
Azshara’s Eternal Palace Guide: Entrance, Loot Table, Bosses

Azshara’s Eternal Palace, a raid introduced in World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth, launched on the 9th of July, 2019. This underwater-themed PvE instance is worth farming because of amazing transmogs, mounts, and collectibles that remain valuable in WoW Retail.

AEP (located in Nazjatar) has 8 bosses, with Queen Azshara as the last encounter, dropping unique weapons, armor sets, and achievements.

icon In this guide, we’ll cover:

icon Whether you’re farming AEP for cosmetics, want to check the loot table, or to find out if it’s possible to solo this BFA raid, this guide will help you make the most of Azshara’s Eternal Palace runs in WoW Retail.

Eternal Palace Entrance and Subregions

Entrance and Subregions

Azshara’s Eternal Palace is located in the Nazjatar zone in World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth. To reach it, travel to Nazjatar, which can be accessed via the portal in your faction’s capital city (Boralus for Alliance or Dazar’alor for Horde). Once in Nazjatar, head to the Gate of the Queen area at coordinates 50.21 10.97.

The entrance to Azshara’s Eternal Palace is through a large whirlpool in front of Queen Azshara’s statue. Simply swim into the whirlpool, and a cinematic will transport you to the raid entrance.

Inside, you’ll move through different underwater-themed subregions as you fight your way to Queen Azshara.

icon Azshara’s Eternal Palace has the following subregions (check the gallery below):

  • Dais of Eternity,
  • Halls of the Chosen,
  • Darkest Depths,
  • The Traverse,
  • The Hatchery,
  • The Queen’s Court,
  • Precipice of Dreams,
  • The Last Prison.

Each section has its own challenges and bosses, which we’ll briefly overview below.

Eternal Palace Bosses Overview

Bosses Overview

Azshara’s Eternal Palace is a thrilling underwater raid in World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth. Players face Queen Azshara and her naga army in Nazjatar. The raid has eight bosses, each highlighting the dangers of the deep sea. From Abyssal Commander Sivara, the naga leader, to the giant Blackwater Behemoth, every fight is unique. Battles vary from coordinated efforts like The Queen’s Court to intense clashes against Orgozoa. The final showdown with Queen Azshara in her throne room is epic, requiring players to overcome her powerful magic.

icon Below, we’ll review the boss fights in Azshara’s Eternal Palace and their rewards.

Can You Solo Eternal Palace in The War Within?

Can You Solo in The War Within

Soloing Azshara’s Eternal Palace in World of Warcraft: The War Within is possible, but some bosses have mechanics that make it more challenging than other Battle for Azeroth raids. While higher ilvl gear makes most fights easier, a few EP encounters still require specific strategies to avoid mechanics that could wipe a solo player.

icon Factors That Affect Soloing AEP:

  • Item Level: The higher your item level, the easier the fights. Players with The War Within gear will find most bosses simple.
  • Class & Spec: Self-healing classes like Blood Death Knights, Guardian Druids, and Protection Paladins have an advantage, but high DPS classes can still brute-force many mechanics.

icon Easy to Solo AEP Bosses:

  • Abyssal Commander Sivara – Straightforward DPS fight. Avoid pools and burn the boss quickly.
  • Radiance of Azshara – Mostly a DPS race. Avoid the knockbacks and use defensives if needed.
  • Blackwater Behemoth – Manage breathing underwater, but otherwise, it’s just a simple DPS fight.

icon Medium Difficulty AEP Bosses:

  • Lady Ashvane – Has a hard damage check due to her shield mechanic. If you don’t break it fast enough, she heals back up.
  • Orgozoa – Spawns many adds that can overwhelm you if not killed quickly.
  • The Queen’s Court – Has an enrage mechanic that increases damage over time. If DPS is too low, this could become a problem.

icon The Hardest AEP Bosses:

  • Za’qul, Harbinger of Ny’alotha – Phases can be tricky. The Delirium Realm can cause issues since solo players might not clear it fast enough.
  • Queen Azshara – The final boss is the biggest challenge. She has multiple mechanics requiring interrupts, positioning, and high burst damage.

icon Conclusion: Is Eternal Palace Soloable?

