
Castle Nathria Raid Guide: Entrance, Rewards, Bosses

Castle Nathria, the first raid of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, was released on the 8th of December, 2020. It remains a valuable source of transmogs, mounts, and collectibles in The War Within. This gothic stronghold in Revendreth features ten bosses, including Sire Denathrius, with unique armor sets, weapons, and achievements to earn.

icon In this guide, we’ll cover:

icon Whether you’re farming cosmetics or testing your solo skills, this guide will help you make the most of Castle Nathria in WoW Retail (The War Within).

Castle Nathria Entrance and Subregions

Castle Nathria Entrance and Subregions

Castle Nathria is located in the Revendreth zone in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. To reach it, you should travel to Revendreth, which can be accessed via Oribos, the central hub of the Shadowlands. There, take the Charred Ramparts flight path and head toward the giant castle in the distance.

The entrance to Castle Nathria is at 46.5, 41.5, just past a broken section of the wall. Follow the path, watch out for enemies, and you’ll reach the main gates. Once at the entrance, simply walk through the massive doors to enter the raid and begin the encounter exploration.

Inside, you’ll move through different subregions as you fight your way to Sire Denathrius.

icon Castle Nathria has the following subregions (check the gallery below):

  • The Grand Walk,
  • The Kennels,
  • The Royal Cellars,
  • The Purloined Stores,
  • The Gallery,
  • Halls of the Faithful,
  • Spoils of Sin,
  • Pride’s Prison,
  • Feast of Arrogance,
  • Nightcloak Sanctum,
  • and The Observatorium.

Each section has its challenges and bosses which we’ll briefly overview below.

Castle Nathria Bosses Overview

Castle Nathria Bosses Overview

Castle Nathria is a gothic-style raid in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, where players face Sire Denathrius and his forces in Revendreth. The raid has ten bosses, each tied to the dark themes of the zone, from Shriekwing, a blind beast that hunts by sound, to Sludgefist, a massive brute that smashes everything in his path. Encounters range from strategic fights like the Council of Blood, which plays out like a deadly ballroom dance, to intense damage checks against Stone Legion Generals. The final battle against Sire Denathrius is a cinematic showdown in his throne room, where players must survive his deadly magic and defeat him before he escapes.

icon Below, we’ll overview the CN raid bossfights and their loot tables.

Can You Solo Castle Nathria in The War Within?

Can You Solo Castle Nathria in The War Within

Farming Castle Nathria solo in The War Within is a great way to get transmog sets, mounts, pets, and achievements from Shadowlands. While soloing older raids has become easier due to stat scaling and gear improvements, some bosses in Castle Nathria still have mechanics that can cause problems. This guide explains how to solo each boss, with recommended classes, strategy tips, and the best time to use Bloodlust or Drums of Deathly Ferocity.

Shriekwing: Tactics and Loot Table


icon Preferred Classes: Any with high burst damage and mobility.

Tips: Shriekwing’s echolocation forces you to keep moving. In Phase 2, the boss becomes immune, so positioning is key to avoiding blind spots.

icon Strategy: Start with strong cooldowns and burst damage. Avoid standing in Echoing Screech zones and dodge Blind Swipe. Once the immunity phase starts, keep moving until it ends, then finish the fight quickly.

icon Bloodlust/Drums: On pull.

icon Shriekwing loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Slippers of the Forgotten Heretic Feet
Leather Chiropteran Leggings Legs
Mail Double-Chained Utility Belt Waist
Plate Errant Crusader’s Greaves Feet
Any Skulker’s Wing Trinket
Cowled Batwing Cloak Cloak

Huntsman Altimor: Tactics and Loot Table

Huntsman Altimor

icon Preferred Classes: Tanky specs or classes with strong self-healing.

Tips: The fight has three phases, each featuring a different pet. The main issue is Sinseeker, which does heavy damage.

icon Strategy: Kill the pets quickly while keeping Sinseeker in check. In Phase 2, ignore or crowd-control the adds. In Phase 3, keep moving to avoid getting overwhelmed by Crushing Stone stacks.

icon Bloodlust/Drums: Phase 2.

icon Huntsman Altimor loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Grim Pursuant’s Maille Wrist
Leather Spell-Woven Tourniquet Waist
Mail Master Huntsman’s Bandolier Chest
Plate Hellhound Cuffs Wrist
Any Charm of Eternal Winter Amulet
Bargast’s Leash Trinket

Hungering Destroyer: Tactics and Loot Table

Hungering Destroyer

icon Preferred Classes: Self-healing classes are ideal, as healing is limited.

