
The Best Warlock Builds and Subclasses (Destiny 2 The Final Shape)

Destiny 2 The Final Shape is a game where picking the right subclass and the best build can make a big difference. Warlocks are known for their powerful abilities and versatility, making them great for both PvE and PvP content. This guide will help you understand the best Warlock subclasses and builds and how to use them effectively.

icon Warlocks have five different subclasses, each with unique strengths:

  • Stormcaller (Arc 3.0): Great for mobility and dealing electrical damage.
  • Dawnblade (Solar 3.0): Focuses on support, providing buffs and health regeneration.
  • Voidwalker (Void 3.0): Offers debuffs and self-healing, making it versatile for different scenarios.
  • Shadebinder (Stasis 1.0): Specializes in freezing enemies, providing excellent crowd control.
  • Broodweaver (Strand 1.0): Uses Threadlings and Suspension for high damage and battlefield control.

icon Below you will find an overview and explanation of the best Warlock subclasses in Destiny 2: The Final Shape. We’ll also discuss the best Warlock builds and share our top-3 tier list for PvE and PvP.

The Best Warlock Subclass for PvE (Destiny 2 TFS)

The Best Warlock Subclasses for PvP (Destiny 2 TFS)

icon By understanding the strengths and optimal setups for each Warlock subclass, you can tailor your gameplay to dominate in PvE and PvP activities in Destiny 2 The Final Shape. Whether clearing waves of enemies or outplaying opponents in the Crucible, these builds will help you dominate the battlefield.

Dawnblade (Solar 3.0)


Broodweaver (Strand 1.0)


Voidwalker (Void 3.0)


The Best Warlock Builds for PvE in D2 TFS

The Best Warlock Builds for PvE in D2 TFS

Prismatic Blizzard (Arc): Top-1

Prismatic Blizzard

Radiant Sunbracer (Solar): Top-2

Radiant Sunbracer

Blinding Vesper (Arc): Top-3

Blinding Vesper

  • Strengths: Blinding and Jolting enemies through rifts and weapons for excellent battlefield control.
  • Key Gear: Vesper Of Radius for rift shockwaves and Coldheart for additional damage.
  • Abilities and Aspects: Use Electrostatic Mind and Arc Soul for constant Arc energy. Chaos Reach for powerful supers.
  • Fragments: Spark Of Amplitude (orbs of power on multikills), Spark Of Beacons (blinding on special weapon kills), Spark Of Resistance (damage resistance when surrounded), Spark Of Brilliance (precision final blows create blinding explosions).
  • Stats Priority: Max Resilience for survivability, high Recovery for rift regeneration, and Discipline for frequent grenade use.
  • Mods: Harmonic Siphon for weapon synergy, Special Ammo Finder, Bolstering Detonation for rift energy, and resistance mods for survivability.
  • Gameplay: Place a rift to blind enemies and generate Arc shockwaves. Use your weapons and abilities to maintain control and keep enemies at bay. This build is great for high-level PvE content.

The Best Warlock Subclass for PvP (Destiny 2 TFS)

The Best Warlock Subclasses for PvP (Destiny 2 TFS)

Dawnblade (Solar 3.0)


Shadebinder (Stasis 1.0)


Voidwalker (Void 3.0)


The Best Warlock Build for PvP in the Final Shape

The Best Warlock Builds for PvP in the Final Shape

Voidwalker (Void): Top-1


Shadebinder (Stasis): Top-2


Dawnblade (Solar): Top-3


  • Strengths: Dawnblade offers excellent healing and support for teammates.
  • Key Gear: Boots Of The Assembler for healing and Radiant, paired with a powerful Solar weapon like Sunshot.
  • Abilities and Aspects: Use Touch of Flame and Heat Rises to enhance your abilities. Healing Grenades and Phoenix Dive for support.
  • Fragments: Ember Of Solace (increased duration of Radiant and Restoration), Ember Of Empyrean (solar kills extend Radiant and Restoration), Ember Of Benevolence (enhanced ability regeneration), Ember Of Torches (melee hits make you and allies Radiant).
  • Stats Priority: High Recovery for rift regeneration, high Discipline for frequent grenades, and Resilience for survivability.
  • Mods: Heavy Ammo Finder, Harmonic SiphonBolstering Detonation for rift energy, and resistance mods for survivability.
  • Gameplay: Focus on healing allies and keeping them buffed with Radiant. Stay in the air to maximize your damage and support capabilities. This build is perfect for team players who like to support their squad.


In Destiny 2: The Final Shape, choosing the right Warlock subclass is key for success in both PvE and PvP. Warlocks have five subclasses: Stormcaller (Arc), Dawnblade (Solar), Voidwalker (Void), Shadebinder (Stasis), and Broodweaver (Strand). Each subclass has unique strengths, like Dawnblade’s powerful buffs and healing, and Broodweaver’s high damage and battlefield control. Understanding and using the best gear, Aspects, and Fragments for each subclass can greatly improve your performance. Whether you’re clearing enemies or outplaying opponents, the right Warlock build will help you dominate.


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