  • LFR/Normal: Easily soloable with The War Within gear.
  • Heroic: Mostly soloable, but Queen Azshara can be tough.
  • Mythic: May be difficult for newbies due to mechanics like Za’qul’s phasing and Azshara’s coordination-heavy fight.

If you’re farming Azshara’s Eternal Palace for transmog or achievements, most of the raid is easily soloable, but you may wipe multiple times before you finally manage to defeat Queen Azshara.

Abyssal Commander Sivara

Commander Sivara

Abyssal Commander Sivara is the first boss in Azshara’s Eternal Palace, featuring a single-phase fight centered around Chimeric Marks (Frost Mark or Toxic Brand). Players must split into two groups based on their mark, avoid triggering Unstable Mixture, and manage mechanics like Overflow (drop pools away from the group) and Crushing Reverberation (stack with matching marks to split damage). Key strategies include positioning for Overwhelming Barrage, soaking Frostshock Bolts with opposite marks, and spreading during Inversion. Use Bloodlust/Drums at the start or during high-damage phases. Heroic and Mythic difficulties add extra mechanics, such as mark resets and increased damage.

icon Preferred Classes:
  1. Chimeric Marks:
  2. Overflow:
    • Move away from the group to drop Frozen Ground or Septic Ground pools.
    • Avoid placing pools behind the raid to prevent knockbacks into them.
  3. Crushing Reverberation:
    • Stack with players who share your mark to split damage.
    • Be aware of knockback and avoid landing in pools.
  4. Overwhelming Barrage:
    • Stand on the side of the boss that matches your mark to avoid opposing bolts.
    • Healers should prepare cooldowns for raid-wide damage.
  5. Frostshock Bolts:
    • Have a player with the opposite mark soak the bolt to prevent Unstable Mixture.
    • Quickly remove the bolt to free the stunned player.
  6. Inversion:
    • Spread 4+ yards before Inversion to avoid spreading marks.
    • Move to the correct side after your mark changes.
icon Strategy:
  • Initial Setup:
    • Split the raid into two groups based on their Chimeric Marks.
    • Tanks should position the boss in the center, with the raid on either side.
  • Overflow Management:
    • Players with Overflow should move to designated areas to drop pools.
    • Avoid overlapping pools to maximize usable space.
  • Crushing Reverberation:
    • Tanks should taunt swap at 4-6 stacks of Frostvenom Tipped.
    • Move away from the group to drop Frozen Ground or Septic Ground pools.
  • Overwhelming Barrage:
    • Players should position themselves on the side of the boss that matches their mark.
    • Dodge bolts by moving into the path of already-fired bolts.
  • Frostshock Bolts:
    • Assign players to soak bolts with the opposite mark.
    • Quickly remove the bolt to free the stunned player.
  • Inversion:
    • Spread out before Inversion to avoid spreading marks.
    • Move to the correct side after your mark changes.
icon Bloodlust/Drums:

On pull.

icon Abyssal Commander Sivara loot table:
Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Seawrath Legwraps Legs
Siren Mystic’s Vestments Chest
Leather Helm of the Inexorable Tide Head
Tideblood Bracers Wrist
Mail Abyssal Commander’s Mantle Shoulder
Wavespine Clutch Waist
Plate Gauntlets of Overflowing Chill Hands
Naga Centaur’s Shellplate Chest
Palace Sentinel Vambraces Wrist
Sabatons of the Stalwart Feet
Any Shiver Venom Crossbow Crossbow
Sivara’s Slitherblade Dagger
Claw of the Myrmidon Fist Weapon
Tidebinder’s Driftglobe Off-hand
Royal Scaleguard’s Battleaxe 1H Axe
Scepter of the Azsh’ari 1H Mace