Tips: The boss applies Gluttonous Miasma, preventing healing but allowing shields and absorbs.

icon Strategy: Use shields and healing reduction abilities if available. Avoid Volatile Ejection, as the debuff stacks quickly. Kill the boss before the healing absorption effect becomes too much to handle.

icon Bloodlust/Drums: On pull.

icon Hungering Destroyer loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Cinch of Infinite Tightness Waist
Leather Miasma-Lacquered Jerkin Chest
Volatile Shadestitch Legguards Legs
Mail Consumptive Chainmail Carapace Chest
Helm of Insatiable Appetite Head
Plate Endlessly Gluttonous Greaves Legs
Epaulets of Overwhelming Force Shoulder
Any Consumptive Infusion Trinket
Gluttonous Spike Trinket

Lady Inerva Darkvein: Tactics and Loot Table

Lady Inerva Darkvein

icon Preferred Classes: Any with burst damage to kill her before damage ramps up.

Tips: Expose Desires stacks can become overwhelming, so this is a DPS race.

icon Strategy: Open with full cooldowns and burn the boss quickly. Ignore adds unless absolutely necessary. Be ready to use defensive cooldowns when her damage output spikes.

icon Bloodlust/Drums: On pull.

icon Lady Inerva loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Confidant’s Favored Cap Head
Leather Gloves of Phantom Shadows Hands
Mail Memento-Laden Cuisses Legs
Plate Binding of Warped Desires Waist
Any Ritualist’s Treasured Ring Ring
Memory of Past Sins Trinket

Artificer Xy’Mox: Tactics and Loot Table

Artificer XyMox

icon Preferred Classes: Classes with immunities or high mobility.

Tips: Possession will instantly kill you if a spirit touches you.

icon Strategy: Keep spirits away by kiting them to one side of the room, then move to the opposite side. If you have an immunity like Ice Block or Divine Shield, use it to bypass mechanics. Traps in Heroic mode make movement even more important.

icon Bloodlust/Drums: On pull.

icon Artificer Xy’Mox loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Shadewarped Sash Waist
Leather Precisely Calibrated Chronometer Wrist
Mail Greaves of Enigmatic Energies Legs
Plate Breastplate of Cautious Calculation Chest
Any Portable Pocket Dimension Bag
Hyperlight Band Ring
Glyph of Assimilation Trinket

Sun King’s Salvation (Kael’thas): Tactics and Loot Table

Sun Kings Salvation

icon Preferred Classes: Any with healing capabilities, including healing trinkets.

Tips: Healing Kael’thas is required to progress the fight.

icon Strategy: If you have healing spells, use them to restore Kael’thas. If not, use orbs dropped by Soul Infusers for a temporary healing boost. If only using bandages, time it so adds don’t interrupt you.

icon Bloodlust/Drums: First phase 2 for DPS, at discretion for healers.

icon Sun King’s Salvation loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth High Torturer’s Smock Chest
Leather Bleakwing Assassin’s Grips Hands
Mail Bangles of Errant Pride Wrist
Plate Stoic Guardsman’s Belt Waist
Any Mantle of Manifest Sins Cloak
Soul Igniter Trinket
Splintered Heart of Al’ar Trinket
Tuft of Smoldering Plumage Trinket

The Council of Blood: Tactics and Loot Table

Castellan Niklaus

icon Preferred Classes: High sustain and burst DPS.

Tips: Avoid the Danse Macabre mechanic, as failure results in instant death.

icon Strategy: Kill Castellan Niklaus first to reduce add spawns. Next, take out Lord Stavros due to his high damage. Save Baroness Frieda for last. If you struggle with the dance phase, jump during it to avoid being one-shot.

icon Bloodlust/Drums: After a Danse Macabre.

icon The Council of Blood loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Courtier’s Costume Trousers Legs
Sparkling Glass Slippers Feet
Leather Corset of the Deft Duelist Chest
Enchanted Toe-Tappers Feet
Mail Castellan’s Chainlink Grips Hands
Plate Stoneguard Attendant’s Boots Feet
Any Noble’s Birthstone Pendant Amulet
Macabre Sheet Music Trinket

Sludgefist: Tactics and Loot Table


icon Preferred Classes: Strong defensive cooldowns are necessary.

Tips: Keep Sludgefist away from pillars until you’re ready to use them for Heedless Charge.

icon Strategy: Lure the boss to a pillar, bait the charge, and let it stun him. Avoid Destructive Stomp, which destroys pillars too soon. If undergeared, this fight can be tough due to unavoidable damage.

icon Bloodlust/Drums: Either on pull or after the first pillar hit.

icon Sludgefist loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Impossibly Oversized Mitts Hands
Leggings of Lethal Reverberations Legs
Leather Heedless Pugilist’s Harness Waist
Mail Load-Bearing Belt Waist
Stoneclas Stompers Feet
Plate Colossal Plate Gauntlets Hands
Rampaging Giant’s Chestplate Chest
Any Hateful Chain Trinket

Stone Legion Generals: Tactics and Loot Table

Stone Legion Generals

icon Preferred Classes: Tanky specs with good crowd control.

