Vicious War Wolf Boost

On this page of our site, you can buy Vicious War Wolf boost using real money in World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic. Our services are available on all official servers in the EU and US regions.
The Vicious War Wolf is a PvP-related mount introduced in in Patch 4.4 during the Cataclysm expansion. To earn this mount, you must win 75 Rated Battlegrounds and unlock the Veteran of the Horde achievement.
Our boosting service can assist you in obtaining the Vicious War Wolf efficiently, so you can save time and effort.
Quick Summary:
Self-play: We'll team up and play together in Rated Battlegrounds to get the 75 wins you need for the Vicious War Wolf.
Acc-sharing: One of our experienced players will play on your account, using a secure VPN connection to protect your account and win the required RBG matches.
ETA: 9-10 days
WoW Vicious War Wolf Mount Overview
Feature | Details |
Mount Name: | Vicious War Wolf |
Lore: | At Warchief Hellscream's command, Horde trainers began raising wolves to thrive in the shock and ferocity of sustained combat. |
Side: | Horde |
Availability: | This mount can be used by characters who obtain it. |
Riding Requirements: |
Source: | Achievement: Veteran of the Horde, Veteran of the Horde II, Warbringer of the Horde |
How to get: | To get the Vicious War Wolf mount, you need to win a certain number of Rated Battlegrounds. The mount is rewarded at three different levels: 75, 150, and 300 wins. Once you reach one of these milestones, the mount will be automatically sent to your character's in-game mailbox. |
Introduced in: | Patch 4.4 |
Travel Mode: | Ground (+100%) |
Vicious War Wolf Boosting Service Explained
- Place Your Order: Simply add the Vicious War Wolf service to your shopping cart and checkout with your preferred payment method, whether it's a credit card or digital currency.
- Contact us: Our team will reach out to you through email, Discord, or Skype to discuss the details of your order.
- Chat with us: Talk to our support team to schedule a start time that works for you and arrange the details of your Vicious War Wolf boost.
- The Process:
- Piloted Service: Our experienced gamer will take control of your character to get the mount.
- Carry Service: You'll play your character while our team provides the support you need to get the mount.
- Share Your Experience: After your boost is complete, please share your experience with others by leaving a review on Trustpilot. We value your feedback!
- Max level Horde character in EU or US servers