Blackwater Behemoth

Blackwater Behemoth

The Blackwater Behemoth in Azshara’s Eternal Palace is a water-based encounter where players must manage Bioluminescence (gained from Pufferfish or tank debuffs) to counter the Darkest Depths healing reduction. Avoid open water to prevent Gaze from Below, spread 5+ yards to dodge Bioelectric Feelers, and mitigate Shock Pulse by staying 25-35 yards from the boss. During platform transitions, use Slipstreams to chase the boss, avoid Darkwater Jellyfish, and interrupt Cavitation. On Mythic, handle Piercing Barb by splitting damage with 5-6 players. Use Bloodlust/Drums on the final platform for maximum efficiency.

icon Preferred Classes:
  • Tanks: Classes with strong self-sustain and mobility (e.g., Death Knight Blood Blood DK, Druid Restoration Guardian Druid).
  • Healers: Healers with strong shields and AoE healing (e.g., Priest Discipline Discipline Priest, Shaman Restoration Restoration Shaman).
  • DPS: Ranged DPS preferred for easier spread mechanics. Melee DPS must manage Bioelectric Feelers carefully.
  • Oxygen-Rich Membrane: Interact with it before the fight for underwater breathing and increased swim speed.
  • Bioluminescence Management:
    • Kill Shimmerskin Pufferfish at the start and ~45 seconds into each platform phase.
    • Tanks gain Bioluminescence from Radiant Biomass (taunt swap every 15 seconds).
  • Avoid Open Water: Stay on platforms to avoid Gaze from Below.
  • Spread Out: Maintain 5+ yards between players to avoid Bioelectric Feelers damage.
  • Platform Transitions: Use Slipstreams for speed but avoid Darkwater Jellyfish.
icon Strategy:
  • Phase 1 (Platform 1):
    • Kill first Pufferfish for Bioluminescent Cloud.
    • Spread out, avoid Shock Pulse by staying 25-35 yards from the boss.
    • Kill second Pufferfish ~45 seconds later.
  • Transition:
    • Boss moves to a new platform after 1m 30s.
    • Use Slipstreams to chase the boss. Avoid jellyfish.
    • Interrupt Cavitation ASAP.
  • Phase 2 & 3:
    • Repeat Phase 1 mechanics.
    • Watch for cracks in platforms (count as open water).
    • On Mythic, handle Piercing Barb by spreading in the beam.
icon Bloodlust/Drums:

during the final platform phase.

icon Blackwater Behemoth loot table:
Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Eelskin Flippers Feet
Fathom-Feeder’s Mantle Shoulder
Leather Anglerfish Feelers Hands
Blackwater Shimmerscale Vest Chest
Ship Swallower’s Belt Waist
Mail Hood of Lightless Depths Head
Pelagos Predator’s Legguards Legs
Slipstreamer’s Saltwalkers Feet
Plate Fleetwrecker’s Greaves Legs
Trench Tyrant’s Shoulderplates Shoulder
Undercove Crushers Hands
Any Mindlost Bloodfrenzy Battle Pet
Fang of the Behemoth Dagger
Diver’s Folly Off-hand
Leviathan’s Lure Trinket
Luminous Jellyweed Trinket

Radiance of Azshara

Radiance of Azshara

Radiance of Azshara is a two-phase boss in Azshara’s Eternal Palace. In Phase One, avoid water, manage Tide Fist with tank swaps, dodge Arcanadoes, and handle Arcane Bomb by moving to low-traffic areas for dispels. In Phase Two, focus on the Stormwraith, interrupt Focus Power, position to avoid Gale Buffet knockbacks, and cleave Stormlings while interrupting their casts. Use Bloodlust/Drums in Phase Two for a quick Stormwraith burn. On Mythic, split the raid into two groups to handle dual Stormwraiths and coordinate debuff management.

