
Sundered Doctrine Loot Guide

Sundered Doctrine is a new dungeon introduced in Destiny 2: The Final Shape. Release date: 7th of February, 2025. It takes Guardians into Rhulk’s Pyramid Ship in Savathûn’s Throne World, where they will face deadly Dread and Hive enemies while uncovering its mysteries.

The SD dungeon features three encounters, each offering a chance to earn powerful loot, including unique weapons, armor sets, and an Exotic Linear Fusion Rifle, Finality’s Auger.

icon In this guide, you’ll find:

icon We’ll overview all the rewards you can get from Sundered Doctrine, highlighting which weapons are worth farming, and explain the legendaries God Rolls.

Sundered Doctrine Loot Table

Encounter Weapon/Armor Type Ammo Type Element Drop Chance
Solve the Riddle Unloved Hand Cannon Hand Cannon Primary Primary Strand Strand 33%
Unsworn Trace Rifle Trace Rifle Special Special Strand Strand 30%
Unworthy Scout Rifle Scout Rifle Primary Primary Arc Arc 30%
Flain Helmet icon Armor 20%
Flain Arms icon Armor 20%
Flain Legs icon Armor 20%
Zoetic Lockset Unloved Hand Cannon Hand Cannon Primary Primary Strand Strand 33%
Unsworn Trace Rifle Trace Rifle Special Special Strand Strand 30%
Unvoiced Shotgun Shotgun Special Special Void Void 30%
Flain Helmet icon Armor 20%
Flain Arms icon Armor 20%
Flain Legs icon Armor 20%
Kerrev, the Erased Finality’s Auger Linear Fusion Rifle Linear Fusion Rifle Heavy Heavy Solar Solar 5-10% (Exotic)
Unsworn Trace Rifle Trace Rifle Special Special Strand Strand 40%
Flain Chest icon Armor 30%
Flain Helmet icon Armor 25%
Flain Arms icon Armor 25%
Flain Legs icon Armor 25%

Class Items are likely obtained by completing puzzles or finishing the Drowning Labyrinth quest, similar to how they were earned in the Vesper’s Host dungeon.

The Sundered Doctrine dungeon offers plenty of rewards, including an exclusive Sparrow Future Proof, three unique emblems, and the Exotic Finality’s Auger Linear Fusion Rifle. It also features high-stat Legendary weapons with strong perks, making some of them meta (we’ll overview them below also). On top of that, players can get the Flain Armor Set.

icon You can also get the following collectibles:

  • Unsounded Depths Emblem – Awarded for completing the dungeon on Normal mode.

Fireteam List:
Unsounded Depths Fireteam
Character Menu:

Unsounded Depths Character

Fireteam List:
Pyramid's Pilot Fireteam
Character Menu:

Pyramid's Pilot Character

  • Last Erasure Emblem – Awarded for completing the dungeon during Contest Mode.

Fireteam List:

Last Erasure Fireteam
Character Menu:
Last Erasure Character

  • Future Proof Exotic Sparrow – Rewarded for completing Master difficulty.

Future Proof

How to Farm Sundered Doctrine for Loot

How to Farm Sundered Doctrine

Sundered Doctrine is the newest dungeon in Destiny 2 and is not part of the Featured dungeon rotation. This means you can only farm its Exotic weapon, Finality’s Auger, once per character each week. However, you can farm its Legendary weapons and armor as much as you want.

icon How to farm the Sundered Doctrine dungeon:

  1. Play through the dungeon on your first character until you reach the encounter you want to farm.
  2. Start the encounter and wipe (let your team die without finishing it).
  3. Switch to another character that hasn’t run the dungeon yet and rejoin your Fireteam.
  4. Wipe again to save the checkpoint on your second character.

icon To continue farming:

  • Launch the SD dungeon on your second character, which now holds the checkpoint.
  • Switch back to your first character, rejoin, and complete the encounter.
  • Repeat the process as many times as needed for unlimited loot.

This method lets you farm weapons and armor without limits, but remember that Finality’s Auger Exotic Linear Fusion Rifle is only available once per week per character. Below we’ll briefly overview the Sundered Doctrine dungeon encounters.