Tips: Crystalize stuns and removes bleeds, so be mindful of positioning.

icon Strategy: During transition phases, grab Anima Orbs and bring them to Renathal. Keep an eye on Stone Fist stacks but don’t panic, as they don’t ramp up too quickly. Avoid standing in Unstable Ground in Normal mode. On Heroic, kill Goliaths during phases 1 and 2 for a safer fight.

icon Bloodlust/Drums: Phase 3.

icon Stone Legion Generals loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Robes of the Cursed Commando Chest
Leather Wicked Flanker’s Gorget Shoulder
Mail Oathsworn Soldier’s Gauntlets Hands
Plate Ceremonial Parade Legguards Legs
Any Crest of the Legionnaire General Cloak
Stone Legion Heraldry Trinket

Sire Denathrius: Tactics and Loot Table

Sire Denathrius

icon Preferred Classes: High mobility and burst damage are recommended.

Tips: Burden of Sin needs to be reduced before pushing the boss to 70%, or you will struggle with March of the Penitent.

icon Strategy: Let Cleansing Pain reduce your Burden of Sin stacks before pushing Phase 2. Once there, burn the boss down before Carnage and Wracking Pain overwhelm you. In Phase 3, kill the Cabalists first before focusing on Denathrius. Avoid Scorn stacks, as they deal massive damage over time.

icon Bloodlust/Drums: Phase 2.

icon Sire Denathrius loot table:

Type of Armor Item Loot type
Cloth Shawl of the Penitent Shoulder
Leather Sadist’s Sinister Mask Head
Mail Pauldrons of Fatal Finality Shoulder
Plate Diadem of Imperious Desire Head
Any Most Regal Signet of Sire Denathrius Ring
Cabalist’s Hymnal Trinket
Dreadfire Vessel Trinket
Manabound Mirror Trinket
Sanguine Vintage Trinket

Castle Nathria Achievements List

Achievement Requirement
Castle Nathria Complete all bosses on any difficulty.
Castle Nathria Guild Run Defeat all bosses on Normal difficulty or higher while in a guild group.
Heroic: Castle Nathria Kill all bosses on Heroic difficulty.
Heroic: Castle Nathria Guild Run Defeat all bosses on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.
Mythic: Castle Nathria Complete all bosses on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Artificer Xy’mox Defeat Artificer Xy’mox on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Hungering Destroyer Kill the Hungering Destroyer on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Huntsman Altimor Defeat Huntsman Altimor on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Lady Inerva Darkvein Kill Lady Inerva Darkvein on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Shriekwing Slay Shriekwing on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Sludgefist Defeat Sludgefist on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Stone Legion Generals Kill the Stone Legion Generals on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Sun King’s Salvation Slay Sun King’s Salvation on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: The Council of Blood Defeat The Council of Blood on Mythic difficulty.
Ahead of the Curve: Sire Denathrius Kill Sire Denathrius on Heroic difficulty or higher, before the release of the next raid tier.
Cutting Edge: Sire Denathrius Slay Sire Denathrius on Mythic difficulty, before the release of the next raid tier.
Mythic: Sire Denathrius Defeat Sire Denathrius on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Sire Denathrius Guild Run Kill Sire Denathrius on Mythic Difficutly while in a guild group.
Hall of Fame: Sire Denathrius (Alliance) Among the first 100 Alliance guilds worldwide to defeat Sire Denathrius on Mythic difficulty.
Hall of Fame: Sire Denathrius (Horde) Be among the first 100 Horde guilds worldwide to defeat Sire Denathrius on Mythic difficulty.
Blind as a Bat Defeat Shriekwing after she kills six Sneaky Servitors on Normal difficulty or higher.
Burning Bright Redeem Kael’thas after lighting all four of the room’s braziers on Normal difficulty or higher.
Clear Conscience Kill Sire Denathrius after removing Burden of Sin from all players before March of the Penitent is cast on Normal difficulty or higher.
Dirtflap’s Revenge Slay Sludgefist after he collides with pillars in Dirtflap’s preferred order on Normal difficulty or higher.
Feed the Beast Defeat the Hungering Destroyer after draining all of the large anima canisters with Volatile Ejection on Normal difficulty or higher.
Private Stock Kill Artificer Xy’mox after returning loose Maldraxxus, Ardenweald, and Maw Anima to their display cases on Normal difficulty or higher.
Taking Care of Business Slay Huntsman Altimor after walking Margore, Bargast, and Hecutis to the corners of The Kennels on Normal difficulty or higher.




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