icon Preferred Classes:
  • Tanks: Classes with strong mitigation and taunt swaps (e.g., Paladin Holy Protection Paladin, Death Knight Blood Blood DK).
  • Healers: Classes with strong dispels and AoE healing (e.g., Priest Holy Holy Priest, Druid Restoration Restoration Druid).
  • DPS: Classes with strong cleave, interrupts, and crowd control (e.g., Demon Hunter Demon Hunter, Mage Mage, Rogue Rogue).
  • Phase One:
    • Avoid standing in the water around the boss or platform to prevent Radiant Fury.
    • Tanks must taunt swap after each Tide Fist to manage the physical damage debuff.
    • Spread loosely on one side of the platform to minimize movement from Arcanado Burst.
    • Players with Arcane Bomb should move to low-traffic areas and wait for dispels.
    • Healers should dispel Arcane Bomb carefully to avoid overlapping stuns.
  • Phase Two:
    • Move quickly to the Stormwraith and trigger Squall Traps only if necessary.
    • Interrupt Focus Power to prevent the Stormwraith from gaining a 500% damage buff.
    • Position the Stormwraith near the edge of the safe zone to avoid knockbacks from Gale Buffet.
    • Interrupt and crowd control Stormlings to mitigate their Chain Lightning casts.
    • Avoid moving adds into the Ancient Tempest to prevent healing via Swirling Winds.
icon Strategy:
  • Phase One:
  • Phase Two:
    • Tanks: Position the Stormwraith near the edge of the safe zone for Gale Buffet.
    • DPS: Prioritize cleaving down Stormlings while interrupting their casts.
    • Healers: Watch for Arcane Bomb debuffs and dispel them at the edges of the safe zone.
icon Bloodlust/Drums:

when the Stormwraith spawns.

icon Radiance of Azshara loot table:
Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Belt of Blind Devotion Waist
Gloves of Unshackled Arcana Hands
Handmaiden’s Cowl of Sacrifice Head
Sea Sculptor’s Cuffs Wrist
Leather Leggings of the Stormborn Legs
Shoulderpads of Frothing Rage Shoulder
Ancient Tempest Striders Feet
Mail Arcanamental Bindings Wrist
Servitor’s Heartguard Chest
Grips of the Scaled Arcanist Hands
Plate Storm-Tempered Girdle Waist
Warhelm of Dread Waters Head
Any Bulwark of the Seaborn Avatar Shield
Phial of the Arcane Tempest Trinket
Monstrosity’s Shipbreaker 2H Mace

Lady Ashvane

Lady Ashvane

Lady Ashvane is a two-phase boss in Azshara’s Eternal Palace. In Phase 1, break her Hardened Carapace by soaking Rippling Wave bubbles, avoiding Upsurge, and freeing players from Briny Bubbles. In Phase 2, burn the boss while using Arcing Azerite to clear Coral Growths. Use Bloodlust/Drums during burn phases for maximum damage. On Mythic, assign a dedicated tank to soak Empowered Rippling Wave bubbles and manage Waterlogged debuffs. Coordination and positioning are key to success.

icon Preferred Classes:
  • Tanks: 2-3 tanks recommended (3 for Mythic to handle Rippling Wave soaking).
  • Healers: 3 healers (due to high raid damage from Rippling Wave and Waterlogged debuffs).
  • DPS: High burst damage classes are ideal for phase 2 burn windows. Classes with immunities (e.g., Mage Mages, Hunter Hunters, Rogue Rogues) can negate Briny Bubble.
  • Phase 1:
  • Phase 2:
    • Focus on maximizing boss damage during the 1:10-minute burn window.
    • Use Arcing Azerite to destroy Coral Growths by positioning beams between marked players.
    • Healers must counteract ticking damage from Exposed Azerite.
  • General:
    • Assign a third tank (Mythic) to soak Rippling Wave bubbles.
    • Use immunities to avoid Briny Bubble or break out of it quickly.
    • Stack marked players for Briny Bubble to allow cleave damage.
icon Strategy:
icon Bloodlust/Drums:

during Phase 2.