Encounter 1: Riddle


The first encounter, Riddle, revolves around aligning darkness beams with the correct symbol.

icon Mechanic:

  • Three darkness lenses in the center direct beams toward plates in four different rooms.
  • A Truthspeaker Major Grim spawns—defeat it to reveal the correct symbol.
  • Subjugators drop lenses when defeated—use these to extend the beam path.
  • If beams hit the wrong plate, a Tormentor spawns.
  • Complete the sequence three times, increasing the number of beams in each phase.

To optimize the puzzle-solving process, players should rotate lenses before placing them, as activated lenses will break after three rotations. Clearing enemies quickly is crucial, as the Subjugators can overwhelm teams if left unchecked.

Encounter 2: Zoetic Lockset (Shrieker Boss Fight)

Zoetic Lockset

The second encounter features Zoetic Lockset, a construct-like boss composed of multiple Darkness Shriekers that fire deadly Resonance Seekers at players. The main mechanic involves four rotating wheels, each displaying a glowing symbol. Players must defeat Hive Wizards to collect Resonance Splinters, which are then used to rotate the symbols to the correct position.

icon Each Shrieker gazes at a wheel, activating effects based on the symbol displayed:

  • Stop – Neutral effect, no enemies spawn.
  • Hive – Summons Ogres, making survival harder.
  • Brain – Spawns Knights and Wizards to attack the team.
  • Kill – Triggers the damage phase, allowing players to attack the Shriekers.

The goal is to lock three wheels on Stop and one on Kill before the Shriekers finalize their choices. The damage phase lasts longer if Kill is locked earlier. Players should focus on rotating Hive symbols away immediately to prevent Ogres from spawning. Linear Fusion Rifles (Sleeper Simulant), Snipers, and Machine Guns are strong choices for DPS.

Encounter 3: Kerrev, The Erased (Final Boss)


The final encounter against Kerrev, The Erased requires players to identify false riddles and manipulate darkness beams accordingly.

  • The boss stands in the middle of the room, displaying two symbol-based riddles—one is true, and one is false. Players must determine which is the Lie and direct beams onto those symbols while avoiding the Truths.
  • Lenses in the left, center, and right rooms must be positioned correctly to shine beams onto the Lie symbols. Some lenses or buttons may be Strand-locked, requiring players to defeat Unwritten Attendants to gain a buff that unlocks them.
  • Once the symbols are correctly aligned, activating the central panel initiates a burn phase, where players must take cover from the Obelisk’s energy surge before entering the damage phase.

icon Kerrev moves frequently and uses Strand Suspend attacks, making mobility and healing essential. Divinity can help with precision damage, while Linear Fusion Rifles, Grenade Launchers with Bait and Switch, and Machine Guns are highly effective.

Sundered Doctrine Tips & Loadout Recommendations

  • Finality’s Auger Exotic Linear Fusion Rifle can only be obtained once per week per character, while Legendary weapons and armor can be farmed infinitely.
  • Subclass Recommendations:
  • Recommended Weapons:

Mastering these mechanics and optimizing your loadout will make clearing and farming Sundered Doctrine much easier.

Sundered Doctrine Weapons

Sundered Doctrine Weapons

The Sundered Doctrine dungeon introduces five new weapons—four Legendary and one Exotic. None of them are craftable, but they can be enhanced to improve their stats (you can farm God Rolls).

The Exotic, Finality’s Auger, is a Solar Linear Fusion Rifle that fires a turret, making it stand out.

The Legendary weapons include a Strand Hand Cannon, Arc Scout Rifle, Void Shotgun, and Strand Trace Rifle, each with strong perk options for PvE and PvP.

Read more about all these weapons below.

