The lore and history of Azeroth are full of ancient mysteries and stories, where colossal empires have risen and fallen, and numerous heroes have written their names into the chronicles of this game universe with hundreds of epic achievements. World of Warcraft’s lore pulses through every quest, bossfight, and every faction met.
From the majestic heights of the Wyrmrest Temple to the deepest dungeons of Blackrock Depths, each location in WoW is steeped in history. The story begins eons ago, with the Titans, god-like beings wandering the cosmos, discovering Azeroth as a developing world brimming with potential. But with creation comes conflict, and thus began the age-old battles against the chaotic forces seeking to unravel the fabric of this world.
Origins of Azeroth and the Cosmic Titans
The Titans decided to shape and nurture this world. They created the planet’s landscapes and formed mountains, oceans, and continents. During this early time, elemental lords, powerful beings born from the planet’s energies, also appeared. However, these guys were unpredictable and wreaked havoc around themselves.
Titans vs. Sargeras
Over time, fighting endless demons made Sargeras lose hope. He discovered that elemental lords, evil beings, aimed to corrupt a new Titan world-soul. This made him lose faith in his mission. Sargeras believed the only way to save the universe was to destroy it and start again.
Sargeras created the Burning Legion, a huge army of demons. He even corrupted the Eredar, a smart race, turning them into his demonic lieutenants, the Man’ari. Step by step, it became clear that Sargeras had completely rejected his old ideals.
War of the Ancients
Malfurion Stormrage, Tyrande Whisperwind, Illidan Stormrage, and Jarod Shadowsong led the Kaldorei Resistance against the Legion. Illidan betrayed them but helped to seal the portal and prevented Sargeras from entering Azeroth. As a result, they managed to push back the demonic forces
The Rise of Human Kingdoms and the Horde
Azeroth’s history is richly woven with the rise of human kingdoms and the tumultuous emergence of the Horde.
Contrasting this human ascendancy, the arrival of the Orcs through the Dark Portal marked the beginning of a new, darker chapter. The Orcs, hailing from Draenor, were not mere invaders; they were refugees fleeing a dying world, manipulated and corrupted by the Burning Legion into a war-hungry Horde. This gateway between worlds, a marvel of arcane engineering, became the focal point of the first great clash between Azeroth’s natives and the extraplanetary Orcs, heralding the First War.
The First War saw the fall of Stormwind to the Horde. During this time, heroes like Anduin Lothar and King Llane Wrynn appeared, showing human resilience and bravery.
The Second War expanded the conflict to involve more races and factions. As a result, the Alliance of Lordaeron was formed, aiming to fight the growing orc threat. Key battles of this war include the siege of Lordaeron and naval clashes in the Great Sea.
Noteworthy Horde and Alliance leaders of this war include:
- Orgrim Doomhammer, Warchief of the Horde, represented orc honor and strength.
- King Terenas Menethil II of Lordaeron worked to unite human kingdoms against the Horde.
The Scourge and the Lich King
Cataclysm: Deathwing’s Return
In response, Thrall, the shaman and former Warchief of the Horde, steps down to focus on healing the world, appointing Garrosh Hellscream as his successor. The expansion also introduces the worgen, cursed humans from Gilneas who join the Alliance after learning to control their curse with the help of the night elves.
Elemental lords like Ragnaros and Al’Akir side with Deathwing, while others like Therazane and Neptulon assist in defending Azeroth. Heroes of Azeroth defeat Ragnaros in the Firelands and Al’Akir at the Throne of Four Winds. The Black Dragonflight, corrupted by the Old Gods, faces near extinction, with Wrathion emerging as the last uncorrupted black dragon determined to protect Azeroth.
Discovery of Pandaria and the Warlords of Draenor
Battle for Azeroth and The Legion’s Return
Heart of Azeroth
- Acquisition and Leveling Up: Players received the Heart of Azeroth from Magni Bronzebeard early in the BFA expansion. The artifact’s power level, or “item level,” increased by absorbing Azerite, a resource obtained through various activities like completing Azerite World Quests, dungeons, raids, and other in-game events. As players collected Azerite, the Heart of Azeroth leveled up, enhancing its potency.
- Azerite Traits and Armor: A pivotal aspect of the Heart of Azeroth system was its interaction with Azerite Armor and gear pieces with specific slots (head, shoulders, and chest). These armor pieces featured Azerite Traits – special abilities or bonuses players could unlock. Each piece had multiple trait rings, with the innermost rings offering the most potent enhancements. Players could select one trait per ring, customizing their character’s abilities based on their playstyle, role, or preferences. Unlocking these traits required a certain level of the Heart of Azeroth, incentivizing players to gather Azerite continuously.
- Essences: Later in the BFA expansion, a major update introduced the Essence system. Essences were powerful abilities and passive effects slotted into the Heart of Azeroth. Players earned these Essences through various means, including PvE content like raids and dungeons, PvP activities, and reputation grinds. Each Essence had a Major (active) ability and a Minor (passive) effect, offering strategic choices depending on a player’s role or the content they were tackling. The system added another layer of depth and customization to the Heart of Azeroth.
- Gameplay Impact: The Heart of Azeroth system was integral to character progression in BFA. It offered players flexibility in PvP and PvE playstyles.
WoW Shadowlands
When a soul arrives in the Shadowlands, it is judged by the Arbiter and sent to the most suitable afterlife. The main areas in the Shadowlands are Ardenweald, Bastion, Maldraxxus, and Revendreth.