icon Lady Ashvane loot table:
Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Priscilla’s Fishnets Legs
Robes of Sunken Nobility Chest
Leather Cultured Pearl Armbands Wrist
Helm of Hideous Transformation Head
Mail Shoulderguards of Crushing Depths Shoulder
Tanglekelp Waistwrap Waist
Plate Barnacle-Crusted Breastplate Chest
Coralshell Warboots Feet
Any Lightless Ambusher Battle Pet
Current-Weaver’s Gavel 1H Mace
Boralus Noble’s Seal Ring
Aquipotent Nautilus Trinket
Ashvane’s Razor Coral Trinket
Bloodthirsty Urchin Trinket



Orgozoa is the fifth boss in Azshara’s Eternal Palace, featuring two main phases and an intermission. In Phase 1, manage Incubation Fluid, Arcing Current, and Dribbling Ichor while killing Zoatroid adds and having a tank soak Amniotic Splatter. During the Intermission, avoid hazards and interrupt Massive Incubator to progress. In Phase 2, focus on Naga adds, interrupt Conductive Pulse, and split damage from Powerful Stomp. Use Bloodlust/Drums early in Phase 1 or save it for Phase 2 to handle adds and push boss health.

icon Preferred Classes:
  • Tanks:
    • Monks (for Summon Black Ox Statue in Mythic).
    • Tanks with strong survivability and cooldowns for soaking Amniotic Splatter.
  • DPS:
    • Classes with strong AoE/cleave (e.g., Rogue Outlaw Outlaw Rogues, Mage Fire Fire Mages, Warrior Fury Fury Warriors, Priest Shadow Shadow Priests).
    • Classes with immunities (e.g., Mage Mages with Ice Block) for soaking mechanics.
  • Healers:
    • Healers with strong raid-wide cooldowns (e.g., Druid Restoration Restoration Druids, Paladin Holy Holy Paladins).
    • Healers with targeted healing for Incubation Fluid and Arcing Current.
icon Strategy:
icon Bloodlust/Drums:

On pull.

icon Orgozoa loot table:
Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Incubator’s Bellcap Head
Cephalopod’s Sash Waist
Leather Tidal Drifter’s Shoulders Shoulder
Formcrafter’s Pants Legs
Mail Scalemail of Unnatural Selection Chest
Plate Greathelm of the Tender Head
Any Drape of the Hatcher Cloak
Squidhunter Speargun Crossbow
Hatchery Scraper Fist Weapon
Orgozoa’s Paralytic Barb 1H Sword
Aqua-Pulse Trident Polearm
Great Reef Barrier Shield
Zoatroid Egg Sac Trinket
Dribbling Inkpod Trinket
Tentacle Crusher 2H Mace

The Queen’s Court

The Queen's Court

The Queen’s Court in Azshara’s Eternal Palace is a two-boss encounter (Silivaz the Zealous and Pashmar the Fanatical) with a single phase. The raid must keep the bosses 21+ yards apart to avoid Separation of Power and defeat them within 15 seconds of each other to prevent Desperate Measures. Queen Azshara enacts decrees every 30-60 seconds, forcing players to adapt by spreading, moving, or avoiding repeated abilities. Key mechanics include soaking Form Ranks zones, splitting Frenetic Charge damage, and staggering Potent Spark explosions. Use Bloodlust/Drums early for maximum damage, and prioritize multi-DoT classes like Shadow Priests and Warlocks for optimal performance.

icon Preferred Classes:
  • Multi-DoT Classes: Priest Shadow Shadow Priests, Druid Balance Balance Druids, Warlock Warlocks, and Shaman Restoration Elemental Shamans excel due to the need to damage both bosses simultaneously.
  • Ranged DPS: Focus on Pashmar, as melee DPS will primarily attack Silivaz.
  • Healers with Raid-Wide Damage Reduction: Priest Discipline Discipline Priests and Paladin Holy Holy Paladins are highly recommended for their strong cooldowns.
  • Boss Positioning: Keep Silivaz in the center and Pashmar at the edge, maintaining at least 21 yards between them to avoid Separation of Power.
  • Damage Balance: Ensure both bosses are brought to 1 HP within 15 seconds of each other to prevent Desperate Measures.
  • Decrees: Follow Queen Azshara’s decrees strictly to avoid penalties. These include spreading out, moving frequently, and avoiding repeated ability usage.
  • Potent Sparks: Stagger the deaths of Potent Sparks to manage raid-wide damage.
icon Strategy:
  • Silivaz the Zealous:
    • Frenetic Charge: Stack on the marked player to split damage. The marked player should move to the edge to place Mighty Rupture pools safely.
    • Zealous Eruption: Stand in the safe zone (indicated by a bubble) to avoid heavy ticking damage.
  • Pashmar the Fanatical:
    • Pashmar’s Touch: Tanks must taunt swap before reaching 10 stacks to avoid mind control.
    • Fanatical Verdict: Affected players must move 6+ yards away from others to avoid splashing damage.
    • Violent Outburst: Move away from Pashmar to reduce damage taken.
  • Decrees:
icon Bloodlust/Drums:

On pull.

icon Queen’s Court loot table:
Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Amice of the Reef Witch Shoulder
Leather Ardent Worshipper’s Boots Feet
Tunic of the Sycophant Chest
Mail Hands of the Fanatic Hands
Silivaz’s Skullguard Head
Plate Naga Executor’s Armguards Wrist
Pauldrons of Fanatical Might Shoulder
Any Court Dagger of Sentencing Dagger
Stormtamer’s Orb Off-hand
Ring of the Highborne Courtier Ring
Deferred Sentence Trinket
Edicts of the Faithless Trinket
Pashmar’s Finial Wand

Za’qul, Harbinger of Ny’alotha


Za’qul is the seventh boss in Azshara’s Eternal Palace, a mechanically complex encounter with four phases. The fight involves navigating multiple realms (Standard, Fear, Delirium) and dealing with unique mechanics in each phase. The boss has high raid-wide damage, requiring strong coordination, positioning, and dispel management.

icon Preferred Classes:
  • Tanks: Classes with strong survivability and mobility (e.g., Paladin Protection Protection Paladin, Death Knight Blood Blood DK).
  • Healers: Classes with strong raid-wide cooldowns and dispels (e.g., Priest Discipline Discipline Priest, Paladin Holy Holy Paladin, Shaman Restoration Restoration Shaman).
  • DPS: Classes with high burst damage, self-healing, and survivability (e.g., Rogue Rogues, Priest Shadow Shadow Priests, Warlock Warlocks, Hunter Hunters).
  • General Tips:
    • Avoid the Dark Beyond void at the edges of the room.
    • Tanks must stay within 12 yards of each other to minimize Mind Tether damage.
    • Dodge Crushing Grasp tentacles to avoid being knocked into the void.
    • Stagger Dread dispels to prevent raid-wide one-shots.
  • Phase-Specific Tips:
icon Strategy:
icon Bloodlust/Drums:

during Phase 3 or Phase 4.

icon Za’qul loot table:
Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Bindings of the Herald Wrist
Vestments of Creeping Terror Chest
Leather Shroud of Unmooring Whispers Head
Mail Gardbrace of Fractured Reality Shoulder
Shackles of Dissonance Wrist
Plate Dark Passenger’s Breastplate Chest
Pauldrons of Za’qul Shoulder
Any Nameless Octopode Battle Pet
Cloak of Ill Tidings Cloak
Dream’s End Off-hand
Vision of Demise Trinket
Chain of Suffering Trinket
Za’qul’s Portal Key Trinket
Sever, Edge of Madness Warglaive

Queen Azshara

Queen Azshara

Queen Azshara is a 4-phase boss fight in Azshara’s Eternal Palace, centered around managing Ancient Wards to prevent raid-wiping Catastrophic Failure. Key mechanics include soaking Arcane Orbs, handling Beckon mind control, and managing Drained Soul stacks from energizing wards. Phase 1 focuses on killing mini-bosses Aethanel and Cyranus, while Phase 2 introduces Ward of Power and mind control mechanics. Phase 3 adds Tidemistresses with Crystalline Shields, and Phase 4 requires baiting Nether Portals, avoiding Piercing Gaze, and staggering Overload charges. Use Bloodlust/Drums in Phase 4 for a strong DPS push to finish the fight.