Finality’s Auger Exotic

Finality's Auger

Weapon Name Finality’s Auger
Weapon Type Linear Fusion Rifle Linear Fusion Rifle
Tier Rank Tier-A A-Tier for PvE, Tier-B B-Tier for PvP
Slot Solar Solar
Ammo Heavy Heavy
Archetype Exotic
Catalyst The catalyst adds Bait and Switch, which boosts Finality’s Auger’s damage when you deal damage with all equipped weapons within a short time.
  • Ruinscribe’s Forge (fires a projectile that deploys a Ruinscribe Turret, which auto-fires at enemies),
  • Ruinscribe’s Beacon (turret prioritizes painted targets and fires stronger shots),
  • Arrowhead Brake (improves recoil and handling),
  • Particle Repeater (stability boost),
  • Short-Action Stock (increased handling)
Exotic Trait Ruinscribe’s Forge – This weapon can fire a special projectile that deploys a turret, which automatically attacks enemies. Players can also paint targets, making the turret prioritize them with stronger shots.
Is this weapon worth farming? Yes. The ability to deploy an auto-firing turret makes Finality’s Auger unique. It is excellent for PvE crowd control and sustained DPS. However, in PvP, it’s less effective due to its charge time and turret limitations. Its Exotic Catalyst (Bait and Switch) further boosts damage when used properly.
How to Get it? Drops from the final boss of the Sundered Doctrine dungeon. Like most dungeon exotics, it’s an RNG drop, but Contest Mode clears (first 48 hours) guarantee a drop.

Unloved Strand Hand Cannon


Weapon Name: Unloved
Weapon Type: Hand Cannon Hand Cannon
Tier Rank: PvE: Tier-A A-Tier,  PvP: Tier-B C-Tier
Slot: Strand Strand
Ammo: Primary Primary
Archetype: Heavy Burst
Rarity: Legendary
Is this weapon worth farming? Yes, for PvE players. Unloved is the first Heavy Burst Hand Cannon with Strand damage, making it unique. It has strong perk options like Dragonfly, Hatchling, and Frenzy for PvE, offering great add clear potential. However, its PvP performance is underwhelming due to lack of stability and flinch resistance. Lucky Pants users might prefer other Hand Cannons.
How to Get it? Drops from the Sundered Doctrine Dungeon. The weapon is not craftable but can be enhanced.
PvE God Roll:
  • Barrel: Arrowhead Brake
  • Magazine: Appended Mag
  • Trait 1: Dragonfly or Hatchling (Dragonfly for explosions, Hatchling for Strand synergy)
  • Trait 2: Frenzy (Boosts reload speed and damage when in combat) or Elemental Honing (Strand Builds)
  • Masterwork: Stability (Improves weapon control)
PvP God Roll:
  • Barrel: Arrowhead Brake
  • Magazine: Accurized Rounds
  • Trait 1: Rapid Hit (Improves stability and reload speed with precision hits)
  • Trait 2: Kill Clip (Boosts damage after a kill, reducing time-to-kill)
  • Masterwork: Range (Extends engagement distance)

Unworthy Arc Scout Rifle


Weapon Name: Unworthy
Weapon Type: Scout Rifle Scout Rifle
Tier Rank: PvP: Tier-A  B-Tier,  PvE: Tier-A A-Tier
Slot: Arc Arc
Ammo: Primary Primary
Archetype: Rapid-Fire Frame (260 RPM)
Rarity: Legendary
Is this weapon worth farming? Yes, for PvE players. Unworthy is a solid Arc Scout Rifle with Firefly in the first column, allowing Solar explosions on precision kills. This makes it excellent for add-clear when paired with Voltshot. While effective in PvE, PvP performance is mediocre, as other Scouts offer better dueling perks and kill potential.
How to Get it? Drops from the Sundered Doctrine Dungeon on Rhulk’s ship. The weapon is not craftable but can be enhanced.
PvE God Roll:
  • Barrel: Fluted Barrel (Increases Handling for faster weapon swaps and aiming)
  • Magazine: Appended Mag (Boosts magazine size for more sustained damage)
  • Trait 1: Firefly (Creates Solar explosions on precision kills, great for clearing groups)
  • Trait 2: Voltshot (Reloading after a kill grants the next shot chain lightning, making it deadly against groups of enemies)
  • Masterwork: Handling (Improves overall weapon responsiveness)
PvP God Roll:
  • Barrel: Polygonal Rifling (increase to stability)
  • Magazine: Ricochet Rounds (Increases Stability and adds a small range boost)
  • Trait 1: Rapid Hit (Rapidly landing precision hits increases Stability and reload speed, making it easier to stay on target)
  • Trait 2: Precision Instrument (Increases precision damage over time, allowing for a fast 0.7s time-to-kill with 4 headshots)
  • Masterwork: Stability (Improves weapon control for consistent accuracy)

