xanesh on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Drest’agath Defeat Drest’agath on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Il’gynoth, Corruption Reborn Kill Il’gynoth, Corruption Reborn on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Maut Slay Maut on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Ra-den the Despoiled Defeat Ra-den the Despoiled on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Shad’har the Insatiable Kill Shad’har the Insatiable on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: The Hivemind Slay the Hivemind on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: The Prophet Skitra Defeat the Prophet Skitra on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Vexiona Kill Vexiona on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Wrathion, the Black Emperor Slay Wrathion, the Black Emperor on Mythic difficulty.
Glory of the Ny’alotha Raider Complete the Ny’alotha, the Waking City raid achievements.
All Eyes On Me Collect an armor set from Ny’alotha, the Waking City.
Bloody Mess Defeat Il’gynoth, Corruption Reborn after defeating 10 Bloods of Ny’alotha in under 3 seconds on Normal difficulty or higher.
Buzzer Beater Kill Dark Inquisitor Xanesh after safely eliminating a Void Orb with less than 3 seconds remaining on Voidwoken 3 times on Normal difficulty or higher.
Cleansing Treatment Slay the Carapace of N’Zoth after defeating all Synthesis Growths within 10 seconds on Normal difficulty or higher.
How? Isn’t it Obelisk? Defeat Ra-den after destroying 2 obelisks with Unstable Void on Normal difficulty or higher.
It’s Not A Cult Kill N’Zoth, the Corruptor after all players have accepted the Gift of N’Zoth on Normal difficulty or higher
Mana Sponge Slay Maut after defeating a Forbidden Manifestation on Normal difficulty or higher.
Phase 3: Prophet Defeat the Prophet Skitra after defeating three Disciples of the Prophet on Normal difficulty or higher.
Realizing Your Potential Kill the Hivemind after defeating 3 Evolved Specimen on Normal difficulty or higher.
Smoke Test Slay Wrathion after defeating 10 Crackling Shards within 3 seconds of each other on Normal difficulty or higher.
Temper Tantrum Defeat Drest’agath after triggering Throes of Agony twice within 60 seconds on Normal difficulty or higher.
Total Annihilation Kill Vexiona after allowing every player to be hit by Annihilation at least 30 times on Normal difficulty or higher.
You Can Pet the Dog, But… Slay Shad’har the Insatiable after having everyone /pet him on Normal difficulty or higher.


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