World of Warcraft Dragonflight
Hearing of the Dragon Isles being under attack, the Horde and Alliance rush to help. They find the situation worse than expected, with the Primalists, led by Kurog Grimtotem, invading and freeing their leader, Raszageth. The heroes manage to secure the Ruby Life Pools and help the Black Aspects reclaim the Obsidian Throne, though a power struggle between Wrathion and Sabellian remains.
In Ohn’ahran Plains, Primalist leader Koroleth and Balakar Khan attack the Green Dragonflight. They capture the wild god Ohn’ahra but fail to kill Merithra, the daughter of the Green Dragonflight. Koroleth is eventually defeated.
The Primalists then invade Valdrakken, the dragon capital. The heroes defeat them and confront the traitor Eranog. Despite defeating Raszageth, her cousins are freed.
After Raszageth’s defeat, the heroes and Scalecommander Viridia work to reclaim the Forbidden Reach.
The Primalists, Scalecommander, and other factions clash in Zaralek Cavern. The heroes meet a new race, the Loamm Niffen, and continue their adventures. After that, they face Sarkareth in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible, leading to his defeat.
Map of Azeroth and All Leveling Locations
Dragonflight Leveling Zones (Levels 60-70)
- Continent: Dragon Isles
- The Waking Shores: This is typically the starting zone in Dragonflight, where players first encounter the Dragon Isles.
- Ohn’ahran Plains: A zone characterized by its vast, open landscapes and continues the leveling journey.
- The Azure Span: Known for its majestic and sprawling vistas, this zone further advances the player’s leveling experience.
- Thaldraszus: As one of the later zones in the leveling process, it is rich in lore and ties closely to the Dragon Aspects.
Shadowlands Leveling Zones (Levels 50-60)
- Continent: Shadowlands
- Bastion: A serene realm of the Kyrian covenant, characterized by its gleaming architecture and ethereal landscapes.
- Maldraxxus: The domain of the Necrolord covenant, featuring a war-torn, necromantic environment.
- Ardenweald: A mystical and ethereal forest, home to the Night Fae covenant.
- Revendreth: A gothic, vampire-themed zone ruled by the Venthyr covenant.
Battle for Azeroth Zones (Levels 10-50)
- Continent: Kul Tiras, Zandalar
- Kul Tiras: Comprising Drustvar, Tiragarde Sound, and Stormsong Valley for Alliance players.
- Zandalar: Including Zuldazar, Nazmir, and Vol’dun, for Horde players.
Legion Zones (Levels 10-50)
- Continent: Broken Isles
- Azsuna
- Val’sharah
- Highmountain
- Stormheim
- Suramar (primarily a max-level zone)
Warlords of Draenor Zones (Levels 10-50)
- Continent: Draenor
- Frostfire Ridge (Horde)
- Shadowmoon Valley (Alliance)
- Gorgrond
- Talador
- Spires of Arak
- Nagrand
Mists of Pandaria Zones (Levels 10-50)
- Continent: Pandaria
- The Jade Forest
- Valley of the Four Winds
- Krasarang Wilds
- Kun-Lai Summit
- Townlong Steppes
- Dread Wastes
Cataclysm Zones (Levels 10-50)
- Continent: Azeroth (revamped zones), Deepholm
- Mount Hyjal
- Vashj’ir
- Deepholm
- Uldum
- Twilight Highlands
Wrath of the Lich King Zones (Levels 10-50)
- Continent: Northrend
- Borean Tundra
- Howling Fjord
- Dragonblight
- Grizzly Hills
- Zul’Drak
- Sholazar Basin
- The Storm Peaks
- Icecrown
The Burning Crusade Zones (Levels 10-50)
- Continent: Outland
- Hellfire Peninsula
- Zangarmarsh
- Terokkar Forest
- Nagrand
- Blade’s Edge Mountains
- Netherstorm
- Shadowmoon Valley
Classic WoW Zones (Levels 1-60)
- Continent: Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor
- Zones: Various across both continents
These include multiple zones for both early and later leveling, such as Elwynn Forest, Dun Morogh, Durotar, Tirisfal Glades, Westfall, Redridge Mountains, Stonetalon Mountains, Ashenvale, and many others, now scaled for levels 1-50.
With the introduction of the level scaling system in the game, players can choose various paths and zones for leveling, providing flexibility and a personalized leveling experience.
Changes in Azeroth’s Geography Through Expansions
- Originally, Azeroth had two main continents: Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. These lands are full of ancient kingdoms, forests, mountains, and deserts.
- The Burning Crusade expansion introduced Outland, once known as Draenor, the Orcs’ homeland. This shattered world with floating islands and strange skies was the game’s first venture into otherworldly terrains.
- Wrath of the Lich King took players to Northrend, a frozen wasteland ruled by the Lich King. Its icy landscapes were full of scorge, impressive soundtracks, and unforgettable raids and locations.
- Cataclysm drastically changed Azeroth’s original continents. Familiar zones were destroyed or transformed due to Deathwing’s return, making this expansion unique in altering existing areas instead of adding new ones.
- Mists of Pandaria unveiled the hidden continent of Pandaria, inspired by Asian culture. This lush, peaceful land provided a stark contrast to the war-torn regions of previous expansions.
- Warlords of Draenor took players back in time to see Draenor before it was shattered, showing the Orcish homeworld in its original form.
- Legion introduced the Broken Isles, a region rich in Night Elf history and the place of the demons’ invasion.
- Battle for Azeroth focused on the conflict between Horde and Alliance and introduced the following new zones: Kul Tiras and Zandalar. These continents reflected the cultures and aesthetics of their respective factions.
- Shadowlands took players to the afterlife. This expansion moved beyond traditional locations introduction and offered us to explore completely new territories that are located beyond life and death.