Unvoiced Void Shotgun


Weapon Name: Unvoiced
Weapon Type: Shotgun Shotgun (Slug)
Tier Rank: PvP: Tier-A A-Tier,  PvE: Tier-A A-Tier
Slot: Void Void
Ammo: Special Special
Archetype: Slug Shotgun
Rarity: Legendary
Is this weapon worth farming? Yes, for PvE players. Unvoiced is the first slug shotgun to roll with Bait and Switch, a top-tier damage perk for boss DPS. When paired with Envious Arsenal, it avoids reload downtime, making it ideal for high-end content. It also has Destabilizing Rounds and Demoralize for Void synergy, but its PvP performance is average due to slug shotguns’ weaker meta standing.
How to Get it? Drops from the Sundered Doctrine Dungeon. The weapon is not craftable.
PvE God Roll:
  • Barrel: Fluted Barrel (increases handling for faster swaps and ADS)
  • Magazine: Assault Mag (Increases fire rate, improving DPS)
  • Trait 1: Fourth Time’s the Charm (returns two rounds to the magazine after four precision hits, great for sustained damage)
  • Trait 2: Bait and Switch (Massive damage boost after using all three weapons, excellent for boss phases)
  • Masterwork: Handling (improves weapon readiness and ADS speed)
PvP God Roll:
  • Barrel: Fluted Barrel (boosts handling for quicker ADS and swaps)
  • Magazine: Accurized Rounds (Extends range for better dueling potential)
  • Trait 1: Lone Wolf (increases handling and reload speed when no allies are nearby, great for solo plays)
  • Trait 2: Closing Time (boosts range and stability after a kill, enhancing lethality in Crucible)
  • Masterwork: Handling (improves weapon readiness) or Range (pushes range stat to 100)

Unsworn Strand Trace Rifle


Weapon Name: Unsworn
Weapon Type: Trace Rifle Trace Rifle
Tier Rank: PvP: Tier-C D-Tier,  PvE: Tier-A S-Tier
Slot: Strand Strand
Ammo: Special Special
Archetype: Rapid-Fire Frame
Rarity: Legendary
Is this weapon worth farming? Yes, but mostly for PvE. Unsworn is all about support, not raw damage. It has great perks like Shoot to Loot for ammo sustain and Detonator Beam for explosions, making it solid for high-end PvE. But in PvP, it’s outclassed by almost every other Special weapon. If you’re looking for a top-tier DPS weapon, this isn’t it.
How to Get it? Drops from the Sundered Doctrine Dungeon inside Rhulk’s derelict ship. It’s not craftable, but you can enhance it.
PvE God Roll:
  • Barrel: Fluted Barrel (increases handling for faster weapon readiness)
  • Battery: Light Battery (boosts ammo reserves for sustained damage)
  • Trait 1: Shoot to Loot (Lets you pick up ammo by shooting bricks—great for ammo sustain in tough content)
  • Trait 2: Detonator Beam (Makes enemies explode when hit with sustained fire, helping with add clear)
  • Masterwork: Handling (improves weapon swap speed and responsiveness)
PvP God Roll: Do Not Use. Legendary Trace Rifles struggle in PvP due to low flinch resistance, poor TTK, and limited lethality compared to other Special weapons. If you must use it, go for Rangefinder and Under Pressure to maximize range and accuracy.

Sundered Doctrine Armor Sets

Like all dungeons in Destiny 2, Sundered Doctrine has a unique armor set for each class, called the Flain Armor set.

Below, you can see how it looks for Warlocks, Hunters, and Titans.

Titan: Flain Suit Hunter: Flain Suit Warlock: Flain Suit


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