icon Preferred Classes:
icon Strategy:
  • Phase 1:
    • Focus on killing Aethanel and Cyranus simultaneously to avoid Longing buff.
    • Position Cursed Heart pools at the edges of the room.
    • Assign players to soak Arcane Orbs and kill Overzealous Hulk quickly.
  • Intermissions:
    • Assign players to specific Arcane Orbs based on their decrees.
    • Use immunities or healing cooldowns if Sanction stacks get too high.
  • Phase 2:
  • Phase 3:
  • Phase 4:
icon Bloodlust/Drums:

at the start of Phase 4.

icon Queen Azshara loot table:
Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Handguards of the Highest-Born Hands
Slippers of the Sorceress-Queen Feet
Leather Beloved Monarch’s Waistwrap Waist
Gloves of Incomparable Beauty Hands
Mail Cherished Empress’s Leggings Legs
Vethan’s Icewalkers Feet
Plate Eternity Keeper’s Greatbelt Waist
Tide Goddess’s Wargreaves Legs
Any Zanj’ir Poker Battle Pet
Cursed Lover’s Ring Ring
Anu-Azshara, Staff of the Eternal Staff
Azshara’s Font of Power Trinket

Eternal Palace Achievements List

Achievement Requirement
Depths of the Devoted Defeat the bosses in The Eternal Palace.
The Circle of Stars Kill the Bosses in The Eternal Palace.
The Grand Reception Slay the bosses in The Eternal Palace.
Ahead of the Curve: Queen Azshara Defeat Queen Azshara on Heroic difficulty or higher, before the release of the next raid tier.
Cutting Edge: Queen Azshara Kill Queen Azshara on Mythic difficulty, before the release of the next raid tier.
Mythic: Queen Azshara Slay Queen Azshara on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Queen Azshara Guild Run Defeat Queen Azshara on Mythic difficulty while in a guild group.
Hall of Fame: Queen Azshara (Alliance) Among the first one hundred Alliance guilds worldwide to defeat Queen Azshara on Mythic difficulty.
Hall of Fame: Queen Azshara (Horde) Among the first one hundred Horde guilds worldwide to defeat Queen Azshara on Mythic difficulty.
The Eternal Palace Kill all bosses on any difficulty.
The Eternal Palace Guild Run Slay all bosses The Eternal Palace on Normal difficulty or higher, while in a guild group.
Mythic: Abyssal Commander Sivara Defeat Abyssal Commander Sivara on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Blackwater Behemoth Kill Blackwater Behemoth on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Lady Ashvane Slay Lady Ashvane on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Orgozoa Defeat Orgozoa on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Radiance of Azshara Kill Radiance of Azshara on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: The Queen’s Court Slay The Queen’s Court on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Za’qul Defeat Za’qul on Mythic difficulty.
Glory of the Eternal Raider Complete the Eternal Palace raid achievements.
A Smack of Jellyfish Kill Orgozoa in the Hatchery after incubating a baby Zoatroid on Normal Difficulty or higher.
Fun Run Slay Radiance of Azshara after running 6 consecutive complete laps around her arena without falling into the water on Normal difficulty or higher.
If It Pleases the Court Perform various emotes to earn Queen Azshara’s Favor, then defeat The Queen’s Court on Normal Difficulty or higher.
Intro to Marine Biology Defeat the Blackwater Behemoth after collecting 50 samples of sea life from within the Darkest Depths on Normal Difficulty or higher.
Lactose Intolerant Kill Za’qul after killing ten Twinklehoof Bovine on Normal difficulty or higher.
Simple Geometry Slay Lady Ashvane after having each cast of Arcing Azerite pass through her on Normal difficulty or higher.
The Best of Us Defeat Queen Azshara with one player still alive who is currently affected by Essence of Azeroth on Normal difficulty or higher.
You and What Army? Kill Abyssal Commander Sivara while all three of her lieutenants are alive and engaged in the fight on Normal difficulty or higher.


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